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This may be old news, but I just worked out that NITDroid can be shutdown without pulling the battery using the same key combination as on native Android devices.

Hold down the power button and then half press the camera shutter button.

Is it possible to run an app from the command line? I've got the Audible Beta but it keeps hanging on the splash screen. I expect this is related to the external flash card issue

Last edited by gowen; 2010-06-28 at 20:44.
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dev tools > terminal em*
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Davis, CA
Hi all,

Jumping on the bandwagon here...

I followed this guide:

Upon first boot I got an error about

/dev/mmcblk1p2 not being found

Followed by:

Choose bootup option:
2) MMC
9) Start a shell
I think I followed the guide exactly, but I only have 1 partition on my mem card. It's a 1gb card, with 1 ext3 partition taking up all of the space.

So I went in to the boot menu file and changed p2 to p1:


This change got me by the original problem and I got much further into the boot process.

I got up to the point of the android boot animation, but then it just played on repeat for 10 minutes before I shut it down.

Do you think my partition scheme could be causing this? Anyway to debug at this point?


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potentianalyl yes, try deleting boot.log on mem card then try boot again and get and uplaod the new boot.log
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Davis, CA
HOHO, thanks dj_steve, just tried it again on a whim and it worked this time. Didn't change anything, just worked.
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Alas, all is not right in androidville. Once I got in, all of the programs crashed as soon as they loaded. There was an icon of a memory card in the status bar with a warning icon overlaid.

I'm going to rework the memcard with 2 partitions and see what happens.
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i never saw that error but mem card is normal on froyo
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Hrmmm no joy.

Boots up and immediately the screen is inundated with message boxes.


The application Email (proces has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again

Also get errors for Clock, Calendar Storage, Bluetooth Share, Android keyboard, Messaging, and many others.

The touch screen works, i'm able to navigate menus and desktops, but I can't launch any programs .

I'll attach a boot log in case its enlightening at all. Hrmm too big to upload, paste bin'ing it.
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Egh... sorry to flood this thread.

My previous post was using the highest versioned e-yes rootfs I found earlier.

I switched over to the dj_steve rootfs from a couple pages back and was able to get a bit further.

Still seeing lots of app crashes, web browser, messaging, but I was able to load up settings and try to connect to wifi (blocked by DHCP bug).

Will keep my eye out for update
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So... I've decided to try today. But I've stuck on very beginning following the tutorial from wiki.

PC Windows XP 32 bit
VirtualBox. I can't find anywhere option to add .iso of mint as the hard-drive.

Another one question I couldn't find version 4.2. I've seen 4.1 only. Sorry if I missed some post but is like the official link from that wiki is always up-to-date?
My Toys: N900, Samsung Nexus S
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