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moepda's Avatar
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sorry im not sure then , guessing another user may have the .deb hopefully ?
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Originally Posted by tmarinos View Post
I have the very same problem.
This must be a bug. It will be fixed in the next revising.

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Gr8 music player.. . If you could tune the eq a bit according tou your need, it can rock your every moment... I have few concerns, can you people confirm me, if they are true for you too.

1. sound does not come while in silent profile.
2. every time i restart the player, volume becomes full and the eq gets disabled ( so irritating.. )
mrwormp's Avatar
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Jamaica
I just realize that sound does not come out while in silent profile.
whenever i restart the player tho volume is normal and the eq remain how it was from before.
Another thing that i have noticed is that whenever i restart the player it only resume playback from one specific song even if i close the program playing another song.

Apart from that it is the only music player that i use
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Italia
Originally Posted by mrwormp View Post
Another thing that i have noticed is that whenever i restart the player it only resume playback from one specific song even if i close the program playing another song.
I also have this issue: always plays the same song when starting.

Moreover, would be possible in principle to catch the mediaplayer commands in order to use symfonie in combination with extended-locked-media-control?
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Originally Posted by cipper View Post
I also have this issue: always plays the same song when starting.
Previous version remembered where it was last playing. Currently not useful for audiobooks - have to manually find where you were up to, which is tedious.
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Originally Posted by impeham View Post
i tried to download from there but the deb files are not available. i tried getting 0.2.5-4 and 0.2.5-3
I also tried without success.

Can anyone supply the previous version?
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Italia
Originally Posted by paulclewley View Post
Previous version remembered where it was last playing. Currently not useful for audiobooks - have to manually find where you were up to, which is tedious.
Sorry, I'm not understanding, why is not useful?? Again, if there's an option to do that it should work...
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Hi cipper,

With the previous version, it would rember the point where it was last playing and restart there.

My point was that this was particularly useful for audiobooks (and podcasts) - naturally you want to restart the audiobook at the point where you last stopped.

With the new version, for me it keeps starting at the same file - not the file I was previously listening to. So, to keep going with the audiobook, I have to find the file I was listening to and then within that file find the point at which I was up to. All very tedious as some audiobooks have many files.

This is in spite of checking the option Auto Resume Playback - where I understand it is supposed to resume playback automatically at the last played point.

So, the current version is not really much use for audiobooks or podcasts, but it is not such a big problem with music - where you don't really need to restart a song at the same point as previously.
Posts: 93 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Nice player and the best in Maemo i guess.

Using everyday to listen MP3.

I have couple of suggestions.

1. Is it possible to add a pre-amp stage of the EQ with gain controller?
2. What is the dB gain limit of each EQ bar. Is it possible to make somewhere like 12dB?
4. Change the EQ size so that it fits in one screen with no scrolling.
3. Also a playlist section would be great

Thanks for the great product.

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