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Originally Posted by phase315 View Post
I tried using it to help navigate my way from Los Angeles CA, USA to San Diego CA, USA, which a 140 mile ride on South bound Interstate Highway 5, but instead I was given a route of 584 miles.

investigation took shorter than expected

The issue you reported has been fixed in the free update to Mobile Maps 10.

Please kindly let us know how is Mobile Maps 10 working for you.


Sygic Support
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I bought SMM10 from the sygic site earlier today and have spent the last 6 hours trying to install it. I am mystified.

My main problem is the Sygic Assistant does absolutely nothing. I start it up, connect my 900 via mass-storage, confirm the target drive, and then it takes me to the main page. From there I can view the manuals in different languages, change the language, look for updates (none apear, it just tells me I should register for them and I have), and I can look at the picture of two guys luging.

I know it's connected because it tells me how much space is used/available on the device, but there is absolutely nothing there regarding installation.

So, after uninstalling it and reinstalling it, redownloading, restarting my computer, etc, etc. I abandoned this approach.

Instead I copied it into the phone directly, /home/user/MyDocs. I run the .deb file and install it via the app manager. I restart the phone and run the program and it does the common "close immediately / GPS icon flashes a few times". I have completely erased it and tried again several times.

I don't get it, what is the secret to this program? Pulling my hair out, thanks.

I've sent an email to Sygic, but I thought I'd try on here too, since I'm going on a road trip in two days and would like to resolve it before then.
spanner's Avatar
Posts: 253 | Thanked: 184 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Bristol, UK
Originally Posted by Bill Braski View Post
Instead I copied it into the phone directly, /home/user/MyDocs. I run the .deb file and install it via the app manager.
Were you aware that the directories called Maps/ Drive/ Res/ etcetera must be placed directly inside MyDocs (i.e. move them out of SetupSMM_Maemo_Europe or wherever they lived inside the zip file)?

If that's not the issue, then run Sygic from the terminal & see what error it reports... open 'X Terminal' and type (exactly):

/opt/sygic/Drive/Maemo/drive -cwd=/home/user/MyDocs/Drive/Maemo

There should be some kind of error message if Maps starts & quits unexpectedly.

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Originally Posted by spanner View Post
Were you aware that the directories called Maps/ Drive/ Res/ etcetera must be placed directly inside MyDocs (i.e. move them out of SetupSMM_Maemo_Europe or wherever they lived inside the zip file)?

If that's not the issue, then run Sygic from the terminal & see what error it reports... open 'X Terminal' and type (exactly):

/opt/sygic/Drive/Maemo/drive -cwd=/home/user/MyDocs/Drive/Maemo

There should be some kind of error message if Maps starts & quits unexpectedly.
You are awesome. Thanks for taking the time to help a noob out!
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Hi Sygic Support!

I am considering to buy your application, but before I would like to ask few questions not 100% clear even after checking your website :

- Which map are you using ? (Atlas, NavTeq, etc. I am just interested to know the real map coverage)
- Do you support SpeedCam information for hungary ?
- Does the application update SpeedCam information online ?
- Possible to load POI database manually ? (IF e.g. I have a local database I need)
- Do you have any online store possibility like Nokia Maps has with OVI ? (I am ONLY interested to sync my POIs up thats all to know that they are safe)
- If not, possible to manually make a copy of my POIs and restore them later on even after the phone stolen to an other device ?
- Do you support both Drive/Walk navigation ?
- Do you use GSM and Internet for fast position fixing in case of poor GPS coverage ?
- In case my device goes to nokia service and they replace it can I transfer my license to an other device ?
- In case a navigation is going on, and a call comes in, does it goes back to navigation screen why call is going on ?
- Can the voice guide works through Bluettoth headset ?

Sorry for so many questions, but I want to be sure.

Many Thanks for your asnwers,

Posts: 34 | Thanked: 116 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by coolice View Post
Hi Sygic Support!

I am considering to buy your application, but before I would like to ask few questions not 100% clear

thank you for your interest in our products. Please kindly address your questions to support<> as we do not use this forum as an official support platform. We just monitor the forum in order to know and understand the experience of our customers.

Thank you.

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Posts: 48 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Thank you, email sent !

extechop's Avatar
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted by coolice View Post
Thank you, email sent !
Can you please summarize any answers you get here, please?
I am specially interested in importing POIs.
bastler's Avatar
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Does anyone else get a segmentation fault while opening the address book in MM10?

I installed MM10 a while ago, works great, except when I try to navigate to a contact it crashes when opening the address book.

To be more precise: I click on "Suchen/Navigieren" (Search/Navigate - I use the german version), then on "Kontakte" (Contacts), after that I see my address book building up for a few seconds, and then MM10 crashes.

This happens every time both when trying to navigate to a friend via address book and when trying to set my home address via address book.

When started from the console, the crash scenario described above results in exit code 139

The output is

> set_stream 'ALSA Playback'
Segmentation fault

I already tried emailing sygic support more than a week ago, but haven't received an answer, yet.

Any suggestions?

UPDATE: got a reply from Sygic after all. According to their tech support this is a known issue that is to be addressed "soon" (we've all been down THAT road before...).

So let's summarize this: the three major selling points of SMM10 over SMM9 on maemo, according to their website's advertisement, were
- address book integration,
- shiny new UI,
- live traffic feeds.

4 weeks AFTER release the status of those are:
- address book integration: reproducably segfaults upon initialization, known issue ==> zero functionality
- shiny new UI: looks nice, but is dead slow and unresponsive, known issue ==> works, but with major performance issues. Personally I'd much prefer the old uglier but fast UI over the new shiny but annoyingly slow one.
- live traffic feeds: service not available in Germany, known issue ==> zero functionality

So if you look at it pessimistically SMM10 is basically a late bugfix release for SMM9, finally delivering what was promised for SMM9 from the beginning (acceptable routing, good positioning, basic multitasking, fullscreen, auto rotation), but really not a lot more.

Don't get me wrong, It's still a nice, usable program, and certainly a lot better than some things I have seen for other smartphones, but still I find these empty promises extremely annoying!

If I buy (as in: pay for) software, I expect the advertised features to work RIGHT NOW, not as a planned enhancement for some future update that might or might not make it into production.


Don't make promises you cannot keep! We all know software development is hard work, especially when going multi-platform, and that things do go wrong sometimes.
I generally don't have a problem with running alpha-status software, either. I do however like to know what I will get for my money and what a software I rely on can and cannot do.

So when at the release date the list of known issues is identical to the list of new features, it's time to change either the product description, or the release date!

just my two cent's worth...

Last edited by bastler; 2010-08-26 at 18:40. Reason: update
d-iivil's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bastler View Post
Does anyone else get a segmentation fault while opening the address book in MM10?

I installed MM10 a while ago, works great, except when I try to navigate to a contact it crashes when opening the address book.

To be more precise: I click on "Suchen/Navigieren" (Search/Navigate - I use the german version), then on "Kontakte" (Contacts), after that I see my address book building up for a few seconds, and then MM10 crashes.

This happens every time both when trying to navigate to a friend via address book and when trying to set my home address via address book.

When started from the console, the crash scenario described above results in exit code 139

The output is

> set_stream 'ALSA Playback'
Segmentation fault

I already tried emailing sygic support more than a week ago, but haven't received an answer, yet.

Any suggestions?
Not really... MM10 is pretty unstable release at the moment and Sygic has told that they are working on update, but it will take time because they want to release new product called "Aura" for Maemo aswell. Maybe they will reply you when they have finished the Aura and want you to spend more money instead getting the already paid product working :P
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