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@ Florida
, 14:33
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@ The Netherlands
I had a bug upgrading from busybox 1.18.5power3 to 1.19.0power2 (missed update to 1.19.0power1). History got stuck, not saving any changes, after the updates. I deleted /root/.ash_history and /home/user/.ash_history and the problem seems to be solved, just thought I'd throw out a heads-up to that effect.
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, 16:39
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@ Mexico DF, Mexico
Thanks for the heads up!
I remember experiencing something similar to this too during development, but I can't seem to reproduce it now by:which resulted in the new commands being appended to the history file as they're supposed to be. I'd love to hear back from other people whether their history is/was stuck too. If so, I might push out 1.19.0power3 to unstuck the history by some postinst magic.
- Removing all history files
- Downgrade to 1.18.5power3
- Type some commands (and verify that they're in the history file)
- Upgrade to 1.19.0power2
- Type some new commands
I'm also having an issue with swapoff with the busybox-power 1.19.0 series, which seems to be the result of a parsing error of the options passed to it. However, busybox-power doesn't touch (i.e. patch or otherwise modify) swapoff.c and getopt32.c of BusyBox. If possible, I'd like to receive some confirmation from another busybox-power user (one or two confirmations will suffice) whether swapoff works or not for him/her. If not, I'll dig deeper in this.
Update: it seems like something broke upstream: swapoff fails with the same message using vanilla source on my laptop too. The bugreport can be found here. I don't need to receive confirmation anymore regarding swapoff in busybox-power.
, 14:53
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Estel For This Useful Post: | ||
, 06:50
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@ Brazil
i got a bug since i update to your latest device fails to reboot properly...
if i use TC & choose "auto-reboot after saving setting" the device shutdown not reboot...when i run the reboot command on x-term it also fails to reboot just shutdown my device....
i suspected if it not this it might be related to kernel power v48 aswell...
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, 19:29
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@ The Netherlands
Thanks, I didn't know what was that error related to. I hope it may be solved soon...
This might be relevant - I THINK I had two xterms open when updating busybox, so I suppose that could have something to do with it.
In my case, it result in spontaneous reboot all the time. Furthermore, calling upon leafpad after "sudo gainroot" - instead of "root" and trying to "save as" result in leafpad crashing with "Segmentation fault" output in xterm (this time, without rebooting N900).
As odd it may sound, I'm pretty sure that this started after busybox power "big update" OR KP48. Most likely the latter, but I'm reporting here "just in case".
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, 20:42
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I apparently forgot to enable ipv6 support in the config file of busybox_root. Expect a fixed v1.19.0power2 to hit the repositories soon