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Ive been having trouble connecting to RealVNC for a while now. I had been successfully connecting to my work PC at work and my home PC at home (default settings). Now I get connection failed. I'm setting in front of the PC and read the IP right off the statusbar. Same both at home and work.

I might go for the Logmein solution to be able to connect more remotely than the same building. At least for my home PC, doubt it will fly at my work pc. I haven't had any luck getting remote desktop set up at home either. I haven't done a lot of research either (It's been about 2-3 months since VNC quit working for me). Oh, not only same problem on two PC's, but on two N800's. I assumed it was a 'bad VNC patch' that would be fixed soon.

I tried legacy 3.3 and added to the firewall that 5900 was explicitly open, still unable to connect.

**Update, found it. It was the windows XP firewall, it had switched(?) to not allow exeptions. I had to add either port 5900 or find the VNC exeutable to the list and select it. I saw Remote Desktop in that exception list (and unchecked), that may have been my problem trying Remote Desktop. I'll blame a windows update for changing that setting since it happened on two PC's around the same time.
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Sorry for stirring up an old post but I'm wondering if it's not too late to make a request for this.

An application I'm using on my computer is bigger than the tablet's screen.

Therefore I'm having to use the D-Pad to move around the screen.

This works fine but it also is sending a signal to the computer that I'm pressing on the arrow keys as well which messes up the program I'm running really bad.

Is there any way to disable this feature so that the D-Pad on the tablet simply moves around the screen without my computer thinking that I'm using the directional keys?

Posts: 540 | Thanked: 387 times | Joined on May 2009
Remind me, do you have a N800?

Also is your host computer running Windows?

I don't suppose you would care to PM me the name of the program so I could give it a try (I want to try to see if X-11 forwarding would fix it)

Additionally I don't suppose changing the resolution of your host computer to 800x480 helps at all?

Alteration of the key bindings would be a more permanent solution.

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Originally Posted by linuxeventually View Post
Remind me, do you have a N800?

Also is your host computer running Windows?

I don't suppose you would care to PM me the name of the program so I could give it a try (I want to try to see if X-11 forwarding would fix it)

Additionally I don't suppose changing the resolution of your host computer to 800x480 helps at all?

Alteration of the key bindings would be a more permanent solution.
Heya big daddy!

I'm running Windows XP. I'm actually using a 480x800 display with the slide rotate installed on my tablet.

The program I'm using is Scid.

Here's my current GUI set up on how it displays on my tablet.

The FICS server (kind of like a Telnet chat thingie to find other chess players or just to talk) is to the right of that screenshot which means I go left and right from one side of the computer screen to the other.

The thing is, when pressing either left or right on the D-Pad, that also sends a message to Scid to rewind and fast forward the current game moves.

Off topic:

VNC is pretty awesome for gaming! I'm sure this is probably old news to most though.

X-Com UFO Defense works pretty much perfectly.

And since VNC Viewer supports right mouse clicks, it's definitely playable.

Heck, most Dosbox games runs about 3 times faster than if you have Dosbox installed on the tablet.

I'll even go one more step on this.

I actually was playing Civilization 3 on my tablet last night. *lol*

Okay. I just lost my train of thought. Where was I?

Last edited by Addison; 2009-11-21 at 10:29.

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