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Dave999's Avatar
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you love the ipad mini for the big screen not for ios7...

Samsung has this feature where you put two screen to one.maybe jolla can code something simular and create another other side for two devices.

4.5 is great for you because you haven't lived with one super screen. Used z ultra for a week, that is one big as phone,unfortunately its one big fingerprint magnet as well.

sometime next year you will upgrade and learn greatness of big screen.
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I'm keen to try iOS 7, I haven't played with it at all yet, I'm well overdue for a new iTouch...
If I had to chose between a 0.5-1" larger display & decent hw augmentation (i.e. TOH), I'd pick the latter every time.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-17 at 06:34.
Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
sometime next year you will upgrade and learn greatness of big screen.
I'd just like to know where you keep your large-screen devices... I keep mine in my pocket and it sure feels nice to have something that fits there
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
you love the ipad mini for the big screen not for ios7
Quite wrong. I went from the iPad 3rd gen to the iPad Mini for the smaller screen. iOS 7 is actually nice. Stop making me repeat that.

sometime next year you will upgrade and learn greatness of big screen.
Doubtful. Bigger screens don't make me happy. Using the screen properly is what I'm after.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Quite wrong. I went from the iPad 3rd gen to the iPad Mini for the smaller screen. iOS 7 is actually nice. Stop making me repeat that.

Doubtful. Bigger screens don't make me happy. Using the screen properly is what I'm after.
big screen is the the reason you are using tablets and big screens is the valid reason you don't have a 20 inch screen at home for movies.
ipad mini has the worst screen ever. If it had a better screen an great resolution I would jump on it like a 800 pound gorilla. Now, im using nexus untill apple can release a solit screen for ipad mini.
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Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
big screen is the the reason you are using tablets and big screens is the valid reason you don't have a 20 inch screen at home for movies.
ipad mini has the worst screen ever. If it had a better screen an great resolution I would jump on it like a 800 pound gorilla. Now, im using nexus untill apple can release a solit screen for ipad mini.
You still have not told me where you carry those monsters around, but if you really are a 800 pound gorilla I guess you have pockets to match that

Last edited by juiceme; 2013-09-17 at 19:07. Reason: corrected typo
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
big screen is the the reason you are using tablets and big screens is the valid reason you don't have a 20 inch screen at home for movies.
For quite a while, I had a 7 inch LCD screen for my home TV. I don't watch that much television. You're trying your damnedest to impress upon me your reasons for a larger screen. Allow me to say that you're still wrong.

I have a larger screen device solely because the user experience is slightly optimized for web use and for sketching. It's the same size as a moleskine notepad. That's it. Otherwise, for note taking 4.5 inches works damn nice. For smaller, less website notes and sketching/UI, it's great. But it's all about the implementation of the damn area on the screens. And it's just not up to snuff.

Last time I'll address this dude. Listen or don't. Up to you.

ipad mini has the worst screen ever. If it had a better screen an great resolution I would jump on it like a 800 pound gorilla. Now, im using nexus untill apple can release a solit screen for ipad mini.
I have a 2013 Nexus 7. To be honest, the resolution of that screen comes up when I'm watching Netflix and when I take a screenshot. Autodesk SketchBook Pro acts and look like it did when it was 1280x800. I'm not defending the iPad Mini's screen - it DOES suck. And if it finally goes to Retina Display, I'll be right there because in the end, iOS7 isn't all that bad. And besides, there's no Paper, Procreate or Penultimate on any other platform at the moment. And I use those as well as others on iOS that's not on Android and definitely aren't on other OS's.

Back to Jolla. Your current tirade and trying to tell me what I use and why is boring and tedious.
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Android app (Spotify) running in sailfish...
Edit: Also the app drawer where you can see apps like Whatsapp (android icons)
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Last edited by HtheB; 2013-09-18 at 09:57.
Dave999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
You still have not told me where you carry those monsters around, but if you really are a 800 pound gorilla I guess you have pockets to match that
I have it in my hand, in my bag, my jacket(tablet pocket like on the image) or have it resting on my desk. If I have a note or a Z Ultra I have in my front jeans pocket on my pretty tight jeans. The z ultra is a bit to long to have in the front pocket, unless you want to make a secret movie while walking, then z ultra is perfect.

Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Android app (Spotify) running in sailfish...
Edit: Also the app drawer where you can see apps like Whatsapp (android icons)
That is one sexy small screen phone
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I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-09-18 at 16:48.
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Something interesting or factual about Sailfish or Sailfish devices from you.
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