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Posts: 60 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Toronto, Canada
thank you :-)

Now i wonder when the night colors feature will be in Maemo Mapper? 1.2.5?
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I have a bug to report: the downloading of the maps around the route works well. But, if I choose to "delete" the maps, specifying to delete those along the route, the dialogue box popping up is right, saying something about it's going to delete the files, but the action triggered is the (re-)download of the maps instead.

You know, with that poor 64 MB bundled card, we have to keep it clean and having that feature broken is uncomfortable :(

It would be very useful, at this regard, a "delete all maps but those along route" feature! (instead of manually deleting all the maps with the file manager, and then download the maps along the route...)
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
hi and thanks for help !

i didn't made it at this moment, because of a certain lack of time.
i will do surely tomorrow.

thanks for all explainations...

i really enjoy this 770, and this is because of this community,
everybody is nice an prompt to help !

i really appreciate.

Originally Posted by BanditRider
The easiest way to enable yourself to become root is to add the repository described here and installing the becomeroot package.
Also install xterm if you haven't yet.
Once you've installed the becomeroot package, run xterm and enter:
sudo su -
Your prompt should end in #
That indicates you're now the root user. If it ends in $ then you're just the normal user.
Now edit the /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf file as described here .
Change the mac address in maemo-mapper's settings to /dev/rfcomm0 and reboot. Your GPS won't get "lost" anymore and you won't need set the escape key to reset the bluetooth connection. You can use it to toggle between street maps and satellite maps or whatever.

If you don't know how to edit a text file in linux, you can copy the file to your mmc card then connect the usb cable to your PC and edit the file with a PC editor then copy the file back to where it belongs:
as root enter in xterm:
cp /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf /media/mmc1
Connect the USB cable and on the PC edit the file then disconnect the USB cable and:
cp /media/mmc1/rfcomm.conf /etc/bluetooth

If that seems too difficult, post your GPS's mac address and I'll post an edited file for you.
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Originally Posted by insert_nick
I have a bug to report: the downloading of the maps around the route works well. But, if I choose to "delete" the maps, specifying to delete those along the route, the dialogue box popping up is right, saying something about it's going to delete the files, but the action triggered is the (re-)download of the maps instead.

You know, with that poor 64 MB bundled card, we have to keep it clean and having that feature broken is uncomfortable

It would be very useful, at this regard, a "delete all maps but those along route" feature! (instead of manually deleting all the maps with the file manager, and then download the maps along the route...)
This was fixed in v1.2.4 - are you using the latest version? Also, make sure you don't have "Auto-Download" enabled, or it will re-download the maps (in view) as soon as you delete them.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
i want to thanks everybody : alll people developping Mapper, especially Gnuite (who is really THE man), and all people using it, active on this board, and helping everybody !

this is WHAT i really enjoy in this 'FREE' world of 770 !


i have finally done this tip : i've setup the rfcomm.conf
with my GPS number. i will test drive it and see if a last the gps/bluetooth connection or not !

Originally Posted by gnuite
Or, alternatively, you can just install and use the Maemo Bluetooth Plugin. That will set up your GPS receiver as /dev/rfcomm0.

Both these suggestions, of course, don't answer the original question, which is about the sudo changes required to enable bluetooth resetting. Admittedly, setting up rfcomm is better, but for those still curious about how to set up bluetooth resetting, simply gain root access and edit the /etc/sudoers (preferably using the program "visudo") file to add the following line:

user ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 reset
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The new URI?
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gigabites's Avatar
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Sep 2006
ok, poi is still not working.
can someone who has gotten it to work please post detailed instuctions. the directions of winpoi are kinda vague. i alway end up with a file that mm reports as either encrypted or not a db.
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Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by gigabites
ok, poi is still not working.
can someone who has gotten it to work please post detailed instuctions. the directions of winpoi are kinda vague. i alway end up with a file that mm reports as either encrypted or not a db.
That's because the Maemo Mapper implementation uses SQLite 2 instead of Cezary's Maemo Mapper version and Winmapper that use SQlite 3
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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Don't know if it has been already requested as feature for maemo-mapper, and if it is feasible with the effort of one person only, but I throw it:

given the big time file operations (transfer, delete, etc.) take when lots of files are involved (and this is the case for maps in maemo-mapper) it would be hugely better have support for zip files in maemo-mapper: that is, maps should be readable/writeable into single files, so that a "delete maps" action, or a transfer from a winmapper set created to the memory card, or whatever, don't take forever. The slowdown for compression/decompression in execution should be acceptable if the prize is a faster management of the files, but I don't know if it is too much slow to be really acceptable.

At least for the reading side (which would great anyway!), a clue could be looking into the zip support of xmame and fce-ultra compiled for 770 by other cool coders on this forum.

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