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That was a funny Transformers story. I'll have to see if it's available for Instant Watch.

I am stuck till July on my Sprint contract, though I will probably never use my Palm Centro again. I spend most of my time here at home, so I am temporarily using WiFi mostly, but I have a T-Mobile prepaid plan that I only plan to use for phone calls. Then in July I might switch to another plan.

If you can't go with T-Mobile, you still might consider ATT. The speed is slower for the web, but if you spend a lot of time in WiFi land anyway, it won't make much difference.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Thor View Post
Formula 1 is the peak of motor racing. Why isn't it that popular ? The lack of good American drivers? Shouldn't be a problem, I know many people from Africa and Asia who are passionate about Formula 1. Is it because it's not run by Americans ? I really have no idea why things like NASCAR are more popular. Perhaps a majority of Americans prefer to watch goes round and round in circles and have lots of crashes. Maybe a movie like Talladega Nights has to be made for Formula 1?
It's because F1 is boring. NASCAR may be boring (though I find it less boring than F1), but at least it has cultural penetration and lots of TV coverage.

Either way, hooray ALMS!
Ryan Abel
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Sweden..Where polar bears roams the streets
Here in sweden i just signed up with Tre för 18 month...

I pay 9,7dollar/month for N900

i pay 70 dollar/month for my subscription

For that i get

Free calls to other Tre mobilephones..
5 gig data, up to 6 Mbit/s download/month

And 37 dollar left to call other operators/month ..
10 cent/minute and 10 cent/call..

80 dollar x18...1440 dollar is all i pay and i get N900 for "free"
In sweden N900 costs 792 dollar if you buy it without subscription

N900 dont exist with a nice price if you stays with youre operator for 18 or 24 month ?
Cant belive that USA is so abandon

Last edited by moparman; 2010-01-16 at 20:18.
Bec's Avatar
Posts: 876 | Thanked: 396 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
It's because F1 is boring. NASCAR may be boring (though I find it less boring than F1), but at least it has cultural penetration and lots of TV coverage.

Either way, hooray ALMS!
It's not that I find any entertaining but no one cares about nascar in europe.
Go ask people on the street...
- is that a video game?

There's no "market penetration"
Posts: 336 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ France
Originally Posted by Bec View Post
It's not that I find any entertaining but no one cares about nascar in europe.
Go ask people on the street...
- is that a video game?

There's no "market penetration"
That's because in Europe we like cars that turn right and left. We stopped caring about oval circuits when we left the plastic toys at our mum's.

Anyway, moving this thread to off-topic seeing as it has completely degenerated from the original topic.
Posts: 488 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Asgard / Midgard / London
Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
It's because F1 is boring. NASCAR may be boring (though I find it less boring than F1), but at least it has cultural penetration and lots of TV coverage.

Either way, hooray ALMS!
A good friend of mine (born in NY) lives in North Carolina and loves NASCAR. I've asked her why but she says she just does. The problem I have is that it's just round and round and round. I remember having Papyrus' NASCAR Racing years ago and the problem was you just had to steer in one direction.

You're right that F1 is not always exciting. Monaco is a case in point, won on pitstop strategy. Hopefully the no refuelling rule will cut that kind of stuff out. I'm surprised A1 hasn't tried to push itself everywhere and give their TV rights free (or at little cost) to build up an audience. Everyone has the same car, and the differentiation is the driver and mechanics. They are put into country teams, eg. France v USA v UK etc. I think only the driver has to be of that nation to qualify, the mechanics etc can be from anywhere.
Posts: 488 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Asgard / Midgard / London
Originally Posted by geneven View Post
That was a funny Transformers story. I'll have to see if it's available for Instant Watch.
Seeing as we're off-topic, that was Transformers: The Movie. I think it's from 1986/7... a great story if you followed them as a kid. I used to get the comics and remember seeing that, though I think it came to the UK late.
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Originally Posted by Thor View Post
You're right that F1 is not always exciting. Monaco is a case in point, won on pitstop strategy. Hopefully the no refuelling rule will cut that kind of stuff out.
... but pitstop strategy (and strategy in general) is all part of the fun and enjoyment of F1 ... it's all about finishing first ... and there are so many things the team need to do to get there ... it's sooo much more than just that particular drive on that particular day ... I'm really not looking forward to the rule changes ... pitstops and fuelling strategy have become such a huge part of F1 I just can't see how removing them can actually improve things ... guess I'll see during the next season tho ... *sighs*
Banned | Posts: 291 | Thanked: 60 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Because Nokia just doesnt cut it anymore in the good old USA. Nice phones, sucky software. I bought N900 and cant connect to my corporate email, Exchange 2007, while iphone I had has no problem connecting. That is why it is getting no coverage.......
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All of this discussion over a brand that invariably sees us all as just a number... I'm impressed.

Nokia doesn't advertise in the US. Who is to blame for that? I would love an answer to that.

Oh... and I'm an American that loves F1.

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