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By the way, how do we do a desktop rebuild?

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Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
I was able to reproduce your do_handle_screen_fault error.

This error on Basilisk II has been discussed before a couple of years ago, using older source code as the Maemo port uses. The developer (Gwenole) fixed it in later source code, but I don't know what he did.
Another problem, this time tryingto run Nisus Writer -- Compact Edition,

It runs most of the time, but sooner rather than later when trying to do a save, or even trying to restart Mac OS, an alert comes up with a "Sorry a System errorr..", 'Nisus Compact", "unimplemented trap"... it's a bit unpredictbale when it happens, but it happens... I am running with MacOS 7.5.5.

-- Denis
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One free program to rebuild your desktop is Tech Tool Lite:

As far as the crashes, you probably need to use a MacWinLin version of Basilisk II to troubleshoot your extensions. I would remove all extensions and control panels out of the system folder that deal with networking (A/ROSE, OpenTransport, AppleTalk, File Sharing, etc.)

It's also a good idea after having a crash to boot up off a second hard drive file and use a disk repair tool to fix any errors on the first hard drive file. Otherwise you will continue to have crashes and errors until you repair the file system.
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I build basiliskII a while back, and had the frontend working.
but gave up on it, because of how slow it was.
If i can get the modified src being used for for the working version
of basiliskII on the NIT right now. I can compare it to the src to the zuarus version.

great work on fullscreen and speed...
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Hi unique311! I used your three builds before compiling my own. Hopefully you had time to read over some of the posts in this thread.

I used the older source of Basilisk II instead of Basilisk II JIT as Basilisk II runs faster than Basilisk II JIT with the JIT disabled as the JIT engine is for x86 only and "B2JIT" was optimized for using JIT.

(Actually, the last "unstable" Basilisk II CVS source snapshot can be downloaded here.)

t3h then make some changes to the code to allow full screen, hildonized it, and fixed the "sticky-mouse" problem (see binary and source tarballs below). I used DiffMerge to compare the old source with t3h's source last night to try getting a feel for what he had to add to make these changes.

Unfortunately, the older Basilisk II uses GTK+ 1.2.x for the GUI while the later Basilisk II JIT and Maemo uses GTK+ 2.x.

Here is t3h's last release:

Binary (+ .desktop file):

Sources (now slightly smaller after removing a bit of code for other platforms)
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Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
As far as the crashes, you probably need to use a MacWinLin version of Basilisk II to troubleshoot your extensions. I would remove all extensions and control panels out of the system folder that deal with networking (A/ROSE, OpenTransport, AppleTalk, File Sharing, etc.)
Yes, I am doing all my trials on a MacOS X version of Basilisk before I move a stable HD image to the NIT.

I am beginning to think that the crashes I have been observing with Nisus Compact have to do with the VirtualKeyboard extension... and the situation with this extension gets even more complicated because of the jGNEfilter "Missing Clicks" problem which requires running yet another extension to fix that...

I also tried the PopChar utility (v1.6), but when activated -- when its window pops up -- when clicking on "Open Window" everything freezes and I have to kill BasiliskII manually.

So back to square one with the Keyboard problem... so perhaps xkbd is the way to go, provided its map could be tinkered to support "Option" and "Command" keys.

-- Denis

Update: using the xev utility was able to determine the keycode for the keyboard's "Win/Cmd" key: it is 0x85. Then using the xmodmap utility was able to remap it to the Mac's "option" key.

xmodmap -e "keycode 0x85 = Meta_L"
Keycaps can show that this is working... just makes ure to pick up a font that can display all the characters / symbols in the Keycaps display.

For a nice and detailed example of making / modifying keyboard mappings (and using the above utilities) see,

Last edited by delaroca; 2008-02-29 at 12:58. Reason: Success programming "option" key for external BT Keyboard
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As you may know, the xkbd and related packages are meant for OS 2006\2007 and have problems on OS 2008. Hopefully these can be recompiled for OS 2008. I've spent some time on this, but am a perpetual newbie developer and have had no success yet.

Another thing to try is delete the .basilisk_ii_xpram in your N800's /home/user directory.
16-Bit x86 DOS: DOSBox
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I located a version of basiliskII that makes use of gtk+ 2.0.

looking at the changes he made now.

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
Hi unique311! I used your three builds before compiling my own. Hopefully you had time to read over some of the posts in this thread.

I used the older source of Basilisk II instead of Basilisk II JIT as Basilisk II runs faster than Basilisk II JIT with the JIT disabled as the JIT engine is for x86 only and "B2JIT" was optimized for using JIT.

(Actually, the last "unstable" Basilisk II CVS source snapshot can be downloaded here.)

t3h then make some changes to the code to allow full screen, hildonized it, and fixed the "sticky-mouse" problem (see binary and source tarballs below). I used DiffMerge to compare the old source with t3h's source last night to try getting a feel for what he had to add to make these changes.

Unfortunately, the older Basilisk II uses GTK+ 1.2.x for the GUI while the later Basilisk II JIT and Maemo uses GTK+ 2.x.

Here is t3h's last release:

Binary (+ .desktop file):

Sources (now slightly smaller after removing a bit of code for other platforms)
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That would be the German developer Christian Bauer. He is the original Basilisk II creator. Meanwhile the french developer Gwenole had been working on integrating the JIT engine into Basilisk II (and SheepShaver). Christian allowed Gwenole to maintain the Basilisk II CVS repository around 2001-2002 and Gwenole started commiting the JIT enabled code.

That Basilisk II configure.(ac) file is a later version than the one in the CVS snapshot I linked to above. I'll have to go through all my old CDRs to see if I have more Basilisk II source.

Good luck and thank you!
16-Bit x86 DOS: DOSBox
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Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
As you may know, the xkbd and related packages are meant for OS 2006\2007 and have problems on OS 2008.
By using as "xkbd -keys allkeys.vkbd | BasiliskII", so far I have not seen any annoying side effects of having vkbd on OS2008. The "Alt" is interpreted fine by BasiliskII... so missing is a key and mapping for the MAC "Option" key... the last two rows of Fn keys perhaps could be more useful being redefined with PgUp, PgDn, Home, End keys, etc.

On an external BY Keyboard, the NIT configured to recognize it as a standard PC-105 kbrd, the "Alt" key maps perfectly into in the Mac's "Command" key... the "Windows" key (to the left of "Alt") is supposed to map into the Mac's "Option" key but it doesn't... the keypad keys such as PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Cursor keys all work fine.

So we are close. Since you have been several times around the basiliskII source, do you have any idea what codes does BasiliskII expect to recognize a Mac "Option" key?

My BasiliskII configuration, which I copied from elsewhere, uses a keyboardtype 15. From the source, could you list what the other keyboard types are?

-- Denis

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