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Posts: 92 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ leicester UK
Originally Posted by Icyseanfitz View Post
true this deserves an you go 1 internet
Thanks very much, but some say it is not one internet but many and so call it the 'internets'.

So if you know where this one internet is, I will go there and tell them about the rocket fuel on the moon and that it is no longer necessary to expensively lift rocket fuel up out of the earth's gravity well.

Last edited by Dollyknot; 2010-05-19 at 20:40. Reason: Too many words
Posts: 92 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ leicester UK
Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
We aren't adapting the enviroment to our needs. On the contrary, we are destroying the enviroment and making it unsuitable to us.
You can make the same argument about a foetus in the womb.

Human beings terraforming the moon and Mars, would be like mother earth, giving birth to life in the universe, using us as the agent.

Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
We should concentrate on mending our ways. Escaping somewhere else is the usual technocratic pipedream out of trouble. Humanity acts so immaturely that we shouldn't even be allowed to step out of our homeplanet until we start acting like a proper grownup civilazation.
I'm starting to wonder how old you are and curious as to how many children you have bought

So how does a proper grown up civilisation work then?

Your statement puzzles me somewhat, all the evidence I know, suggests the human race is a very young species, like Crocodiles are over 300 million years old as are sharks, how old do you think the human species is?

Perhaps part of the process of the human race growing up, is for us to put the earth back the way we found it.

As there is going on to be 7 billion of us, how do you propose we achieve this wonderful dream - a mass cull?

There is another route, is it an accident that we have evolved the ability to change the environment to an enormous degree?

Why not use this ability where it does not destroy a biosphere but creates one?

After all, nearly all of the raw materials are up there already, just waiting for us to get to work.
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
what is the expected outcome of manned moon mission?

-probably near zero.
I'm glad you say probably, it means you accept the fact you could be wrong.

When people say NASA did not go to the moon I say yes it is possible, that the whole thing is a giant fraud - I find this highly improbable but possible.

This begs the question - do you think it probable or possible, that Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon in 1969?

For the time being, let us send robots to the moon only, till we have terraformed the moon using our n900's.

Originally Posted by ossipena View Post

So no way to harvest resources, probability of major discovery can be rounded to nice number: 0%

a bit like I would fetch beer from south pole, wheres the logic?!?
But NASA did harvest stuff on the moon, they found water in the moon rock they bought back and assumed it got there by contamination - fools.

40% of moon rock is oxygen, most of the atoms streaming from the Sun in the solar wind, are hydrogen, I would be very surprised if the hydrogen streaming from the Sun, didn't sometimes interact with the oxygen in moon rock and create water.

If there is water on the moon there is potential beer on the moon, the idea of going to the south pole for a pint is far less attractive than going to the moon for a pint.
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Originally Posted by Dollyknot View Post
So if you know where this one internet is, I will go there and tell them about the rocket fuel on the moon and that it is no longer necessary to expensively lift rocket fuel up out of the earth's gravity well.
You could just tell NASA directly. (or maybe you already have!)

I will let you in on a little secret.....

(i work in mission control)

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