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pycage's Avatar
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Maybe I'm just lucky but I have a first batch phone (#289 sold) and the SIM card detector is working fine. I wouldn't call it broken by design.
Of course, when you produce electronics, some amount of it might fail undetected at the factory, and reach the end user. This is pretty normal for all electronics.
Just with the small amount of Jolla phones sold and many users actively talking about it on the net, this issue appears to be more widespread than with other electronics devices.
So if you happen to be among the small percentage of people to have faulty hardware, don't blame Jolla (or the factory), but ask for a replacement. You have warranty on the device.
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Well there you are.
PR fluff -> all companies do it, large and small. Ignore it if you don't like it
FOSS stuff -> this is what is important to me, for example.
I'm offering feedback for Jolla's benefit. I agree Jolla people participate in certain technical FOSS processes of course. And you can get high-fives from them on Twitter if you say the right things. But when it comes to unpleasant topics or other interactions, they as a company are pretty aloof, pretty distant. Not very unlike anyway.

Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
I have no idea what are you talking about here, what "openness" do you mean besides the 2 things above?
There is no possibility for a company to be more open IMHO. This is a company doing business, not a boyscout club we are talking about.
There is "no possibility for a company to be more open"? You really think Jolla has reached the maximum level of openness for a company doing business - seriously?

There are plenty of startups that are far more open than Jolla is and their communities thrive because of it. I would love to see Jolla do well and currently I fear their community approach is not the best. They started with too much hype and now they've just regressed into a shell of sorts. I'd rather they'd just share more openly, I think that would serve them well.

They are free to do otherwise, of course. Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Yes, I believe you are either a native finnish speaker or you have some finnish friend making up your finnish bits. They are pretty convincing, nothing you can easily make up with google translate for example.
Still, you could be Filipp, for all I know
Sure, one could be using a Finnish speaker. But then there would have to be a Finnish speaker willing to align with those thoughts. Then again, all of you could be fk_lx just trolling me.

Mutta ettei tosiaan jäisi epäselväksi, en ole fk_lx. Jollan slikki peeärrä ei oikein uppoa tällaiseen jäyhään suomalaiseen, joka mieluummin kuulisi rehellistä suoraa puhetta.
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Maybe I'm just lucky but I have a first batch phone (#289 sold) and the SIM card detector is working fine. I wouldn't call it broken by design.
Of course, when you produce electronics, some amount of it might fail undetected at the factory, and reach the end user. This is pretty normal for all electronics.
Just with the small amount of Jolla phones sold and many users actively talking about it on the net, this issue appears to be more widespread than with other electronics devices.
So if you happen to be among the small percentage of people to have faulty hardware, don't blame Jolla (or the factory), but ask for a replacement. You have warranty on the device.
Sure. But the point was: Jolla would have been, in my opinion, wise to acknowledge and share through this story. It would have won them tons of goodwill from the early adopter community. Jolla could win a lot of goodwill by being more open about many things, before people get annoyed by being ignored.

Like-any-other-company answers don't do that.

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Originally Posted by Morpog View Post
If I had a SIM card holder issue what would help me?

a) Jolla tells me the exact technical reason why this happens (pango`s solution)
b) Jolla tells me to contact care to get it repaired (Jolla's solution)
c) Jolla tells me I'm holding it wrong (Apple's solution)
Just so we're clear, my solution obviously would have been a combination of a and b.

But I get it, there are bunch of people here who don't want Jolla being open about stuff. That's kind of weird to me, but hey, to each their own.

Meitä on moneen junaan. Ja veneeseen.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
The story is and always has been: Send it in for repair.

If your screen is broken, you send it in for repair. If your speaker is broken (which happened to some, IIRC), you send it in for repair. If your USB-port is broken, you send it in for repair. Yet, if your SIM-card-holder is broken, all of a sudden it turns into a semi-esotheric mythical stuff and people want "answers" and "transparency" instead of having their phones fixed?

I'm not getting it. And again, maybe it would help if you could just make up a possible "answer" you'd have expected from Jolla so that we know what you actually talk about.
I get it, that the story has been send it for repair. The SIM card case is not a case of warranty denied, of course.

It is of an explanation denied:

Just read it all.

If you can't see how Jolla is denying people the explanation, then you must be blind. And if you can't see how those people on the thread would have been happier with an answer, you must be doubly so.

Again, I'm saying this is not wise. An early adopter community like this would probably respond better to a little more... respect.

A very Jolla thing too. No explanation, vague promises of a future explanation, then silence. Maybe someone told them to shut up?
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Originally Posted by pango View Post
Sure. But the point was: Jolla would have been, in my opinion, wise to acknowledge and share through this story. It would have won them tons of goodwill from the early adopter community. Jolla could win a lot of goodwill by being more open about many things, before people get annoyed by being ignored.

Like-any-other-company answers don't do that.
I wonder what's there to acknowledge? Faulty hardware happens to reach end users all the time. This does not mean that there is a problem with hardware in general that had to be acknowledged, such as Apple's infamous external antenna, which OTOH indeed was broken by design.
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Originally Posted by Morpog View Post
That random random guy by the way fk_lx just wrote about in that Disqus discussion is a multiple account by fk_lx too imo.
Unfortunately not. "Random Random" has been infecting every thread on MNB for quite some time. Mostly it's just based around the opinion that nobody should bother doing anything because iOS and Android has won, Nokia was doomed already before Elop and nothing anyone could have done would have saved it. But for "Random Random", opinion = fact.

I was hoping Jay might have enforced real names now that he's shifted the comments to Disqus so people can't hide behind aliases.
javispedro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pango View Post
But I get it, there are bunch of people here who don't want Jolla being open about stuff.
I personally don't care whether they are open or not about the status of their production batches or even their finances. I am not really interested into how Jolla works internally. To be honest I do not even understand why would anyone care unless they were an employee, an stockholder, or an out-of-control fanboy.

Now, schematics for their devices would be much more useful. And yet for some reason people are not discussing that.

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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
I wonder what's there to acknowledge? Faulty hardware happens to reach end users all the time. This does not mean that there is a problem with hardware in general that had to be acknowledged, such as Apple's infamous external antenna, which OTOH indeed was broken by design.
Just read the story:

It just looks pretty darn weird to see how they circle around the explanation, but from my perspective this is how Jolla handles uncomfortable situations. See those comments asking for explanation and receiving none. Do you not think that audience would have responded better otherwise? Liked Jolla more for being a little more unlike? I think Jolla is shooting themselves in the foot by the secrecy.

It was pretty darn weird to see Apple circle around the infamous antenna explanation, too...
Dave999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by javispedro View Post
I personally don't care whether they are open or not about the status of their production batches or even their finances. I am not really interested into how Jolla works internally. To be honest I do not even understand why would anyone care unless they were an employee, an stockholder, or an out-of-control fanboy.

Now, schematics for their devices would be much more useful. And yet for some reason people are not discussing that.
Lets say a compony U buying fr.o.m. Using child Labour, pay rediculas low salaries, have a View of the world that is not part of your View or bad customer support and ignore its users, subcontracors and delivery factory. You don't care?

Personally i want to know as much as possible about componies i support With Money.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2014-08-27 at 18:18.

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