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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
That wasn't what you said. I'm responding to your specific words.
I did not say that there is a post or any other official word from Nokia stating anything. Actions speak louder than words.

I'm sorry but English is not my first language.
If you are going to take this discussion into semantics or whatever, I'm out.
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Originally Posted by H3llb0und View Post
I did not say that there is a post or any other official word from Nokia stating anything. Actions speak louder than words.

I'm sorry but English is not my first language.
If you are going to take this discussion into semantics or whatever, I'm out.
Splitting hairs over semantics was not my intention. In fact, I was trying to avoid that actually.

Sorry if we locked horns unnecessarily.
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I don't know if you meant me.. but one thing I can offer:

Some of us don't see the point in constantly complaining about **** we can't change.. so we work on the projects we're involved in and make our devices as much what we want them to be as we can.

Just because someone doesn't flood every thread going "Gosh, Nokia Sucks!" doesn't make them a fanboy. Same goes for just because someone says "That's not actually Nokia's fault".. because not everything can be blamed on someone else.
There were too many users to remember. But main thing is these users often jump at Goodbye threads with snide put downs, label them trolls or worse, put the opposition below Nokia and accepting second rate treatment. Basically anything but acknowledging the posters upset. He once had dreams with his device as well and doesn't deserve to reduced to a number... hes already got that treatment from Nokia.

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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
Right so now, again, we're back to stuff we can't really do much about.
And for this community to fully support the upcoming Maemo OS, that doesn't bother you that it's considered something that can't be done about yet?

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Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
There were too many users to remember. But main thing is these users often jump at Goodbye threads with snide put downs, label them trolls or worse, put the opposition below Nokia and accepting second rate treatment. Basically anything but acknowledging the posters upset. He once had dreams with his device as well and doesn't deserve to reduced to a number... hes already got that treatment from Nokia.
Ahhh.. that takes the intent a little differently.

To this, I actually addressed inside qwerty12's own thread. See this for my thoughts of why qwerty12's thread received a slightly different response than your typical "NOKIA SUCKS! I H8 U SUKKAZ! 'DROID DOES' *****!" threads.
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Last edited by fatalsaint; 2010-08-11 at 02:57.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
And for this community to fully support the upcoming Maemo OS, that doesn't bother you that it's considered something that can't be done about yet?
I was burned pretty badly over Mer too, don't forget. I really wanted Mer on my N810 to be functional.

Yes there were reasons, no I don't blame the people involved, but none of that matters. What matters is that we did not get our OS that we were so hopeful for.

So yes.. I understand your comment.

That is also why I am following MeeGo very closely, and so far I've been impressed. I can actually boot this into a full graphical UI and launch apps! It certainly is by no means ready to do anything beyond look "cute" (sort of.. can't say I'm impressed with the UI, actually.) but it looks promising.

However, you'll notice that I have stated several times that I am not comfortable with the fact MeeGo has to be retrieved from and not I have said that several times. Stskeeps has responded to that several times.. and again we're at a wait and see game.

But for now.. why would I make the same mistake as Nokia? Why would I ignore the device that is currently sitting in my hands to look at something that isn't even beyond the alpha stage yet?
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Sure but the same points have been reasoned and laboured many times before within the threads. But its a little vindication I guess but sad it had to come through this.

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
So easy to armchair quarterback. To call names. To lay blame. To ignore effort and accomplishment.

So much more difficult to work one's *** off in such an apparently thankless position.

You think you're disappointed when councl efforts come to nothing, silvermountain? Try putting in the hours I have. Try putting together a community outreach program and, just as you gain momentum after hours and hours and hours of design, review and discussion, the very reason for it disappears. Try writing and maintaining a blog partially dedicated to the community and having to stay on top of it to delete the juvenile nastygrams left by anonymous cowards. Try countless emails about community issues to various executives with no replies.

Try bending over backwards for myriad members of a community, some of whom leave petty, churlish posts like yours here as a "reward" for the effort.

As a community leader, council member or otherwise, I have gone to bat for this place and its people-- including you in all your nasty ingratitude. I was the one staying after work to dig through spare N800 parts, slicing my fingers on faceplates in the process, and mailing them out free to anyone who asked. I was the one who put my job at risk, angering people like Quim by challenging the tablet program to do better by the community. I'm the one enduring all the grief that malcontents like you dish out at a distance, in such cowardly fashion, because I'm stupid enough to care about people I'll never meet.

