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What does

sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0
give you?

You should be able to partition/format the card in another Linux machine... or possibly a Windows machine. Unless it's completely trashed.

I've got a (cheap no-name brand) SD card here which died while in a Windows XP laptop over Christmas and it's completely unusable, impossible to partition - I've tried everything so far. Probably corrupted in the same way that OS 2007 v3 corrupted SD cards.

Partition Type "0C" is "FAT 32 (LBA)" - LBA being needed for large disks (greater than 128GB I believe)... probably not essential for SD cards in which case standard FAT 32 (type 0B) can be used instead. I've attached the various partition types known by cfdisk on my Ubuntu Gibbon system.
Attached Files
File Type: txt partitiontypes.txt (2.4 KB, 272 views)
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Mil, I know what you are going to suggest..........why dont you just follow thru and format the DOS and see what happens?

I did. It formatted. and after a reboot, it showed up in controlpanel/memory and file manager and i just test drive and copy a file to and from, it works.

So, looks like a happy ending. But, why it give the error message upon partitioning? and this is a 2 G card, for a 8 G SDHC, do I have to do anything different, like a special SDHC kernel to use bigger than 2 G? Searching the forum does not suggest that.

a more happier bun, now
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one more dumb question, sorry, Mil, how do I output the text from xterm into a file for posting? I know only how to do a screen shot image.

thanks, again. your simplified clone instructions save my day.

here is the output,

Attached Images

Last edited by bunanson; 2008-01-07 at 13:07.
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
So, looks like a happy ending. But, why it give the error message upon partitioning? and this is a 2 G card, for a 8 G SDHC, do I have to do anything different, like a special SDHC kernel to use bigger than 2 G? Searching the forum does not suggest that.

I don't know why it happened, but glad you got it sorted. You shouldn't need a modified kernel as OS 2008 supports SDHC out of the box.

To redirect the output from a command to a file, use the redirection character ">", eg.

sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0 > /tmp/partition.txt
Personally I prefer connecting over ssh using PuTTY then cutting & pasting the output for posting!
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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
I don't know why it happened, but glad you got it sorted. You shouldn't need a modified kernel as OS 2008 supports SDHC out of the box.

To redirect the output from a command to a file, use the redirection character ">", eg.

sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0 > /tmp/partition.txt
Personally I prefer connecting over ssh using PuTTY then cutting & pasting the output for posting!
I have tried SSH several times in the past, I never got it to work. Dont know why. Maybe I will do some good reading this time. Whenever I see people doing SSH, I can only jealous.

Well, the lessons about this, is to follow exactly what it said, it said
"command re-read partition failed, reboot before DOS format.." something like that. It really did, after reboot, everything works fine. Still sore why there is such error message, and what is the significance of partition re-read failure do to my system.

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I attempted to clone to the 8G SDHC card and failed. I repeat what I learned from the 2G card, I was able to format the 8G card to mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2. And then I start on step 7, and when I do the step chmod +x..., operation not permitted. Do I suppose to do that step every time?

I then proceed to do ./ 0,1,2,3 on step 3, has a lot of file unable to open, no such file or directory....end up with error on input/output back to command line ~bin #. Upon boot up, failed to boot from mmc, boot from flash.

regarding the card, it was read correctly as 7.1 G for DOS and .8G for mmcblk0p2. Any suggestions?

Of course, I guess, if I am crazy enough, would reflesh my N800 and clone from fresh, they should work, as it has worked with my 2G card. Or I am just settle with 2G/8G system?



Just a thought, I was able to clone to my 2G SD card on mmcblk0p2and boot from the 2G card, but failed on my 8G SD mmcblk0p2. Can I mirror my 2G cloned OS to my 8G mmcblk0p2 on a Linux box? If yes, what is the command? thanks.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-01-08 at 02:51.
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
And then I start on step 7, and when I do the step chmod +x..., operation not permitted. Do I suppose to do that step every time?
Do you have the file stored in a FAT partition as the executable flag isn't supported by FAT - you need to store the script in the jffs2 filesystem (internal flash, ie. /home/user/bin).

Are you root when running Did you download as root but are now trying to chmod the file as the normal unprivileged user? It would help if you were able to post the errors in this thread (this would be easier if you were running ssh... maybe open another thread to discuss the problems you are having as it usually works a treat - I wrote a guide to configure ssh using PuTTY on Windows and public/private key authentication for the user account here. Install openssh-server from the extras repository).

Ordinarily you don't need to download and chmod each time you run it - you only need to do it once.
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Just a thought, I was able to clone to my 2G SD card on mmcblk0p2and boot from the 2G card, but failed on my 8G SD mmcblk0p2. Can I mirror my 2G cloned OS to my 8G mmcblk0p2 on a Linux box? If yes, what is the command? thanks.

Should be possible using tar or dd, but if the N800 won't clone to the 8GB card it suggests there is something fundamentally wrong with the card which won't be fixed by cloning on the Linux machine... you should be able to clone to the 8GB card - if you can't I seriously doubt you'll be able to boot from it until the N800s dislike for the card is resolved.
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Am I the only one getting this?

At stage 3 I get:

/home/user/bin/tar: .: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 00:00:00
I am running a vanilla OS2008 on a N800. Freshly flashed with nothing installed on besides wget and e2fsprogs.
I runned the commands as stated in the howto.
I tried copying around the tar file with mc but it didn't helped. I also redownloaded the file, didn't help either.

Any ideeas?

Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by icebox View Post
Am I the only one getting this?

At stage 3 I get:

/home/user/bin/tar: .: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 00:00:00
I am running a vanilla OS2008 on a N800. Freshly flashed with nothing installed on besides wget and e2fsprogs.
I runned the commands as stated in the howto.
I tried copying around the tar file with mc but it didn't helped. I also redownloaded the file, didn't help either.

Any ideeas?

Everyone gets it, nothing to worry about... the top level directory in the root of the device (.) is created with the (implausibly old) time stamp 1 Jan 1970 (ie. the epoch or beginning of time as far as Unix is concerned) and tar is just having a bit of a moan - it's not tar that is at fault, it's the "." directory (or /.).

Last edited by Milhouse; 2008-01-09 at 09:25.

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