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Everyone is writing a wishlists to this great program, so I will add one of my own. It is hopefully not too hard to do, but it is quite important to me.

If I understand right, there is field for time in GPX trace format:
<trkpt lat="59.889397" lon="10.522553">
I would like to get that <time> info to trace file, so I can later use that info for various countings like speed, awg. speed and like diary, time when I started my journey, etc...

Am I a bit control freak, or what????
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by heikki770
If I understand right, there is field for time in GPX trace format:
<trkpt lat="59.889397" lon="10.522553">
I would like to get that <time> info to trace file, so I can later use that info for various countings like speed, awg. speed and like diary, time when I started my journey, etc...

Am I a bit control freak, or what????
I don't think you are freak, because then, I am more... What I do with my mobile phone (S60 and a bit of python programming) is something similar: I store *all* NMEA data read from the GPS so I can reproduce the trip *exactly* with gpsfake (included on gpsd clients).

Of course, that is a more disk consuming option.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ USA
Smiley Dan, try this suggestion from gnuite to help you with your black screen. Type the command as shown below and then shutdown and reboot 770. It is working great for me now.

Originally Posted by gnuite
Run this command in XTerm (which will clear your settings in GConf) and re-start Maemo Mapper:
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo-mapper"
Thanks gnuite for the GREAT application.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by Smiley Dan
Sadly this still doesn't work for me. Still just a black screen, l've also tried the alternative URL. Hope someone can help!

I had the same problem. If none of the above fixes work, try immediately zooming out 10-11 times. It could be that your start point is zoomed in so close that it renders black. That is what happened in my case, and angrily mashing buttons solved the issue. Anyone know how to set the default starting point when opening the application? Hats off to the author, btw. It got me excited about the 770 again!
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2005
If you're having problems with the maps (they are black), or you can't download them... then check the path you've chosen for the maps...
the directory should exist.. and the cache dir should end with a /
something like: /media/mmc1/mmapper_maps/
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2006
I already install the software but I have a black screen only.
Any help?
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2006
I already install the program but only i see a black screen...
Any help?
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
It would be nice to have Web Map Service client on nokia 770. Is it too difficult to implement it part of maemo-mapper? Specification can be found on OGC's website ( With WMS support it will be possible to create own servers with MapServer ( or any other WMS compatible server and put your own maps online. could be good starting point to Open Source GIS.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2006
Originally Posted by jaska k
It would be nice to have Web Map Service client on nokia 770. Is it too difficult to implement it part of maemo-mapper? Specification can be found on OGC's website ( With WMS support it will be possible to create own servers with MapServer ( or any other WMS compatible server and put your own maps online. could be good starting point to Open Source GIS.
You have my vote, I posted a similar proposal a few days ago.

I would like to hear more voices and opinions (expecially from the author of maemo-mapper) before starting to think about coding something.

I took an eye on the the code, and it does'nt seem too difficult to add basic WMS support, but we have first to add multi-provider support (i.e. the possibility to configure several map providers (see my previous posts in this thread)

Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006 @ Helsinki, Finland
Thanks for great app!

Is there Maemo Mapper debug-build available somewhere? I am having problems with 770 and new Nokia LDW-3 BT-GPS (which works fine with GPS-drive).

I noticed from MM source that it has IFDEF for outputting log but I do not have capability to make debug-build. If any one has a debug -version available I could provide more detailed information about the problem.

Problem with LDW-3 is segmentation fault crash right after announcing "Establishing GPS-fix".

Btw. Nokia LDW-3 is great complement to 770 as it comes with 770 compatible mobile charger

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