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Off-topic, but how many people on ITT own the Nokia N-Gage? Is that a dead product or is Nokia still providing updates and support for it. I hope the IT doesn't end up like that.
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Umm. Okay.

Anyway, it amazes me the claims a few are making here regarding the N800 vs the iPod Touch. Claiming that similarities between the two will result in the N800's demise are naive at best. I think that proclamation is being driven by unfortunate experience with the tablet(s) and/or rapture with the Apple mystique. Shame on Nokia for the former, kudos to Apple for the latter.

But anyone who buys either product without conducting proper research is, in my opinion, a risk to themselves. I have little respect or pity for anyone who "stumbles" into a $400 purchase for anything.

In addition, surely no one makes a buying decision on similarities between even truly competing devices-- they form their decision around the distinguishing features. The similarities are a given; those are the basic requirements. The determining factor in selecting one device over another comes down to purpose and value. I think we've hashed purpose over sufficiently and value tends to be very subjective... but the fact remains that a major part of value is the distinguishing features that will compel a consumer to hone in on his purchase.

Apologies in advance for any attitude, real or merely perceived, apparent in this post.
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Originally Posted by E-ville View Post
The thing o remember here is hackers are totaly attracted to the iphone and now the touch , its sexy and a challange, like the psp.. hackers are going to do things with these two products that apple never even thought of doing... the hackers are going to make these into a very very attactive device for all us n800 users.

look at the psp hackng scene, you have a smaller genera there and have pepole diong stuff with a totally locked product that are fights them every step of the way and the hackers always overcome them.

Apple knew these would be prime argets for hackers and I bet there counting on it to propell ther device to new levels.
I think you're sort of confusing 2 definitions of "hacker." There's the hackers that explore devices, take them apart, try to get them to do things maybe the manufacturer didn't want them to do. Then there are code hackers, people that write apps to do nifty things and/or port apps around on different platforms. There's overlap between the two sometimes, but not always (this is roughly the distinction between hardware and software hackers, but applied to consumer devices).

Frankly, as a code hacker, I have zero interest in Apple's iPod/Phone products, because they've made it very obvious they don't want me writing stuff for their platform. Yeah, maybe somebody throws in a monkeywrench somewhere and warps a device to where I can install an app on it. I'm still probably not going to bother, 'cause it'll be such a pain I won't want to deal with it; I just want to write code in the easiest way possible.
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
So iball, according to business 101, what is the desired endgame for nokia internet tablets?
To have a successful product. What Nokia's definition of "success" is anyone's guess.
Most strive to break-even by recouping R&D and manufacturing costs (game consoles follow that model) or even profit, but some use products like this to "push" the market forward. I think Nokia's endgame is to raise public awareness of the whole "Internet Tablet" thing while at the same time get valuable feedback from IT users and to watch it closely to see what folks are actually doing with the device.
I don't think they saw the whole "CarMan" thing coming though.

Originally Posted by ysss View Post
and how does iphone/ipod touch relate to it, if at all?
It doesn't. The only time it "relates" at all is when some uninformed jackhole makes a *****ic "comparison" and declares the iPod Touch will somehow "destroy" the N800.
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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Bluetooth support is scheduled for MacOS 10.5, due for release in October. I wouldn't be surprised if Bluetooth A2DP support is then added to the iPhone and iPod Touch (maybe even the Classics?) at the same time as Mac OS 10.5, along with a natty line up of Apple Bluetooth stereo headsets...

Of course, as soon as someone gets an iPod Touch it will be cracked open and the presence (or not) of a CSR (or similar) Bluetooth chip will lay this rumour to rest once and for all.

If the Touch does have Bluetooth support, it might become very difficult to resist making a purchase... I don't need it of course... I just WANT it.
Unofficial, but BT may be included-

I've read that the BT in the iPhone is severely crippled and with the iP being a "closed" device, unlike the N800, I'm sure the iTouch will be similar- i.e. bt for headphone audio only. So not much there......

