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wow this thread is crazy. This morning it was only 3 pages. then 17 when i started reading and now 18 pages.

I must say i like the look of the new design. I can't wait to test out the new OS. I just don't like how a memory slot was taken away. imagine 2 16gig cards plus 2 gigs internal 34gigs.
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Orbitalcomp, I believe the answer is: no. But I gather it would be feasible to introduce A2DP with another firmware update? That's what Nokia has been doing with phones at least.
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Yesterday I had a real downer on the N810; I perceived it as the next step on from the N800, and was consequently somewhat disappointed. But as more details have been released today I realise that it's not a replacement for the N800, instead it is an alternative to the N800.

I still think the styling of the N810 is lacking for an N-series device, and while the size reduction is welcomed the additional 20 grams weight mean the N810 is less pocket friendly than the N800 which is already uncomfortable in a trouser pocket, and just about bearable in a suit jacket pocket. The miniSD slot is annoying, but not a deal breaker.

The new features in OS 2008 sound promising (particularly the SAP BT profile) though the continued omission of A2DP is a real bummer. I hope the video bandwidth issues have been resolved, we probably won't know for sure until someone like Serge has access to a device!

As an interim/alternative device I think the N810 is a good move and a shot in the arm for NITs and while it could have been better I'm confident Nokia will finally nail it with the next gen "N900" Internet Tablet which I would expect to arrive mid to late 2008!

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-10-18 at 10:37.
CrossBow's Avatar
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Just a few comments from an X - Nokia 770 user, and now iPhone owner.

I am also a Linux fan, and I am *NOT* impressed with eye candy. We bought a new iMac. It was cool for about the first 3 days, but once the newness wore off, I was back to my Fedora system. So, I am FAR from an Apple fanboy, and this isn't intended as a troll.

The iPhone has it's faults and the whole locking down, hacking, locking down, hacking thing s*cks. Mine is jailbroken, and I have 3rd party apps, and even a terminal (just like I did on my 770).

However, Unless Nokia does something *Very* serious to improve the User experience, They might as well give up, and sell the few Nokia Stores to Apple to turn into Apple Stores.

The user experience on the iPhone is really that much better.

iPhone: Very Fast, smooth 2D inertial scrolling with just a flick of the thumb.
Nokia: If you hack root access, install terminal, learn vi, and edit an .ini file you can get slow, clunky scrolling with the d-pad. Apparently there is still no scroll wheel.

iPhone: Multiple ways of nearly instant, continuous zoom. Just double tap to make a certain column of text readable (depending on the web page).
Nokia: A few pre-set zoom levels that are unaware of the structure of the page. Usable via keys on the top, or several taps away, in a menu.

The iPhones dial metaphor for doing things like pull downs, and selecting dates in Calendar is way cool too - also inertial.

Also, the on-screen keyboard on the iPhone *IS* useable. It's the best on-screen keyboard, I have ever seen. IMHO, the finger type thing on my N770 was 100% unusable. (I'm the one that built the Keyboard Dock for the N770). The touch screen on the iPhone/iTouch is a completely different technology. I actually like to type on it, and I would be willing to bet that I can type on the iPhone's virtual keyboard, as fast as on the N810's hardware keyboard. (This is based on my experience with a Nokia 9500, which I also owned.) I do *not* have small fingers.

I also bought a N770 for my wife. It sits around the house and she almost never uses it. She will, however use my iPhone. She said that the iPhone is the first portable device she thinks is actually usable for web surfing.

Granted, some of the UI on the iPhone is just eye candy (like the flip through your albums thing - I only use it to show people. It has no real function at all). But other parts, as indicated above, really do make the iPhone much more usable than other small devices.


Mine is a 4G iPhone - $299
16G iTouch - $399
Compared to a 2G N810 for $479 ?!!
(Oh, and don't forget that the iPhone is a phone too, if you want it to be.)


Has Google maps, Cell tower based location available. GPS only tells you your *present* location. For planning trips, real time traffic, finding business locations, phone numbers, etc. GPS helps you exactly 0. All of these things clearly state DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING. I agree. If you are really so out of it that you do not even know your present location, you probably should not be driving anyway.

Battery life - replaceability.

A charge on my iPhone lasts about as long as any other WiFi equipped device. Its better than my N770 or Pepper Pad, and about the same as my n80 (phone). If the iPhone's eye candy reduces battery life compared to other devices, I have not seen it.

As far as replacing the battery, Look how often Nokia comes out with new NXXX devices. I estimate that the battery on my iPhone will need replacing in about 1 to 2 years. I have not kept a phone for that long since the AMPS days. I also have the skills to replace it if needed. New, 3rd party batteries are $29.95, OEM for $39.95.

Anyone concidering a N810 should actually try to do something on an iPhone/iTouch and on the N810 before buying.
--- CrossBow

Mobile Linux? Got That.
Pepper Pad 3, Nokia 770, GP2X, Motorola A780

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I haven't tried the email client yet. Haven't even looked at it-- too busy testing other aspects...
Would you please look at it long enough to let us know if it's Modest?
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I thought there was no need for the sliding keyboard. They should have put the phone feature instead of a keyboard.....people who wanted a keyboard could have bought bluethooth keyboard, which can be very efficient in typing....just that change would have made this device lot better than it really is. Nokia would have made their name next to apple iphone if they had used just a little bit more of their brain.
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i may have missed something here, but does the n810 have one or two media slots, and what form factor is it/are they? can i use both of my SDHC cards in it?
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Originally Posted by CrossBow View Post
Anyone concidering a N810 should actually try to do something on an iPhone/iTouch and on the N810 before buying.
So how is the built-in GPS on the iPhone/Touch?

