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Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
Change in boottime is milliseconds.
Absolutely agree, with this and other points form your post. It just doesn't match my aesthetic (can't find better words), that one script enable something, and another disable it again, just afterwards.

I absolutely agree that having modified boot-critical scripts is only for people, that know how to keep track of things changed in their critical system scripts/files. While ereswap have means of reverting it's changes back, it does it only on user request, not even during uninstalling (it's not a bug, it's a feature ), so absolute beginners could get confused.

If I would have to recommend way of enabling SD-only swap with failback to eMMC for someone new to subject, I would definitely recommend FlopSwap. Thank you for your hard work, as I see it as great piece of nicely GUi'tised software.

ereswap is for people, that like to minimize amount of additional components/scripts, at the same time still having some way of automating required changes - as mr pingu said, it's "set up, fire and forget". It could be all manually changed by user, but it's easily doable on fresh device, or any situation, where user wants to avoid manual steps, at the same time, not requiring additional software/GUI/etc. It's not a mystery, that it was script meant for my private use, that got released, just because people were interested in it - thus cleaning it up and packaging. In those terms, FlopSwap is more deserving being called "real" program.

Where I don't agree, is treating CSSU as something "different" - it's just a separate repo with bunch of packages, bringing us many goodies (and written by very talented people), that would be hard to release without using separate repo. That's about being "system update" - frankly, it just got *accepted* as system update in common language.

For me, using swap on SD card *only* is as essential, as anything from CSSU or KP (alongside custom modifications to swap-related settings, that are *far* from what swappolube proposes), that's why I don't hesitate to modify system files or whatsnot.

Summing it up, I'm really glad, that we now have many choices for messing with swap, suitable for users on various level of advancement (there is also 3th package being practically and ideologically somewhere between FlopSwap and ereswap, for which I can't recall name, now). I'm also glad, that you've decided to write FlopSwap from "scratch", not basing it on ereswap, as you've ended up with more general-purpose tool.

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Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Seems I never responded to this one...
Shame on you

Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
You seem to manually swap it?
mr_pingu! Cmon
Of course it is written to "automagically" swap, when reaching
1.5GB minus configurable_threshold

Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Or have you written a script to automatically swap when threshold is reached? That way it wouldn't

The way I set this up, you never have to bother to swap manually, all will be done at night when I am sleeping. Also you (Atleast I do) never reach the threshold in 1 day so your phone is responsive, even after longer uptime
Possibly, but then you swap too often! I. e. you swap from one part to the ther part and write unnecessary often a lot of data to the flash memory. This is also the reason why I extened my swap partitions (on the fly as I still use swap space in files not partitions) to 1,5GB each. The bigger the lesser need to swap (more time).
I could easily swap manually (sh swapoffon_mmc) or schedule with fcron. I like it that way. But understand your approach also.

Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Said short: Set it up once, never bother anymore, it just works. That's why I prefer ereswap over FlopSwap.. Besides I dont have 3 swap partitions. However the way FlopSwap goes, is cleaner than Ereswap's way...
You do not need 3, but should have at least 2 SD partitions. (I still leave eMMC swap enabled. fwiw?)

Nice discussion here ongoing, keep on
So, I do have four (4) possibilities:
swapset (incl ramzwap, but not favored)
ereswap (good for enthusiasts and knowledged people)
flopswap (very good and easy GUI, for everybody)
my own incarnation of swap defragging (preferred )
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    if [ $ACT_DEAD -eq 0 ]; then
      drivelist=$(sfdisk -lndq /dev/mmcblk1)
      swapmicro=$(echo "$drivelist" -n | grep Id=82 | awk '/mmcblk1/ {print $1}')
      if [ "$swapmicro" ]; then
        /sbin/swapon $swapmicro
        /sbin/swapon -a
I used your code but it doesn't works when I try to boot without sd card inserted (stuck on boot). Any solution?
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Just to note that packages in cssu-devel support swap also on sd card.

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Originally Posted by pali View Post
Just to note that packages in cssu-devel support swap also on sd card.
Yes, you can set up system services to mount swaps on uSD, if you have multiple uSD swaps it will strip across them.

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