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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
"Microsoft to Launch Android App Begging Users to “Switch to Windows Phone"

This doesn't look desperate at all!
Love that idea! I think we need to see more Wars between vendors and ecosystem. More aggressive attacks and promotions. Android need to step up their game and innovate faster and the rest needs to work harder to snatch android users.

I would love to see Microsoft through in some $ and give the user some kind of promotion code when he/she switch ecosystem. Its not far of now to have one device several ecosystem. Tablets running both android and windows. That is truly amazing
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I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
"Microsoft to Launch Android App Begging Users to “Switch to Windows Phone"

This doesn't look desperate at all!
"What’s next? Will the company eventually hire folks to slap Androids directly out of the hands of consumers out in public? Well, we wouldn’t be surprised."

Ahahaha, Elop finally gets a task he really excels at!

Come on, let's cut that head, err, cra*p off and move on. This drama is embarrassing enough now.

( By the way, if Elop's not available, i'm confident enough that quite some TMO members would apply as well. I've heard the Swedish are pretty hot at it! )

Last edited by don_falcone; 2013-04-27 at 14:08.
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Originally Posted by don_falcone View Post
"What’s next? Will the company eventually hire folks to slap Androids directly out of the hands of consumers out in public? Well, we wouldn’t be surprised."

Ahahaha, Elop finally gets a task he really excels at!

Come on, let's cut that head, err, cra*p off and move on. This drama is embarrassing enough now.

( By the way, if Elop's not available, i'm confident enough that quite some TMO members would apply as well. I've heard the Swedish are pretty hot at it! )
this is next...pretty fun as well
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
this is next...pretty fun as well
Funny commercial, but doesn't it illustrate that no f***s were given that day about Windows Phones?  Truth be told, it's a great commercial for its entertainment value but it fails to sell Windows Phone and it actually sort of comes off making it look like the extreme minority that nobody finds worth bothering over.

I'll say it yet again: Nokia really should try listening to customers.

Windows Phone has been around for more than two years in its current metro-tiles-not-metro-anymore abomination, right? That's quite a while longer than the one or two years various people in here have suggested waiting to see if it's a success. That's without even considering the 10+ years of negative Windows mobile history that preceded it to this point. I sincerely doubt that end-users will care which kernel it's running. If the Windows Phone platform itself didn't convince very many people this far out, I doubt Windows Phone 8 will manage to change that for any of the differences it makes from Windows Phone 7... especially after burning their customers over the past decade, or even very recent customers that are now stuck with an incompatible and un-upgradeable WP7 handset. iOS and Android people running older hardware can STILL run newer software so long as they meet requirements--and very little seems to be prevented from running on older hardware--whereas newer Windows 8 apps will NOT run on older devices. This just adds to more of the pain they're dragged customers through and a funny commercial with a couple of people using Windows Phone off to the side isn't really convincing anybody.

Still, it is a funny bit of religious brand loyalty war commentary.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
"Microsoft to Launch Android App Begging Users to “Switch to Windows Phone"

This doesn't look desperate at all!
Elop, Elop, Elop
Keep safe and healthy
Dave999's Avatar
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if the word Elop was removed from TMO. Mikecomputings 2177 posts would be totally empty.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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...where's the "thanks!" functionality when i need it?
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Its not what you say, its what you dont say thats important.

Learn to read between the lines!



Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
if the word Elop was removed from TMO. Mikecomputings 2177 posts would be totally empty.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 154 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Windows Phone has been around for more than two years in its current metro-tiles-not-metro-anymore abomination, right? That's quite a while longer than the one or two years various people in here have suggested waiting to see if it's a success.
Nothing will get from ~0% to any significant market share in a few years time, not anymore. People who think so are delusional. The market is already flooded with phones that have everything + the kitchen sink, no compelling reasons exist for large scale migration to any specific brand or OS.
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we will see it again. android and iOS wont rule forever. they will face the same desteny as Symbian once did and rome as well. nothing last forever. just wait for a new successfull OS.

my hope is that we will see ecosystem indioendence and maybe jolla takes the first step and be able to run android apps in a nice way. I thin the time of the OS is soo behind us and the ecosystem is app on ust
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-05-04 at 07:07.

bring me beer, downward spiral, elop is nero, let's talk bs, lumiadickweed, lumiatard, nero fiddling, nokia bears, nokiastockrock, thanks for asha

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