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Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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Akkumaru's Avatar
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Originally Posted by enekux View Post

for those who would like to increase the battery life of their N900s I would recommend to have a look to dr_frost_dk posts "Battery Tests, Homemade 3000mAh XL Battery & Q&A (POST #1) - New Layout".

In my case I bought 2x PolarCell batteries and a mugen cover and my device runs non-stop for 2 days+.

Now the question is... will Neo900 consider this and include it in their designs?


BTW: I want to congratulate the leaders of this project. I think that initiatives like this one are what we need in this world controlled by big corporations... keep the good work!!

I am so excited...
I am going to safely assume that nope you are not getting space for an extra battery. However, as it uses the original N900 case you can use your Mugen with it, so no problem.
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
It will probably impress the hell out of bystanders when we [...] read out our GPS position [...]
From inside the conference building? That would impress the hell out of me too!

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
From inside the conference building? That would impress the hell out of me too!
I'd imagine you can connect a little better antenna to the demo device for that purpose, and maybe run a coax up to the nearest window... That's what I would do in that situation.

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
From inside the conference building? That would impress the hell out of me too!
Yes, I hope for nearby windows and an outstanding GNSS performance.

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Hi joerg_rw. Is it possible to detach the keyboard from pcb? I want to design a body in which the keyboard is located below the screen at the same level as the screen. So I will get thinner device and still have 2 batteries side by side.

Something that looks like this(I did not draw that :-)

Finished device would be the size of Palm V.

Edit: added info and links.
Motorola M3688 → Ericsson R320 → Siemens S40 → Motorola V60c → Palm Treo 650 → Blackberry 9000 → Nokia N900 → HP Pre 3 → Nokia N900 → Nokia N9 → Nokia N900 → Nokia 808 → Blackberry Z10 → Blackberry Passport

Only dead fish swim with the stream.

Last edited by The Wizard of Huz; 2013-11-19 at 15:30.

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Originally Posted by The Wizard of Huz View Post
Hi joerg_rw. Is it possible to detach the keyboard from pcb?...
Though we plan to have a 80% "cut off" (some trench milled into the PCB to allow kbd to bend without making the BGA chips on other half of PCB go 'pop'), and thus a "breaking off" of kbd PCB half was theoretically possible maybe, you still would need to place that other half of upper-PCB - with its display connector and whatnot - somewhere, so nothing gained by such design regarding thickness of device. Sorry.

You rather should think about placing additional battery volume underneath the "roof" formed by slide-up display. There's available volume of roughly 23*12*110 mm^3 which makes for quite some LiIon-stored energy.

If you want to lift the kbd a few mm to make it flush and plane with display, you easily can attach a second kbd to replace the original one.


Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-11-19 at 17:09.

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our first modem sample for the prototype

Tricky to solder: - 080820.pdf

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-11-19 at 16:51.

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Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
But with the neo900, the user will have the ability to remove power to the modem, right? My understanding is that the neo900 owner will have the ability to power-down the modem under software control (on the main processor), which will give one the freedom from tracking that can be acheived with other phones only by removing the battery. Am I wrong about that?
Yes, basically you're right about that. Plus we probably will add functions that allow the main processor to detect exactly what state the modem is in, so we know for example when it starts sending, we know when it's powered up/booting, etc. Double security :-)

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-11-19 at 17:30.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Yes, basically you're right about that. Plus we probably will add functions that allow the main processor to detect exactly what state the modem is in, so we know for example when it starts sending, we know when it's powered up/booting, etc. Double security :-)
does it mean a light will blink when the mordem is sending or reciveing ? That would be very kind i can know when my 2.5g broadband is down without fussing. also in sparetime think of the all time lisening radio it will provide help when lost or when far away

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Originally Posted by nokiabot View Post
does it mean a light will blink when the mordem is sending or reciveing ? That would be very kind i can know when my 2.5g broadband is down without fussing. also in sparetime think of the all time lisening radio it will provide help when lost or when far away
Yes, that's the basic idea. You can have a daemon on linux doing such "LED blinking" (or whatever else notification you want to implement).

We won't implement an always-on radio just for an extreme niche case, particularly not when it introduces massive vulnerability. (and we don't have any "spare time" )


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neo900, thank you!

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