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i'd be stoked to have a 100$ off the amazon price, congrats to those who've got it and i hope you make something with it
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fpp, your Thanks ratio just needed help... I did my part.
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Originally Posted by andrewfblack View Post
for everyone who thanks talk is the only way to get karma.

Timeless is 12th highest karma and not a 1 talk post or thanks.
Exactly, posting in Bugzilla is a much more productive way to accrue Karma than posting in t.m.o... in fact I don't think t.m.o post count adds much value to Karma but the number of thanks/thanked posts does help go towards your Karma, which is as it should be.

Posting in Bugzilla is a direct and visible means of trying to improve the product and move it forward in a constructive manner which is why it is a much quicker route to high Karma. The problem is that a large percentage of those who post in t.m.o have never posted in Bugzilla - if you really want to engage with Nokia and help the platform (as opposed to just chatting with each other) then get involved in Bugzilla!

And becoming involved in the community is not just about getting a cheap device... if you qualify for a device discount then consider that a nice bonus, and if not then perhaps you're simply not visible enough in those parts of the "community" outside of t.m.o, or despite creating a popular app you haven't got involved to help others or improve the platform. Whatever it may be, you should be involved in the community because you want to be involved, not because you can save a few bucks/quid/euro on the next device.

PS. Cheers Quim and the team - you have a thankless job!

Last edited by Milhouse; 2009-10-16 at 18:46.

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
fpp, your Thanks ratio just needed help... I did my part.
Yours doesn't, but thanks all the same :-)
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The problem is some devs don't want any real connection to the community in the way using forums, mailing lists, garage, wiki, blog, bugzilla, and other services. Those people might make great software that helps the community but they are not active in the community in the sence of services. Now they might use irc but there isn't any way to track that use. Also there is no way to do a program without some kind of tracking number. and Karma takes into consideration just about everything. Its bad some people wont get in when they do a lot.

If you feel like some people have been left out and you have an idea on how to include those people who don't use services make post proposing the method on picking those people get people talking about it and maybe it will be approved.

I'll even post an example of what i mean. Running to make post.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I think that's overestimated. Look at the first page of profiles, sorted by karma:
Some of those folks talk (like me ) but they mostly earned their karma by "harder" means.
Ah, looking at that list I understand better now. I just remembered I actually have two IDs, due to a mixup from the days when ITt and were less not separate than today. Before being fpp on both sides I was also fredp on maemo, and *that* one has 226k.

So it's really 429k for the *person*... but I'm not sure the maemo team knew to add those up... or even which one was evaluated... so either way it was a close shave :-)

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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
As has been said, some people will always feel they've fallen through the cracks - but do you think it's your job to moan about them on a public forum by purely looking at the karma list?
As I stated (I think in the first post) I made -- I didn't think _I_ fell through the cracks. I don't think I would qualify either pure karma (I don't post enough) or because of a high ranking application (I only have a vhd for developers, not end users). Nothing of what I have done has been something a end user would see yet and product any real amount of Karma. So in of that, I would not be a target of the dev program (unless someone at Nokia really liked the Windows vhd development work, or the recent fremantle Rapier porting) this time around. This is NOT about me; this is about other developers who have made visible contributions that may have fallen through the cracks. This is about other developers who might not even visit talk (ie. timeless doesn't apparently <G>) and may not say anything and then find out later that they didn't qualify and might get hurt feeling. In otherwords someone at Nokia should go through the top 50-100 apps and make sure they are on the list (and/or got a unit at the summit).

I would find it boggling if the PyMaemo folks didn't have access to a large number of N900s already. Indeed, Anderson's posts on maemo-developers to address the optification of Python suggest he already has.
Sheesh, Andrew didn't I say in that same post -- I'm pretty sure they already have them. I've seen the same posts I'm subscribed to the m-d list also. I'm also pretty sure INdt is a nokia company -- they would be royally screwed if they weren't working together. ;-)

What I was saying is that by using pure Karma, they did exclude Anderson. Let me repeat it again; by using PURE KARMA as Quim outlined in the first post; they DID EXCLUDE ANDERSON. Clear? Fortunately he got it because of other reasons, and I suspect his team had them long before we even knew what they looked like. ;-)

The majority of this thread is just so... distasteful.
LOL, I'm not even sure how to respond to this. My only point I've been trying to make sure is to check the cracks. We do NOT want to loose any developers! Nokia is fighting Apple, Rim, Android, we can't afford to disenfranchise the developers we have. The press is pro-apple, pro-android and non-existent on Maemo. So keeping what we have is paramount for success. Quim has done a great job balancing things and getting things for us. I just want to make sure they don't overlook one last area of Developer goodwill.


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For us that have karma less that 200: we can use this: . No big deal but always something
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Originally Posted by joshua.maverick View Post
Design and Flash development is for india? I will murder your family and eat your firstborn.
I really hope you're joking... and belive me: it's not something you can say for joke! So please go elsewhere if you want to speak in that way. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
...whereas I've been on ITt since the very beginning - almost four years now - and am still #17 poster overall, despite slowing down greatly in recent times... but still just barely made it above the bar,
with 203 (!) karma... go figure :-)
You need to publish your Python web framework in extras; you need to blog about it on planet; you should find a way of packaging your web apps (weblets? ;-)) as Debian packages (with a Depends on the framework) and publish those in Extras.

I'm afraid to say - if anything - the talk factor's almost seems too high. Although increasing the amount of karma a developer gets from seems like a good starting point for improving the balance. But it seems very odd: on one hand, some people claim it's too focused on developers; but then we also say that not enough developers are getting rewarded.

If an app developer feels hard done by, please email Quim and CC the council.
Andrew Flegg -- |

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