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I still have 2 N810. One is for spare.

The N810 still costs more than N900, based on this.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2010
I have an N810

I'm interested to see and use a good, fast word processing tool on my device (in the vein of softmaker's textmaker or full speed open office)

If that would happen, I would then be able to use that wonderful screen to its full ultraportable potential for my creative writing
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Posts: 106 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Rotterdam, Netherlands
Originally Posted by Stskeeps View Post
Please use this form:

* I have a (N800 or N810 or N810W)

* I'm interested to see and use (fill in) on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with (finish the sentence)

* If (fill in) would happen, I would then be able to do (fill in)
* I have a N900, N800 and 770 (resting in peace)
Use my N800 for surfing, VoIP phone, eBook reader
* hope that is possible to breath new life into Wayfinder
would like to run MER/Ubuntu (light)
* Am not a devloper but will contrbute by testing
* add new life to my N800
Owner : 770, N800, N900, WeTab 3G 32GB & N9 Black 64GB
Maemo & Meego/MER Jolla/Sailfish enthusiast.

Proud owner of a Jolla smart phone
Check this out !
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n810, planning to use it for email, music, voip, maps, ebooks, feeds, pim (seqretary), etc. until it falls apart. nokia disappointed me, they should have provided an update fixing the email and mediaplayer bugs.

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n800 Community ssu
Use it daily for surfing, e-books, email, shutting-up small children...and adults, music player, maemomapper...just about the only computer I use daily.
Always willing to test apps
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by hordeman View Post
Good to see that we still have a substantial N800/ N810 userbase here!
I suppose. It feels stale, though. I nearly sold off my N800 recently. I'm still on the fence about it and starting to lean again toward selling it off. Between the blatantly anti-consumer attitude (lack of support and communications for existing customers) from Nokia, the aging hardware with very little openness from TI over the hardware accelerated features, and the fact that I'm feeling less and less interested in where Nokia intends to go with their Internet Tablet line (that is.. "it's no longer a tablet!" telephoney stuff)--I'm just about at the end of my interest in this line. I'm looking elsewhere these days.

Anybody feel like buying a spare N800 with two 8GB SDHC cards (original packaging too), black silicon skin, two power supplies and a car adapter, GPS kit (mount and external bluetooth GPS unit that communicates to the Wayfinder software on the unit)? Wayfinder is already registered to the N800.

PM me if you're interested in it. Feel free to reply back here in public if you can think of a good reason why I and my friends, family and associates should keep it around anymore. Mind you--I feel pretty let down by Nokia and the involved chip manufacturers and drivers providers.
Den in USA's Avatar
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
I suppose. It feels stale, though. I nearly sold off my N800 recently. I'm still on the fence about it and starting to lean again toward selling it off. Between the blatantly anti-consumer attitude (lack of support and communications for existing customers) from Nokia, the aging hardware with very little openness from TI over the hardware accelerated features, and the fact that I'm feeling less and less interested in where Nokia intends to go with their Internet Tablet line (that is.. "it's no longer a tablet!" telephoney stuff)--I'm just about at the end of my interest in this line. I'm looking elsewhere these days.

Anybody feel like buying a spare N800 with two 8GB SDHC cards (original packaging too), black silicon skin, two power supplies and a car adapter, GPS kit (mount and external bluetooth GPS unit that communicates to the Wayfinder software on the unit)? Wayfinder is already registered to the N800.

PM me if you're interested in it. Feel free to reply back here in public if you can think of a good reason why I and my friends, family and associates should keep it around anymore. Mind you--I feel pretty let down by Nokia and the involved chip manufacturers and drivers providers.
I personally think that we NIT users should have gotten a updated N810 instead of the N900. I am still patiently waiting for a Nokia Tablet with maybe a 5 inch display and a super sensitive gps receiver. They might as well throw in a multi-channel garage door opener!
N800 / Diablo / 16gb int / 16gb ext / Globalsat BT-359 gps ..... Dell Streak 5 - Android 2.2.2

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I still have 2 N800's but they are not getting used as much as they once were. I stopped after the 800 and never went with the 810 (I was tied into a Verizon contract and liked their service). Still use them as a music streamer and sometimes surfing device.

I ended up getting a Moto Droid via Verizon (I have to say this quietly, lest I get attacked). I find that every application I used on the N800 has a counterpart on the Droid plus many other applications that I would have loved on my NIT. Yes, I know that I lost the ability to work at the root and am no longer on an "open source" device, but the darn thing just works, quite well, without any additional messing around.

I would love to do something to help extend the usability of my N800s. If there is any way I can help, let me know.

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Originally Posted by Den in USA View Post
I personally think that we NIT users should have gotten a updated N810 instead of the N900. I am still patiently waiting for a Nokia Tablet with maybe a 5 inch display and a super sensitive gps receiver. They might as well throw in a multi-channel garage door opener!
Agreed. But I would argue that there is masses of potential in the N810 in particular, and I feel very strongly that there could and should have been a step 4.5 which was basically Femantle without the fancy Ui, and Phone apps.

I think that all the updated and new apps which shipped with the N900 such as the PIM, media player, photo tagger etc could have been easily backported to the N8x0s. Yes I do know about Mer and Mer^2, but it's a big ask getting the community to push something out on their own.

I'm also slowly moving away from the N8x0s. I have recently swapped my Nokia 6220c symbian 3rd edition for a very cheap Nokia 5230 3.2 touch screen phone, which has now become my device of choice for listening to music/podcasts due to the fact that the phone works with the excellent AD-54 remote headset, and twitter/facebook with Gravity, and satnav with the free Ovi Maps with Navigation which has moved on so far from Wayfinder.

Next device is not until the autumn at the earliest, and may not be an N900 as originally planned, but a symbian or Android device.

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Originally Posted by eetimm View Post
I still have 2 N800's but they are not getting used as much as they once were. I stopped after the 800 and never went with the 810 (I was tied into a Verizon contract and liked their service). Still use them as a music streamer and sometimes surfing device.

I ended up getting a Moto Droid via Verizon (I have to say this quietly, lest I get attacked). I find that every application I used on the N800 has a counterpart on the Droid plus many other applications that I would have loved on my NIT. Yes, I know that I lost the ability to work at the root and am no longer on an "open source" device, but the darn thing just works, quite well, without any additional messing around.

I would love to do something to help extend the usability of my N800s. If there is any way I can help, let me know.
I'm precisely right there with you on pretty much the entire point you're making. I also ended up getting a Motorola Droid--but I bought it as a PHONE.. not for the tablet computing aspect--and for that, it's just been alright. I prefer CMDA/EVDO over GSM (better security, better data connection, better voice, etc) although I think Verizon's CDMA voice implementation is awful in quality, Sprint did it very, very well. That aside, it has managed to replace my N800 even though that wasn't the intention.

Additionally, I'm finding no shortage of support from Motorola, Google and Verizon to help keep my device supported (communications, updates and yes--even ADD-ONS!). Nokia has done an incredibly bad job of supporting customers that purchased their products and it leaves me frustrated since my initial impression was very positive and the potential is HUGE.

I held out for a long time to see if Nokia would produce something to replace the N800--and maybe THIS time they could treat us better. Alas, they did neither.

Don't feel like you should have to whisper that you ended up getting an Android. Nokia should probably know that there are those of us that really wanted to like them but they didn't care about the customer and the customer went elsewhere. Those are the hardest customers to bring back, by the by.

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