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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
(And yet, they do manage to make huge progress on Sailfish, and even hit the deadlines that they set there. I'm used to thinking that hardware production is easier to predict than software...)
What progress again? Get rid of other halfs, the colour themes of phone and all the "exclusive" things and UI slowly comes to look more android with few swipes. Revolution is not about UI, buttons or swipe, but about UX, and while with N9 and even with Blackberry10 i felt natural with all gestures, with Jolla you need to learn and get used (if you explain UX it's wrong UX).
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Originally Posted by billranton View Post
No, I don't think production plants let you do that. It would be horrendously expensive if they actually wanted to produce such small batches.

You can be pretty sure that the factory are forcing this on them. If some big players with fat wallets come along and want extra batches produced in time for Christmas, Jolla get bumped.
And if some user from TMO can tell that, why wouldn't they think of it ahead, as it's their job you know
And again who told that factory delayed for more than half year (may was original date) and what Jolla sit quit all this time and wait for factory to call them?
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
Not just cynical, but crazy. The major costs involved in producing a consumer product are spent for designing the device, setting up a factory to produce the device, and hiring & training workers to build the device. You only start making a profit once the factory has pumped out enough of them that the difference between the parts cost and the sales price brings in enough money to pay off that initial startup cost.

Jolla has _already_ done all the startup work, as evidenced by their ability to actually produce about 200 units of the final product. So, they've already spent a whole lot of money here (almost guaranteed more than they raised from Indiegogo). Unless they somehow manage to turn things around and start producing this tablet in volume, they're going to be in a big financial hole here...
You remember you are talking about some standard chinese tablet with some modifications(search this thread for links of found "brothers" of Jolla tablet)
IRC nick on freenode — ZogG
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
(if you explain UX it's wrong UX).
If so, there is no UX that is done correctly.
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Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
If so, there is no UX that is done correctly.
But a close one there is in my memory

The Maemo 5 interface felt all natural to me from the first minute.
It was like homecoming on my trusty desktop PC.
Including the tap in blurred area to cancel, hold back button for surfing history in browser, ctrl+c/v, shift arrow, etc..

The only feature I had to look up was how to activate the virtual mouse cursor.

With Jolla Sailfish I am still struggling how to get back from this gallery review to my camera interface fast when rushing to take a next picture.
I did it before, I know how it works, but I keep struggling when it counts.
That is just one example but there are a couple of those dead ends where I have to try something different to get back on track.

Also I have to remind myself that there is an extra menu somewhere swipe forward or was it backward.

It is not bad but surely not a second nature like as Maemo 5 feels.

Here is my top UX.. Maybe not fair as some devices have really excellent HW features while other are set back by the new barebone approach there must be an "app for that" or "additional gadget for that" style.

1) Maemo 5 as on N900
2) Harmattan as on N9
3) WebOS as on Pre3
4) Sailfish OS as on Jolla till
5) Sailfish OS as on Tablet and latest update on phone (2.0)
6) Symbian Belle as on Pureview 808 - some UX features are just killer and the UI has great customization possiblities but a lot stands with great HW features + reasonable software. (Pureview camera launched by HW camera button, Mouse & keyb native support, USB OTG, HDMI, probably forgetting a few)

Choose only one: probably the Nokia 808. Dream UX would be an updated Maemo 5, Nokia 808 HW features incl HW keyb +

Damn, when will I ever heal and move on even if it means going backward in overal UX?
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Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
If so, there is no UX that is done correctly.
There is nothing ideal, but i gave you an example of intuitive UI.
In addition, it funny how Jolla changes a lot of things they introduced as "uniq" and "unlike" features towards the Ux more of android :P
So again, I know you love them, but at least do not make a mistake as Marc did with a tattoo :P
IRC nick on freenode — ZogG
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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
The Maemo 5 interface felt all natural to me from the first minute.
It was like homecoming on my trusty desktop PC.
Including the tap in blurred area to cancel, hold back button for surfing history in browser, ctrl+c/v, shift arrow, etc..
True. It took more effort to get into Harmattan than into Maemo 5, however I still consider Harmattan UI-paradigm to be more powerful than Maemo 5 and after getting used to it, there simply was no way I wanted to adopt different UI-paradigm again (however, if Jolla goes belly up, I guess I wouldn't have a choice anymore). Being intuitive usually means just doing thing "the familiar way", but UI considered to be very intuitive may not be at all intuitive for people who have no prior experience with it, or have experience from different kind of device. That's why I have taken this "intuitive UI"-thing with heavy dose of salt since from the days of first iPhone. It either needs to be explained, or it needs to ne so outright limited and dumb that even dumb persons know how to use it - and still there would be those dumb people who need it to be explained to them...

As for struggles with SF 2.0, personally I haven't had issues to adapt to them like you have. Some things were better in 1.0, some things are way better in 2.0 and over all I regard 2.0 better.

So my list would be:

1. Sailfish 2.0
2. Sailfish 1.0
3. Harmattan
4. Maemo 5 / N900 as it was very powerful as pocket computer
5 iPhone as it was fluent and effortless, though not powerful
6. Symbian Belle because it could work both vertical and landscape throughout the whole UI, which is what I have been missing since, but disliked the multi tasking-style and overall bad performance especially when heavily burdened
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Originally Posted by zenecho View Post
Would it be very cynical of me to think that Jolla is maybe only using the Tablet as a means of raising capital for development sailfish as an OS?

Jolla have managed to raise two million (cant remember the exact figure) via the indigogo campaign. This is money that has been paid to them and is/was sitting in the bank.
Here is the financial status of Jolla Ltd. Indiegogo campaign alone can sustain Jolla Ltd or the development of Sailfish OS only for few months. And not even that if we reduce the hardware costs. This means that the development money is mostly coming from somewhere else like owners, investors, partners, loans and bonds.
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Originally Posted by att View Post
Here is the financial status of Jolla Ltd. Indiegogo campaign alone can sustain Jolla Ltd or the development of Sailfish OS only for few months. And not even that if we reduce the hardware costs. This means that the development money is mostly coming from somewhere else like owners, investors, partners, loans and bonds.
I doubt investors are interested to continue feed Jolla with money 2016....
Keep safe and healthy
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
I doubt investors are interested to continue feed Jolla with money 2016....
Why not? They've stumbled with the tablet, but they've finally started to crack open the OS market. They're looking like the only significant competitor to Android at the moment (that is, as a mobile device OS not tied down to a particular manufacturer's products). So, they do still have a story to sell...

Last edited by Copernicus; 2015-11-07 at 14:25.
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