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Addison's Avatar
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Poopers! Looks like I have to reflash and start all over again.

I have chortles! *lol*

So I put debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar on mmc1 right after a fat32 format of the entire card.

I then edited /home/user/.chroot file and changed the one part you mentioned to

Finally, I copied and pasted this in Xterm.

sudo qmount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /floppy
cd /floppy
sudo gtar xjvf /media/mmc1/debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2 .
cd /
umount /floppy
It began extracting all of its nonsense so I walked away for a titch.

Turns out it was extracted the entire mess to my internal flash.

I now have no memory left and my tablet is goosed.

Then depression sets in.........

Hey horde, would you mind writing out exactly what you did?

For some reason, I tend to follow your directions a little easier.

Cheers, I guess.

Last edited by Addison; 2010-04-22 at 08:56.
hordeman's Avatar
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Dude, why did you do that? You FINALLY had a perfectly running system after all that hard work. There was no need to put yourself into a position of having to do more work. In fact, I had been happily using an img (as well as the majority of people here) for who knows how long. The only reason I wanted to partition was because I was ready for that next step. You barely started walking and were attempting to run.

Patience, brother. Take a minute to appreciate it.

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I hear you brother, but still, I just would like to get it right the first time.

Besides, I try to give it 100% effort on any goals I've set no matter how challenging they might be for me.

So here's the latest rundown.

Mounted partition 2 (ext2) on mmc1.
Tried to extract the rootfs from mmc2 to mounted partition using sudo.
Tried to extract the rootfs from mmc1, first partition (fat32), to mounted partition using sudo.
Tried to extract the rootfs from mmc1, second partition (ext2), to mounted partition using sudo.
Did all of these two times each, seemed to work, but every time, right there in the end, my memory card would disappear all together.

So here's the only way I've got the whole rootfs to completely unpack...

rootfs on mmc2

mounted partition 2 on mmc1

copied rootfs to mounted drive

cd to mounted drive

unpacked it as root.

So here's what I have.

Is it not working because everything is set as root?

How can I change the permissions for the entire partition?

I feel like I'm so close!
qole's Avatar
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Addison, your screenshot suggests that you might not be following my instructions; the "/debian/" directory that you're showing there -- is that after you've run Easy Debian? Because if it isn't, the explanation is that you're dumping everything into a directory in your flash memory, instead of into the mounted ext2 partition.

The problem with that theory is that it looks like you've got the 280MB rootfs file in there too, which would be too big for your flash memory. Hmm. I'm not sure what that's a picture of.

Here are my instructions, expanded a bit.

First, put tar file (debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2) to the FAT32 partition (which should be mounted as /media/mmc1 I think? Or is it mmc2 on the N810?). It really doesn't matter which. You just need to know the correct path to the file. Let's assume, for the purpose of the instructions, that you've put it in /media/mmc1/

Next, open a terminal. Type the following.

sudo qmount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /floppy
The tablet should respond with the following (and only this). If it doesn't, stop and post what it actually says.

using device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Using ext2 file system
mounting device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Now you have your new partition mounted as /floppy. I'm honestly curious at this point to know what's in there. I would love to see a copy-and-paste of the output of this command:

ls /floppy -l
Anyway, the next thing you should do is enter the following two commands. This will change the directory to /floppy (where your new partition is mounted) and then dump all of the Debian filesystem into it.

cd /floppy
sudo gtar xjvf /media/mmc1/debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2
Your prompt should change to contain "/floppy" after the first command, and then the second command should cause lots of scrolling stuff on the screen. It will eventually stop. When it does, type the following:

cd /
sudo qumount /floppy
The tablet should respond with:

..Unmounting /floppy...
successful unmount...
Then, to test out your new Debian partition, type the following:

sudo debian
You should get a response like:

No chroot dir specified; using /debian
/dev/mmcblk1p2 specified in ~/.chroot
using device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Using ext2 file system
mounting device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
Everything set up, running chroot...
[root@chroot: /]
If that's not what happens, please post the output of what actually does happen.

As for the rest of your message...

I'm not sure what you mean when you say, "my memory card would disappear all together". Does the /floppy directory appear completely empty? Or does something else disappear that was there before?

Maybe the weirdness with your N810 (the weirdness that made your card appear corrupted) is causing the problem again?
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Last edited by qole; 2010-04-25 at 06:34.

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Addison's Avatar
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The rootfs is on mmc2 and the ext2, second partition is on mmc1 (that's the screenshot of the mounted drive I think).

It's only on mmc2 for stability since my removable memory card enjoys taking big, meaty dumps on me for some reason.