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see a beautiful product like the iTouch come to market, but I still think it's a version 1.0 product and I'd wait til 2.0 before considering a purchase. Until then for me it's-

-iPod shuffle 2g for the gym and cycling
-30gb iPod vid for the car (music, tv and pod/vid casts)
-Archos 604wifi for trips (wide screen video/tv, pod/vid casts and photos w/ dig cam offloads), viewing video on the home tv (ipod harddrive is too noisy) and watching movies in bed

- and, of course, the N800 for internet/online portability and a little of all of the above (the only one I have on me all the time)

I know..... way too many toys, but that's the way I have it worked out until someone offers that one magical device

Cheers all!
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Originally Posted by heckler770 View Post
Unofficial, but BT may be included-

I've read that the BT in the iPhone is severely crippled and with the iP being a "closed" device, unlike the N800, I'm sure the iTouch will be similar- i.e. bt for headphone audio only. So not much there......

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see a beautiful product like the iTouch come to market, but I still think it's a version 1.0 product and I'd wait til 2.0 before considering a purchase. Until then for me it's-

-iPod shuffle 2g for the gym and cycling
-30gb iPod vid for the car (music, tv and pod/vid casts)
-Archos 604wifi for trips (wide screen video/tv, pod/vid casts and photos w/ dig cam offloads), viewing video on the home tv (ipod harddrive is too noisy) and watching movies in bed

- and, of course, the N800 for internet/online portability and a little of all of the above (the only one I have on me all the time)

I know..... way too many toys, but that's the way I have it worked out until someone offers that one magical device

Cheers all!
I doubt BT is "hidden" in the Touch since it could lead to serious cannibalization of iPhone sales.
I'm the same way you are with my devices: Shuffle 2g for exercise, 60GB 5g iPod for car (w/Alpine iPod adapter), N95 for podcasts/weather/RSS feedreader, N800 for Exult & Ur-Quan Masters & web browsing & email-on-the-go & portable note-taking & Skype.
Right now about the only thing I use my Macbook Pro for is running XP Pro (Parallels & Bootcamp) for those few sites and applications that need it and running Ubuntu (VMware Fusion) for my Scratchbox work.
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Originally Posted by phi View Post
if we're boiling it down to closed vs open, of course you'll have options with open source stuff, but it won't be polished and "just work" like the close sourced stuff.

i think that's just a fact of life.
I disagree. Think about products like Firefox, Thunderbird, Kopete, K3b etc. They are all open source software that is very mature, polished and indeed just works. On OS level I have to say that I've had way better experience with Ubuntu compared to Windows XP. (Haven't tried Vista) Internet Tablet's OS & software isn't quite there yet but it doesn't mean that it's impossible.
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Originally Posted by iball View Post
I doubt BT is "hidden" in the Touch since it could lead to serious cannibalization of iPhone sales.
I'm the same way you are with my devices: Shuffle 2g for exercise, 60GB 5g iPod for car (w/Alpine iPod adapter), N95 for podcasts/weather/RSS feedreader, N800 for Exult & Ur-Quan Masters & web browsing & email-on-the-go & portable note-taking & Skype.
Right now about the only thing I use my Macbook Pro for is running XP Pro (Parallels & Bootcamp) for those few sites and applications that need it and running Ubuntu (VMware Fusion) for my Scratchbox work.
Funny- Loading Boot camp and xp pro on my MacBook pro is the project of the weekend for me (tired of waiting for decent games for mac ).
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Just some observations...

From what I have seen the iPod Touch is basically an iPhone with no phone.
Why all the noise now? The same arguments could have been made when the iPhone was released. (iWhatever vs. N800)

Now that Apple has dropped the price of the iPhone by $200, won't the early adopters feel stupid?
If so, what would compel anyone to buy the new iPod's now knowing that Apple might drop the price on them a month or two down the road?

It seems to me announcing the price cut on the same day as the new models was not very bright...

... unless they are sacrificing the sales of these new toys so that the can realize their stated sales goal of 10 million iPhones in the first year.

I thought the purpose of Apples phone was the convergence of two devices.

The N800 can not be marketed aggressively until at least Chinook...
Nothing finished has been developed for it yet. Even third party apps line Navicore are lacking simple supporting apps like POI loaders and such.
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I've been watching this thread from the start, and I've seen some interesting points on all sides of the discussion. I'm pretty impressed with the iPod Touch, but not so impressed that I think the Nokia IT line is in any immediate danger. However, I do see this as a strong challenge for Nokia to respond to, and they had better do it quick.

Apple has made some very nice moves recently, and though it's still early in the game, Nokia has some work to do (at least here in the US) to make the game interesting again.

I'd still buy an N800 (or 770 for that matter) over an iPod Touch. There's just so much potential left in these devices to just abandon them now.
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