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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Usually, it depends on the application. With GPE, I think it works fine, so long as you copy the /home/user/.gpe directory to your MMC card and then move it back after you re-flash.

I believe (don't quote me on this) that the Backup utility on the 770 works between scirocco and gregale, so doing a Backup before you reflash and then restoring that backup after you reflash will allow you to keep your bookmarks and other settings (including Maemo Mapper's settings).

I would back up your entire /home/user directory, though, just in case. That directory contains all of your user settings, and (theoretically) you could just copy your old /home/user directory over your new /home/user directory and get all your settings back. I wouldn't actually go that far, though, because some data formats may have changed. Just keep a backup of /home/user handy, so you can selectively try restoring settings on an application-by-application basis. It never hurts to back up files - if you break something trying to restore it, you can always re-flash and try again.

Good luck!

Thanks again for your prompt and comprehensive reply. Sounds like I have to "become root" in order to see and backup the /home/user/.gpe and /home/user directory ....correct?
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Gnuite, cracking update!

Do you think ViaMicelin maps will upload - they are cartographically pleasing on the eye and easy to glance at to check progress on a journey

here's a link and an example of the HTML script:

<script src=' 0&empriseH=510&map= iseW=1130%26empriseH=510' type='text/javascript'></script>

Also from the other week I have had some joy in extracting the MSR MapCruncher ( derived tiles and restoring/naming/filing them with shell script from the XML file, but as yet only for small areas ~ 15km x15 km; it slightly mandraulic, but I will tidy it up.
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Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
Thanks again for your prompt and comprehensive reply. Sounds like I have to "become root" in order to see and backup the /home/user/.gpe and /home/user directory ....correct?
You don't have to be root (because the files are all owned by "user"), but you do have to be in an xterm. Just use:

cp -r /home/user /media/mmc1/user.bak

(replace "/media/mmc1/user.bak" with wherever you want to put the backup.)
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
You don't have to be root (because the files are all owned by "user"), but you do have to be in an xterm. Just use:

cp -r /home/user /media/mmc1/user.bak

(replace "/media/mmc1/user.bak" with wherever you want to put the backup.)

Sorry if I'm being a pain, but, I guess I don't know the difference between being in root and xterm. I thought xterm was like getting a "C: Prompt "window in Msoft XP. I thought one had to install "BecomeRoot" in order to get a "C: prompt" (or $ or # or whatever).

Can anyone point me in the right direction so that I can understand this better?
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xterm is just a window which gives you a command line. The xterm application is launched from the user interface, which is executing as the 'user' account (non-admin), and all applications launched from one account will be of the same account (user) unless special measures are taken (which is not the case for the xterm app). In other words, xterm gives you a command line for the 'user' account. In order to change to the 'root' account you have to run another privileged command from the command line, and to get that you would also need to install the 'becomeroot' package. But you don't need to be root (=administrator) to make a backup of your home directory or to write to the SD card(s).

To execute the backup command described by gnuite you must:
1) Install osso-xterm
2) Launch X Terminal application from the menu (it'll be in one of the submenus after installation of osso-xterm)
3) Enter the command (cp -r .... as described by gnuite) and return, using the keyboard that'll pop up when you start X Terminal.
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
That's exactly what I did going from mistral to gregale (skipped scirocco), and it went just fine.
Gnuite wrote: "I would back up your entire /home/user directory, though, just in case. That directory contains all of your user settings, and (theoretically) you could just copy your old /home/user directory over your new /home/user directory and get all your settings back."

So, fpp, do you mean that you copied /home/user directory to your mmc, upgraded to Gregale, and then copied /home/user directory back to your tablet's onboard memory? Can you please tell me the exact command to copy it back? I don't know where to copy it back to! I do know now that I have to gain root to copy it back from the mmc.

Thank you,
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So, in xterm, I just entered:

cp -r /home/user/media/mmc1/backups/user.bak

the "reply' was:

cp: unable to create /media/mmc1/backups/user.bak .gpe-calendar-rendezvous' : operation not permitted

Hmmm. Not permitted? Any idea what's up with that?

Thanks, one step closer,

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seems you missed a space to specify which path is source and which is destination.

cp -r /home/user/ /media/mmc1/backups/

this will recursively (-r option) copy the contents of users home dir to the mmc card, in a folder called backups that must exist prior to running the command. note the space between user/ and /media. i am not sure why your are specifying a file name for the backup, though.
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Originally Posted by brendan View Post
seems you missed a space to specify which path is source and which is destination.

cp -r /home/user/ /media/mmc1/backups/

this will recursively (-r option) copy the contents of users home dir to the mmc card, in a folder called backups that must exist prior to running the command. note the space between user/ and /media. i am not sure why your are specifying a file name for the backup, though.
Sorry for the confusion, but I did actually write :

cp -r /home/user /media/mmc1/user.bak

note the space between the word "user" and the "/media/etc, etc".
Do I need to have the second '/ ' sign that you inserted above after "user" ?

Also, I only specified a file name for the backup because that is how Gnuite had it in his earlier post.

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the trailing / indicate explicitly that you are referencing a directory as opposed to a file. force of habit, from work. not required, but sometimes helpful.

having a file name at the end of the destination string forces the copy to write everything into one file. the data gets munged AFAIK.
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