Originally Posted by jp6891 View Post
I thought there was no need for the sliding keyboard. They should have put the phone feature instead of a keyboard.....people who wanted a keyboard could have bought bluethooth keyboard, which can be very efficient in typing....just that change would have made this device lot better than it really is. Nokia would have made their name next to apple iphone if they had used just a little bit more of their brain.
Brains were effectively utilized. The N800 uses a bluetooth keyboard. Stick with that, forget the N810, problem solved.
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Originally Posted by jp6891 View Post
people who wanted a keyboard could have bought bluethooth keyboard, which can be very efficient in typing
Surely that depends on what you want to do at the time. I have a bluetooth keyboard, which is great for serious typing when you have a table to sit at. But I can't flake on the sofa while watching TV, and use it while IM'img friends. I could (and regularly did) with my HTC Tytn, do occasionally with my n800, and am sure I would regularly with the n810 (when I get one). The only reason I don't more with the n800 is because the full screen keyboard hides what I'm doing. I know there are small BT keyboard, but I wouldn't want to hold the n800 in one hand and a keyboard in another.

I'm sure that I would still use the BT keyboard for sending emails, taking notes etc...
sachin007's Avatar
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Originally Posted by CrossBow View Post
Just a few comments from an X - Nokia 770 user, and now iPhone owner.

I am also a Linux fan, and I am *NOT* impressed with eye candy. We bought a new iMac. It was cool for about the first 3 days, but once the newness wore off, I was back to my Fedora system. So, I am FAR from an Apple fanboy, and this isn't intended as a troll.

The iPhone has it's faults and the whole locking down, hacking, locking down, hacking thing s*cks. Mine is jailbroken, and I have 3rd party apps, and even a terminal (just like I did on my 770).

However, Unless Nokia does something *Very* serious to improve the User experience, They might as well give up, and sell the few Nokia Stores to Apple to turn into Apple Stores.

The user experience on the iPhone is really that much better.

iPhone: Very Fast, smooth 2D inertial scrolling with just a flick of the thumb.
Nokia: If you hack root access, install terminal, learn vi, and edit an .ini file you can get slow, clunky scrolling with the d-pad. Apparently there is still no scroll wheel.

iPhone: Multiple ways of nearly instant, continuous zoom. Just double tap to make a certain column of text readable (depending on the web page).
Nokia: A few pre-set zoom levels that are unaware of the structure of the page. Usable via keys on the top, or several taps away, in a menu.

The iPhones dial metaphor for doing things like pull downs, and selecting dates in Calendar is way cool too - also inertial.

Also, the on-screen keyboard on the iPhone *IS* useable. It's the best on-screen keyboard, I have ever seen. IMHO, the finger type thing on my N770 was 100% unusable. (I'm the one that built the Keyboard Dock for the N770). The touch screen on the iPhone/iTouch is a completely different technology. I actually like to type on it, and I would be willing to bet that I can type on the iPhone's virtual keyboard, as fast as on the N810's hardware keyboard. (This is based on my experience with a Nokia 9500, which I also owned.) I do *not* have small fingers.

I also bought a N770 for my wife. It sits around the house and she almost never uses it. She will, however use my iPhone. She said that the iPhone is the first portable device she thinks is actually usable for web surfing.

Granted, some of the UI on the iPhone is just eye candy (like the flip through your albums thing - I only use it to show people. It has no real function at all). But other parts, as indicated above, really do make the iPhone much more usable than other small devices.


Mine is a 4G iPhone - $299
16G iTouch - $399
Compared to a 2G N810 for $479 ?!!
(Oh, and don't forget that the iPhone is a phone too, if you want it to be.)


Has Google maps, Cell tower based location available. GPS only tells you your *present* location. For planning trips, real time traffic, finding business locations, phone numbers, etc. GPS helps you exactly 0. All of these things clearly state DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING. I agree. If you are really so out of it that you do not even know your present location, you probably should not be driving anyway.

Battery life - replaceability.

A charge on my iPhone lasts about as long as any other WiFi equipped device. Its better than my N770 or Pepper Pad, and about the same as my n80 (phone). If the iPhone's eye candy reduces battery life compared to other devices, I have not seen it.

As far as replacing the battery, Look how often Nokia comes out with new NXXX devices. I estimate that the battery on my iPhone will need replacing in about 1 to 2 years. I have not kept a phone for that long since the AMPS days. I also have the skills to replace it if needed. New, 3rd party batteries are $29.95, OEM for $39.95.

Anyone concidering a N810 should actually try to do something on an iPhone/iTouch and on the N810 before buying.
Hello before comparing apple and nokia.... i sincerely advice you to try the n800 once. The experience is quite different. You are comparing a 120 dollar device to a 400 dollar device. That is not a good comparision. SO please use a n800 atleast if not the n810 and then compare.

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