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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Or a fix already underway before the other issues were discovered.
Yes, it's allways possible they haven't looked bugzilla since mid of june last year.
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I have no idea what drives priority. I just know issues aren't completely ignored. For whatever reason, one issue gets fixed before another. Excuse the hyberbole, but it ain't over yet.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Excuse the hyberbole, but it ain't over yet.
No. Just face it. 770 is over allready. Without active developement community world will just run past it. There is no reason to belive active developement for 770 anymore. Os2007 for 770 could save it, but Nokia is not interested of making useful one. So good bye cruel world. (I'll go and fix me an another drink to heal my sorrow.)
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You could be right. If so I feel just as bad. You guys can't know how but I did try to find a way to extend its life. I don't know if what I said resonated though.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Excuse the hyberbole, but it ain't over yet.
Texrat, I appreciate your (rather outspoken and, in my opinion, unexplainably rosy) opinions about the 770's future, even if I don't completely agree with them, but if you use the word "hyperbole" one more time (correctly or not), I'm going to have to block your posts.

The 770 will live on thanks to its dedicated userbase, or it will fade away thanks to its profit-focused creators. Neither outcome would surprise me at this point, and neither outcome seems (to me) like hyperbole.
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See Texrat, I don't want to be cynical, but there are so many things in Nokia's response (or lack of it) that are difficult to ignore.

In CES, Ari said that Nokia will continue to sell and support 770. Also, Nokia and Ari, specifically, had talked about Nokia, open source, Maemo community and 2 way contributions, stating that Nokia is part of this community.

Now, in the face of all the criticism, so many comments about 770 OS bundle issues and apparent ignorance of Nokia toward old reported bugs, Nokia releases an update that only improves WLAN (which is still nice, but hardly justifies flashing and reinstalling all applications, as it wasn't a critical issue), and (here is my point) no one from Nokia responds to our questions and concerns (no! private messages don't count).

Even, as worst case scenario, responding and stating that 770 is dead as a platform means a closure to some heated debates, and enables each user to make a decision, whatever that is.

So, from their behavior (and lack of response), I, for one, can only assume:

1- Nokia wasn't sincere about supporting community processes and 2 way collaboration (unless it increases profit).

2- Or, they don't care about community feedback.

3- Or, they don't know what to do (which doesn't make sense for a huge corporation).

Did I miss something?
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Ari Jaaksi has blogged again
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Originally Posted by iFrank View Post
BTW, call me naive, but I feel very uncomfortable with this OS2006 update; there are no meaningful fixes in it, but yet Nokia folks can use it to claim that 770 is alive and well supported. The timing is also excellent.
Call me paranoid, but IMHO that's exactly what Aari Jaksi just did in this latest post.
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The new firmware isn't some stop-gap measure in response to the criticism or part of some grand conspiracy, it is part of Nokia's continued support for a device they are still selling. As you can see from the firmware itself, it was finalized in December before the launch of the N800, and after certification and QA is now available.

The change logs for the firmwares have always been sparse. For various reasons, even though I and you may disagree about them, Nokia will not disclose exactly what is fixed in each update. I promise you though, there is a lot more to it than simply WLAN changes.

But don't take my word for it, take a look at the difference in packages between the 2006SE_2.2006.39-14 and 2006SE_3.2006.49-2 firmwares that I compiled in about 5 minutes using diff and dpkg:

Particularly the PDF viewer has received a lot of love and will now open files it previously could not, but there are updates to system stability all around, email, chat, and various system libraries. So please, you can blast Nokia for the mistakes they've made and the problems they have, but the fact that they continue to release firmwares is a good thing no matter how you look at it and to be encouraged.
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I agree with that. Actually it's good news on two counts : for the tablet itself as you point out, and also for Nokia, as a sign that all this could be just (very) bad PR instead of malice or cynicism, as someone here already supposed...

(Oh, and there are also patches to BT in that list of yours... that's being *really* discreet about a lot of work ! :-)

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