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Originally Posted by klwdallas View Post
Anyway, my suggestion: I like to use the 'Auto-update' checkbox when I >Download a route. However, it would be better (less CPU, less data, less distraction) if it only updated when you were off course. It would be nice if how far off course before update could be configurable too.
Good idea!
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A minor suggestion. I have reconfigured my Hardware keys so that '>' (right) is 'Select Next Repository'. It would be nice if I could configure '<' left to be 'Select *Previous* Repository'.

An unrelated suggestion: The scale box at the bottom could be larger.

Finally, if it's possible to control the brightness from Mapper maybe increase/decrease brightness could be added to the cofigurable commands *OR* if you could schedule times of the day when the screen would be bright or dim. I find that when I use my tablet at night (at home) I turn the brightness way down. The next day when I navigate I have to increase the brightness.

Thanks again for a great program.
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First off, great app! I'm getting more and more used to it especially when walking around the city. One of these days I'll figure out how POIs work ;-) Maybe there could be a POI mode where clicking on the map opens a dialog to add a POI, just name and category.

Another suggestions. Would it make sense to have zoom levels definable where only selected levels would be used in both zoom and automatic download? This could help keep down the amount of storage used.

Again, thanks for great work!
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Originally Posted by nedim View Post
First off, great app! I'm getting more and more used to it especially when walking around the city. One of these days I'll figure out how POIs work ;-) Maybe there could be a POI mode where clicking on the map opens a dialog to add a POI, just name and category.
In version 1.4.6...
Touch and hold a place on the map ->Location->add poi...
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by klwdallas View Post
This is my first post, so I want to start positive. I've been using Maemo Mapper for a couple of months with my LD-1W. I have previously used a Garmin 76CS, and since I work for Nokia get free licenses for Wayfinder 7 (on E90 and E61i), Telmap Nav and 'Maps' on E90. My point is that right now I prefer Mapper because of the quality and size of the maps.

Anyway, my suggestion: I like to use the 'Auto-update' checkbox when I >Download a route. However, it would be better (less CPU, less data, less distraction) if it only updated when you were off course. It would be nice if how far off course before update could be configurable too.

It is a little annoying that every few seconds my route is being 'recalculated' because the status dialog overlaps the turn directions.

Did I miss something or is there a way to only update my route only when I am off course?
Maemo Mapper should only update your route when you're off course, but of course, the judgement of "off course" is left to the application. I made a guess that figures when you're off course, but I guess in your case, the guess is too conservative. I'll consider making the sensitivity an option, but these things are hard to make configurable without confusing the average user.
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Originally Posted by rhouge View Post
In version 1.4.6...
Touch and hold a place on the map ->Location->add poi...
What are you asking for? That feature is already there....
sondjata's Avatar
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Never knew that. Just tried it out. Great tip!
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Hi gnuite,
Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
First of all, I'd like to add an option to repositories to allow them to work without a cache at all. This means that, whenever a new tile is needed (i.e. not already drawn on the screen), Maemo Mapper will have to download it - it won't try to retrieve it from a cache database, because there won't be a cache database (for that particular repository). It's a bit of extra work, but I think it's definitely doable. But is it worth the effort?
So you always should be online to use this. In my region / state this is not the case or to expansive in most cases.
I'd prefer improving the already implemented cache mode if it is possible:
Detect if a tile of a region is outdated in the cache => update.
But on the other hand I think this is not possible or the handling to time consuming.
Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Soooo... Idea #2 for Maemo Mapper 2.x is to support layered repositories.
Am I right? That would mean that POIs that can be overlayed in Google Maps e.g. can be shown in maemo-mapper,too?
That would be great if the xml overlay structure (kml?!) by google could be directly
imported like a route,track!!
I also see the performance issue with transparency - so perhaps there is a way for you to implement a 'hello world' transparency demo program without too much effort?
So we could see what it costs...

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Originally Posted by asys3 View Post
So you always should be online to use this. In my region / state this is not the case or to expansive in most cases.
I'd prefer improving the already implemented cache mode if it is possible:
Detect if a tile of a region is outdated in the cache => update.
But on the other hand I think this is not possible or the handling to time consuming.
Yeah, that's probably excessive. If you're using a non-transient (i.e. standard) map repository, there isn't much ROI in checking for out-of-dateness. You can still overwrite existing maps using the "Manage Maps" dialog, if you want.

Originally Posted by asys3 View Post
That would mean that POIs that can be overlayed in Google Maps e.g. can be shown in maemo-mapper,too?
That would be great if the xml overlay structure (kml?!) by google could be directly
imported like a route,track!!
Not quite. POIs in Google Maps are not implemented as bitmap overlays, so that wouldn't really work. Even if it did, you'd probably have to define a separate repository for each POI search criterion, which is far too inconvenient. No, I'd have to write a POI web service in order to parse Google's POI HTML output and convert it to GPX - not impossible, maybe someday.
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Originally Posted by rhouge View Post
In version 1.4.6...
Touch and hold a place on the map ->Location->add poi...
Ahh! Of course. I never got use to 'touch and hold' thingy on N800. It makes perfect sense. And MM just got a whole lot more useful for me ;-)

Thanks for the great tip.

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