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aflegg's Avatar
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Yup. Interesting wording, though:

Originally Posted by Ari Jaaksi
Nokia will not integrate and make OS2007 available for 770
Depending on what happens with the Maemo 2.x series now, I see the following as the best strategy forward for the 770 community:

Fork it.

Combine Maemo 2.x as a base, with the proprietary components of the 770 image overlaid and then merge changes from the Maemo 3.x public tree back.

This should, theoretically, result in a new software image for the 770 with the same proprietary components (no Opera 8.5 or Flash 7), but improved desktop, applications etc.

This is not likely to be easy (losing the proprietary components isn't too hard, but maintaining them as well as the rest of the updated framework might be: especially since they can't be recompiled).
Andrew Flegg -- |
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That is, unfortunately, exactly the situation I fled from in the Zaurus space : on one side, a plethora of "free", hacker-oriented distributions, all half-done and lacking key end-user components ; on the other, a few brave maintainers of QTopia derivatives of the original firmware, trying to introduce improvements while keeping the useful or mandatory proprietary bits. Eventually the latter became so hobbled by the constraints of the legacy software that they just lost interest and disappeared.
aflegg's Avatar
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Indeed. It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an ideal scenario.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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I'm pissed off!!!
I'm going to dump Nokia and wait until there will be a real open source device.
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
That is, unfortunately, exactly the situation I fled from in the Zaurus space : on one side, a plethora of "free", hacker-oriented distributions, all half-done and lacking key end-user components ; on the other, a few brave maintainers of QTopia derivatives of the original firmware, trying to introduce improvements while keeping the useful or mandatory proprietary bits. Eventually the latter became so hobbled by the constraints of the legacy software that they just lost interest and disappeared.
Exactly. I had a Zaurus too and for a while virtually everyone was making a distro for it, which led to lots and lots of re-flashing and frustration with the limitations and bugginess inherent in that. Eventually my Z broke; I had a protection plan on it and used the money to buy a digital camera. I'm not particularly sad about that as Sharp shot itself in the foot repetitively with the terrible way they communicated and interacted with the community.

Ari Jaaksi wrote:
... However,as I said Nokia will not make Os2007 on 770.

But I agree that with more time and resources we could have provided a better support for the 770. We will learn from this!

The funny thing is that he phrases it as if the 770 support is dead-and-buried already. R.I.P. 770, basically. I don't understand his statement about learning from it at all because it's as if it's somehow going to be so much easier to support the n800 when the "n900" (or whatever) comes out. It doesn't make any sense; unless the next device will have little or no changes from this one -unlikely- we'll be in the same situation next year. He'll be sorry about dropping support for the n800 and sure it'll be better next time.

Sorry, I just really feel like somebody punched me, hearing the official news about this. I was so hoping that Nokia would get it right and provide continuity and compatibility from device to device, even if it was only for one generation back. I was planning on getting a n800 but now it doesn't seem like a good idea any more.

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I think Ari is referring to the support up to this point of the 770, not necessarily meaning to kill it off at this point.

And his posts are written in the infamous "Finnglish", which means there's the possibility of misinterpretation. I would take the most important sentence in that post ("we will learn from this!") and take some comfort from that-- and everything else with a grain of salt.
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Can someone recommend a 4GB SD card? I see various speeds 50x, 150x, SDHC, SDA 2.0?

Does the speed of the card matter for the N800? Will a fast SD card make web browsing any faster? And once i get my card, what memory tweaks, files swaps, etc should I do to my N800?
Nokia N800
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Does the speed of the card matter for the N800? Will a fast SD card make web browsing any faster? And once i get my card, what memory tweaks, files swaps, etc should I do to my N800?
Card speed really only matters when copying large files straight to or from a card itself, in normal use you'd be hard pressed to notice the difference. It does not impact the web browser in any way.

I recommend first trying the device without any swap files or other tweaks. Unlike the 770, the N800 has quite a lot (percentage wise of total memory) free working memory after booting up. If an application manages to consume all this memory, it's probably consuming memory at such a rate that it's just going to chew through whatever swap you have. This is not a good thing, it's probably better that the application just terminates instead of brining the whole device to a grinding halt because of the swapping.

Swap is a good thing if you find that you cannot have as many applications open at the same time as you would like. This isn't easy to achieve, you can open every single application that comes installed on the N800 without exhausting the memory.
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Thanks for the info Zim! You rawk!

Im gonna do dual 4GBs, maybe dual 8GBs...hmmm?
Nokia N800
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Originally Posted by Beefy6969 View Post
Can someone recommend a 4GB SD card? I see various speeds 50x, 150x, SDHC, SDA 2.0?
I started the thread 4GB+ SD Cards - list of working cards? to gather this information - so far nobody has logged any details (though I only created it a few hours ago!)

If there are no entries after a few days I'd become suspicious about claims that 4GB cards work, or it could be that the thread has dropped off the radar (I may have to bounce it a few times!)

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