So what I'm doing is cp that rootfs from mmc2 to the 2nd partition on mmc1 first.

[1|user@Nokia-N800-43-7|~]sudo qmount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /floppy
using device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
blkid: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Don't know : Using ext2 file system
Using ext2 file system
mounting device: /dev/mmcblk1p2
I've always had this same message no matter how many different angles I've tried.

I thought that was a normal error for some reason.

BTW, on my mmc1, fat32 is around 1.14 GB (?), the 2nd and only other partition for that card is ext2 at 2.51 GB.

Sorry, here's a copy of ls /floppy -l

[1|user@Nokia-N800-43-7|~]ls /floppy -l
ls: /floppy/tmp: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/sys: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/srv: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/opt: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/media: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/selinux: Input/output error
ls: /floppy/build: Input/output error
drwx------    2 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:59 bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Aug  5  2008 boot
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root    424287901 Apr 24 22:10 debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2
drwx------    4 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:59 dev
drwx------  101 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:59 etc
drwx------    3 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:59 home
drwx------   11 root     root         4096 Apr 24 23:00 lib
drwx------    2 root     root        16384 Sep  8  2008 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Aug  5  2008 mnt
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Aug  5  2008 proc
drwxr-xr-x   11 root     root         4096 Feb 17 00:33 root
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Feb 13 16:29 sbin
drwx------   10 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:59 usr
drwxr-xr-x   13 root     root         4096 Apr 24 22:18 var

Last edited by Addison; 2010-04-25 at 07:01.
Addison's Avatar
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Okay, the only real problem I'm having is that I can't visualize a single thing that's going on with all of this.

Apparently I was dropped on my head, burned in a bathtub and thrown out a car when I was a baby.

If you could, please post a simple screenshot of Gparted for your memory card.

Second, if you could, post a screenshot of either your external or internal memory card before you extracted the whole rootfs thingie, then I should be gold from there on out.

I've read through almost every debian post, but without a single picture of what you guys are doing, I'll probably remain a waddling nightmare of unhappiness.

Does that make any sense?
Addison's Avatar
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I'm not sure what you mean when you say, "my memory card would disappear all together". Does the /floppy directory appear completely empty? Or does something else disappear that was there before?
Using sudo and untarring the rootfs seems to work great for the first 20 minutes or so, then suddenly, errors aplenty begin to rifle off.

When looking at filemanager, it no longer shows my external memory card, it just disappeared.

Tried like 8 times or so.

I went ahead and used root instead of sudo and it unpacked the whole way through.

It looks like qmount isn't working correctly. What does that error message mean when attempting to mount /floppy?

So either I've formatted the card wrong, the card is indeed junk, or I'm missing a dependency for qmount to do its thing.

Thanks qole for exercising so much patience with me on this.

I'm sure I've been a struggle for you.
qole's Avatar
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That error, "blkid: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open," is annoying but harmless. I'll try to figure out why that's happening for you and get it fixed, but it shouldn't stop this process from working.

Unfortunately, all of those "Input/Output error" lines mean that your card is screwed up (again). You're going to have to reformat before trying again...

WARNING: Formatting a partition is dangerous. If you format the wrong partition you could lose important data. You have been warned!

Open a terminal, and enter the following:

sudo umount /floppy
sudo mkfs.ext2 -m 0 -L Debian /dev/mmcblk1p2
Now try the whole process (post 154) again.

By the way, you can either gain root at the beginning and do everything as root, or use sudo to do specific things as root. I prefer the latter, but the former has fewer keystrokes...
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qole's Avatar
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Is the error a common one?

If you are getting the error, could you please post the output of the following:

apt-cache policy libblkid1 libuuid1
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Addison's Avatar
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Hiya qole!

[1|user@Nokia-N800-43-7|~]apt-cache policy libblkid1 libuuid1
 Installed: 1.37-2sarge1
 Candidate: 1.37-2sarge1
 Version table:
*** 1.37-2sarge1 0
       500 diablo/free Packages
       500 diablo/free Packages
       100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 Installed: (none)
 Candidate: 1.37-2sarge1
 Version table:
    1.37-2sarge1 0
       500 diablo/free Packages
       500 diablo/free Packages

[1|user@Nokia-N800-43-7|~]sudo mkfs.ext2 -m 0 -L Debian /dev/mmcblk1p2
sudo: mkfs.ext2: command not found
I downloaded a Ubuntu live CD. When I get home I was going to burn the ISO and boot from that to see if I had any better luck.

I'll probably find it easier to partition the memory card and untar your rootfs file from a computer than using the tablet.

Besides, if I go that way, there's other whole communities that I can bug besides laying this all on you.

debian, easy debian, extras-devel, free

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