And that goes for every council member who's ever served.

Unstructured? Maybe to the anal retentive. Incompetent? An ironic assessment. Powerless and ineffective? Sure, at times. But only a complete idiot would confuse Nokia's monolithic resistance to change with the fault of five community people who care enough to devote their free time to that "futility".

What have YOU done?

Dude I'm sure people appreciate the work, but come on at the feet of Maemo obsolescence can the Maemo council sit and not say what community members are feeling. The N900 non-support was a raw deal, the flash issue not coming to light is becoming bothersome, Nokia hardware repair being anal for some issues, the WONTFIX bugs beginning to creep up, lack of Ovi Maps navigation ... and so on and so forth.

I think you guys fight on these behalfs, but behind closed doors which is not good enough to expedite Nokia to do anything. I fully understand what the 'qwerty12' dude was going on about ... the council is the last people steering this pile of **** and you guys are currently under the thumb of Nokia not the community. The community is asking you to tell Nokia a big F-you even though the effectiveness is not known. We should be boycotting the future phones until they change plans on the N900 obsolescence, create a Facebook group saying Nokia sucks, espouse social activism to get what this community needs ... working with them will only get you as far as the next news cycle, once the next phone is announced it will be Maemo who? This community is at the best place right now to hold Nokia accountable, a small window if it passes then they will repeat this culture of poor support year after year ... they won't learn so long as the entire community can unilaterally say no more of these lackluster efforts. Also who cares if they recoil back to a closed source mentality, in my opinion things can only get better once we vent what the community is feeling. I like the blogs on Tabula Crypticum and so your work is valued ... but this is a publicity war and how does one cooperate with Nokia when as qwerty12 would say we are at the *** end of the deal.

Yes what I, qwerty12 and others are saying seems unthinkable and not thought out. But I ask what of this community remains once Meego comes out? Even the council became obsolete the day Meego was announced, people are leaving, some are so disenfranchised they make posts which are sane to read but irrational to post as it just lists reasons for leaving. What can you guys do, firstly stop bothering with Meego issues ... you are Maemo council not Meego council. Put out a public memo airing the disillusionment for N900 not being supported any further beyond Maemo 5. List the issues that need to be resolved by Nokia to earn the communities recommendation for future Nokia devices, organize Nokia boycott campaigns (in my opinion a better use of your free time when dealing with council duties) ... so again you can help the community by telling Nokia what we truly think ... stick it where the sun don't shine if you do not address our concerns.

I know why some can be a bit hesitant, tarnishing the rep of a good phone company. You know what I don't work their and so don't others, and Nokia hasn't impressed for a while now. As a consumer I think that they did everything wrong to date, and as to the future positioning they have made I think it is pointless now as they have pissed any goodwill that existed. Air the concerns, and stop trying to keep the piece ... the community is dieing might as well supernova and explode on Nokia's face as they have created the conditions for this.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
We report every major community issue to Nokia. Usually ad nauseum. I'm still trying to understand how Nokia's resulting inaction is our fault. Help me out.
I that in a nutshell shows how inadequately equipped/staffed/organized the "Council" is (sorry for using quotation marks but I swear I can't take that 'organization' seriously).

If you time after time after time do something and you don't get any reaction or response - then why keep doing it in the same way?

Arrange sit-downs (virtual/physical with Nokia representatives), ask for key contacts that you can go through and set expectations in terms of what you can expect from them, arrange for petitions/signatures for main issues, use other channels (gizmodo/techcrunch, etc, etc) to let Nokia know about that there are things that needs to be fixed, etc, etc.

And if none of that, and other attempts doesn't work - then it is obvious that as a 'Council' you have no purpose and that your tag-line is useless and the whole thing should be phased out.

Sorry to be harsh but to have as a defense and reason for existence that you 'try but never get anything done' is very, very weak and it might just be time to man up and realize that Nokia does not take this 'body' seriously.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
So easy to armchair quarterback. To call names. To lay blame. To ignore effort and accomplishment.
Yes it is but do you know what appears to be easier?
To accomplish frikk'n nothing and continue to act as if it's all hunky dory.

Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
What have YOU done?

I am neither on a Council nor am I pretending to fill the role of a moderator.
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