, 16:10
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@ Finland
, 16:16
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@ Cambridge, UK
sudo gainroot echo " downloads.maemo.nokia.com" >> /etc/hosts
, 16:17
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Ok so the connection seems to work. No extreme congestion on the network connection. Though the variance in round trip times seems a bit large. But should not matter though.
Just to be safe. Are you sure you are connected to WiFi when you tried to use apt-get from the terminal?
Though you could try this as well.
At the moment the IP address that I seem to get for downloads.maemo.nokia.com is
Therefore you could create another repository there with the following data and check if everything works. The idea here is that you will get the same server that I'm using and everything works. You just make a copy of Nokia repository and change the domain name as the IP-address that I'm using. I think Nokia gives you another repository address based on your country to share the load more evenly.
"Nokia backup" or something like that
" "
Remember to disable the Nokia repository for the time. I think you can use the same for the software update repo as well (change domain to IP and make a backup repo.
, 16:20
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, 16:23
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@ Cambridge, UK
, 17:10
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Keep the Nokia repositories but disable them. The idea is that Nokia might give you an errorneous IP address at the moment. It seems that I'm getting a different IP address now as well as they are doing some modifications on the repositories right now. Moving servers or something like that. Keep the old ones as you should use the domain address, not the IP address if it changes later on. This is just a temporary fix.
In the temporary repositories you'll have to use the same settings, but change the downloads.maemo.nokia.com to Name the repository differently, like Nokia backup or something. The name should not matter.
, 17:15
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@ Finland
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However, If somone here can fix this repo problem for me through here then I'd happily transfere them €50 via paypal for their time.