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I sure hope this doesn't have a negative effect:
N9: Go white or go home
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
while TA will cry that symbian app store was the greatest (in terms of size he might even be right) it was the most tiresome for devs. so many symbian versions (s30/40/60/v3/v5) even if one Nokia phone had a good app it was EXTREMELY unlikely devs spent extra 3x more work to support all keyboard layouts/screen resolutions etc.
If it took devs 3x more work they were doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
You should also take these numbers with a bit of salt. TA gives numbers for Q4/Q1, while a slump is visible this way, the slowing growth (thanks to the greatest failed and superbly marketed concepts of N97/mini) would be much more visible with monthly data.
Please provide a link to the monthly data you have.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Feb announcement is 2 months into the failure Q1.
It was the start of February so it was only 1 month in. Also the Symbian Foundation was closed in Q4 2010 so it's quite possible carriers had already delayed reordering NOKIA products until they had clarified what was going on there. That's certainly what I would have done.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
The memo wasn't an unsupported leak.
No, it was a press release.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
A lot of people with instant access to the data decided a change to strategy was vital.
This was a vital strategic decision? Any strategist with more than half a brain should be able to predict the outcome of announcing his own products obsolete nearly a full year before he'd have anything viable to replace them with and he certainly wouldn't contemplate exclusively adopting an OS that was already a well proven failure.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
If Q2/Q3 released devices were a hit you'd not see any big change in sale figures. People still buy good products.
NOKIA's customers are carriers and retailers not the end user, I doubt the buyers in such companies are in a hurry to order products that have been publicly announced obsolete. If I were a buyer in one of those companies on the day Elop announced Symbian/MeeGo EOL I would have phoned my contact at NOKIA and told them they could stick all open orders right up their 4r53 (and I'd expect them to take back any stock I couldn't shift too). Not only that but I'd think twice before having any further dealings with them.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Yes, live in pink Tomi's world where everyone was happy with Nokia and the words 'burning platform' came out of nowhere. It is not that every analyst was scared of how fast sales were dropping (from June/July so by the time Q4 hit the praised Tomi growth was FAR FAR FAR below expectations).
Please provide a link to the data showing the sales dropping, NOKIA's accounts show them increasing. Their initial financial statement in Q1 2011 also stated they could have sold even more if it weren't for component shortages.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
aside from lunacy in his post judge his appraisals: Symbian as top app market, lol.
In terms of revenue it was second only to Apple's app store, it was bigger than the Android marketplace. That is a verifiable fact.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
everyone knew Symbian was dead
Everyone, that is, except the tens of millions of people who continued to buy them.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
I am yet to see how TA replies to overwhelming 920 adoption
Please provide a link to your evidence of 'overwhelming 920 adoption'.
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It's going to be interesting to see NOKIA's gross margin when the financials come out seeing as they were dumping 800s at less than cost at the start of the quarter. I wonder what proportion of the 4.4 million they represent.

They sold over 9 million Ashas though which is good news. I hope they're not going to classify those as smartphones this quarter so they can muddy the waters when it comes to their margin on smart devices.

Their cash position will also be interesting, especially as their credit rating is now junk. If they've got no cash and no credit they're going to be on a sticky wicket.
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Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
If it took devs 3x more work they were doing it wrong.
Yup, all types of keyboards hw/sw, different screen sizes/resolutions, systems (yeah Symbian was not monolithic, they seem to fixed that with anna/belle I guess, at the time it was a mess)... Not sure how much coding work you've done for mobile platforms, but in order to sell a product you also have to deal with support. Much easier to limit app availability to some models (do other app stores have the awesome feature: supported nokias <insert long (or short if your resources are limited) list of Nxyz here>) and most apps were limited to certain models, don't think this is the case with iApps.

Please provide a link to the monthly data you have.

It was the start of February so it was only 1 month in. Also the Symbian Foundation was closed in Q4 2010 so it's quite possible carriers had already delayed reordering NOKIA products until they had clarified what was going on there. That's certainly what I would have done.

No, it was a press release.

This was a vital strategic decision? Any strategist with more than half a brain should be able to predict the outcome of announcing his own products obsolete nearly a full year before he'd have anything viable to replace them with and he certainly wouldn't contemplate exclusively adopting an OS that was already a well proven failure.


Please provide a link to the data showing the sales dropping, NOKIA's accounts show them increasing. Their initial financial statement in Q1 2011 also stated they could have sold even more if it weren't for component shortages.

You don't need monthly/weekly/daily data. You just need to analyze available data unbiased, unlike TA. His reading of Q data is to support his vision of triumphant Symbian. Good for him. Just checked, leak was on Friday 4th of Feb, you're right, not half of Feb, the press release was 8th/9th as the damage was already done by the leak. Now, if Tomi's reading with comprehension, with constant steady growth in sales (the super growth theory) 2/3 of a Q would account for a drop in growth. His interpretation would need some below zero sales. Would he be still *****ing if the memo leaked at the beginning of Q2 when all investors would be shocked to see drop in sales, not slowing of growth? Then they would complain that the management is acting too slow to the changes in a dynamic market, guess you can't please everyone...

In terms of revenue it was second only to Apple's app store, it was bigger than the Android marketplace. That is a verifiable fact.
Yeah, second to something that was 3 times younger, see a problem with that?

Everyone, that is, except the tens of millions of people who continued to buy them.
Analysts/journalists/everyone... Symbian was from different generation by then. If it wasn't for 808 don't think the word 'tens' would make sense in the above sentence.

Please provide a link to your evidence of 'overwhelming 920 adoption'.
Yeah, sold out in 2hrs is astroturfing...
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They sold 4m lumias in 2Q12, 4.4m in 4Q12. The forth quarter is always a strong one, so this quarter sales will go down again.

Stabilizing at a very low level. I think we can now officially say that the wp strategy has failed.
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Underlying profit can mean whatever Nokia (Elop) wants it to mean.
N9: Go white or go home
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Originally Posted by Rugoz View Post
They sold 4m lumias in 2Q12, 4.4m in 4Q12. The forth quarter is always a strong one, so this quarter sales will go down again.

Stabilizing at a very low level. I think we can now officially say that the wp strategy has failed.
I think you have officially failed to comprehend the return of Nokia as part of the third ecosystem.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
I think you have officially failed to comprehend the return of Nokia as part of the third ecosystem.
It's not that much of a comeback of sale, honestly. Apple sold 86 million whereas Samsung sold 21 million in the US alone last year.

Stats located here. Those are not global numbers. And Windows Phone is still not even 10% of the global share.
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Its good for a nascent OS. If they make next few steps right, they can get into double digits. That is the goal.
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Hey guys, don't rain on lumiaman's parade!

Give him a day.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

bring me beer, downward spiral, elop is nero, let's talk bs, lumiadickweed, lumiatard, nero fiddling, nokia bears, nokiastockrock, thanks for asha

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