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As if it was important which package manager is used...
Try zypper, I really like it.

zypper ar, zypper ref, zypper up, zypper in

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Originally Posted by RX-51 View Post
Just read that Sailfish will use
instead of

That was new to .deb and apt-get? Oh come one!
This isn't news at all. It's since Meego days. apt-get is great, but zypper is good too.

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Watch the N9, N900, or any of the Nokia Internet Tablets choke when installing packages. Watch poor Ubuntu netbooks choke when installing packages. I'm really glad that Jolla did not continue with Nokia's tradition with the awful deb package management with apt-get.

Zypper is way faster than apt-get and thus more suitable for a mobile device.
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Does it still lack autoremove? It's unacceptable to install a package with XXXMb of dependencies, and then to have to reflash to get rid of them, especially on size constrained mobile devices...
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zypper supposedly supports this:

Last edited by shmerl; 2013-08-05 at 16:22.
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Originally Posted by RX-51 View Post
Just read that Sailfish will use

instead of


That was new to .deb and apt-get? Oh come one!
zypper is definitivly better than apt-get because you can also search with same app. Thats another reason I swirch to kde suse instead of kubuntu.
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apt-get is just a higher level framework on top of dpkg (native Debian packaging). aptitude is another one, and can search from the same tool. So this isn't really essential.

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
zypper is definitivly better than apt-get because you can also search with same app. Thats another reason I swirch to kde suse instead of kubuntu.
If that is *the* most prominent feature of zypper vs apt, then I guess it's safe to say: they both rock

Using Kubuntu myself, and it's partially due to my n00bness (running Linux desktop since beginning of this year, didn't had previous experience) and partly due to both Kubuntu and N9 have Debian/Ubuntu roots, so there is some overlap in tech. (apt, upstart) I might switch to SUSE someday, as it has KDE as first class DE and shares more tech with Mer/Sailfish (systemd, rpm/zypper)

For the most part I don't really care what's ticking underneath Sailfish. From what I've seen it up-to-date versions of battle-tested technology. (Ok, Wayland is "new", but even that isn't developed overnight). I'm actually glad they've chosen to drop the legacy-stuff. Yeah it might sting a bit now, but remember this platform is new, it should last a decade or so (if Symbian, Android, iOS give a clue) so to start with supporting legacy which will be really obsolete in a year or two would be stupid imo.

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Thanks for the explanations regarding the package managers!
I didn't knew that Sailfish goes with Fedora (Mer) vs.Debian (Maemo). Using .rpm instead of .deb is self-explanatory then.
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I'd say more OpenSUSE's style, than Fedora's. But it's a minor detail.

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