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Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by jto View Post
This is the meamo forum. Hmmmmmm, or did I forget where I am, again?
WOW you only made ONE post since you join in 2009, blimy something must have shook you to make that one

Must thank your first post and welcome to the world of posting .
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Whatever it is worth, yes, this is my only account on tmo.

Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
WOW you only made ONE post since you join in 2009, blimy something must have shook you to make that one

Must thank your first post and welcome to the world of posting .
I don't mean to be a ***** about it, but I'm here for meamo information for my n810 and n900, not any other platform or any other device. I am a proud owner of these Nokia machines. If I was clever enough, I would publish any software I could develop. But, I am not, and so I don't. So, here we are today, in a forum thread discussing the future of the Nokia company that we consumers do not control. I do not own any stock or have any ownership within Nokia. At random, I log in to tmo and read these threads to keep up with current technology. But, today, this thread caught my eye as I have not yet witnessed any other information of a Nokia CEO change on other forums/blogs/etc.

So, here I am, reading about iPhone masturbation techniquies and whatever the **** is ''.

I'm sorry, abil_uk, I didn't intend to make my 2nd post to be aggressive towards you. I only came here to play The Mana World.
Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by jto View Post
Whatever it is worth, yes, this is my only account on tmo.

I don't mean to be a ***** about it, but I'm here for meamo information for my n810 and n900, not any other platform or any other device. I am a proud owner of these Nokia machines. If I was clever enough, I would publish any software I could develop. But, I am not, and so I don't. So, here we are today, in a forum thread discussing the future of the Nokia company that we consumers do not control. I do not own any stock or have any ownership within Nokia. At random, I log in to tmo and read these threads to keep up with current technology. But, today, this thread caught my eye as I have not yet witnessed any other information of a Nokia CEO change on other forums/blogs/etc.

So, here I am, reading about iPhone masturbation techniquies and whatever the **** is ''.

I'm sorry, abil_uk, I didn't intend to make my 2nd post to be aggressive towards you. I only came here to play The Mana World.
Is ok no offence taken and am sorry you coud not come to post at such a seemingly bad time but there is hope because the CSSU team are doing wonders these days and a new release seems to be very promising indeed.

As for i was taking the pisss
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Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! View Post
I hope all of the negative characters here like danramos and patlak do better in their regular lives. Such negativism about current Nokia course is a simple nostalgia for bygone times. I am glad none of you head anything, I would feel really sorry for your employees. If you are so negative about the current course, start your own Meego company and show us how its done.

Elop gave you N9. Nokia is stupid in even doing that. When survival is on the line, you have to focus on your best chances. Meego isnt it
Wow, if we don't agree with Elop's idiotic plan, we must be negativists in our regular lives. Dude you have seriously mastered the human psychology.

Elop's plan is nowhere to be seen. He cancelled N950 and if the rumor is true, limited N9 to 100000 devices on tiny markets. It's a wonderful plan to kill devices that raised share prices on announcement, received positive feedback from people and continue stubbornly with his tunnel vision in producing a single WP7 device in Q1 2012. If you were smart, you would just buy an HD2 and install WP7.

CONCLUSION: We are negative because his plan, in short, is CRAP for the consumers, but perfect for bankrupting a company.
Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! View Post
I hope all of the negative characters here like danramos and patlak do better in their regular lives. Such negativism about current Nokia course is a simple nostalgia for bygone times. I am glad none of you head anything, I would feel really sorry for your employees. If you are so negative about the current course, start your own Meego company and show us how its done.

Elop gave you N9. Nokia is stupid in even doing that. When survival is on the line, you have to focus on your best chances. Meego isnt it
What do you mean Elop gave us the N9?, for your information the N9 was in the development stages well before Elop even had anything to do with Nokia.

Your so obsessed with the iphone that you just do not like Nokia one least bit YET you come on a Nokia based forum and tell everyone how bad Nokia is and how good Elop is.... mate you need your head examined if you even think you will gain any popularity from this Nokia based forum !.

I am actually shocked you drag down people who have actually thanked some of your posts.
Posts: 1,033 | Thanked: 1,013 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! View Post
iphone works. you can text and masturbate at the same time. have you tried it?
Masturbating on texts.....NO.....I've never tried it.
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Originally Posted by hotnikkelz View Post
No doubt...and I have NEVER said otherwise. As i said before going WP7 is not the problem, the problem is focusing solely on it, and that is what I don't like about Elop.
I'm also unsure as to why you say Meego etc are way ahead of WP7, because from what I've seen they're not. Each has stuff that the other lacks and vice versa. eg Can u edit documents on n9? no you can't at least not yet. Does WP7 have vpn? no it doesn't not yet.

I also agree that going WP7 is inexplicable, very unnecessary. We are on the same page minus the Microsoft hate.

Listen, the reception for initial release of wp7 was bad yes, but not set in stone. They've improved it drastically. They rushed it out to market and the lacklustre hardware attempts from the OEMs didn't help either, considering the alternatives, it was bound to be sucky. Are you all REALLY not seeing ANY merit in wp7 platform? really? How many of you have used a phone with WP7 mango?
They are ahead in the sense that they have 2 devices ready for launch. They have only been sabotaged in order to make space for the new supposed "bulletproof" WP7 plan. MeeGo, even if it did lack in some areas, by releasing the N9 and N950, Nokia could have invested resources completely on MeeGo instead of WP7. By now it would have received updates, would gather third party developers and Nokia could be releasing a third device Q1 2012. This is how it is ahead. WP7 is just an imagination now, nothing has been shown ready and it is not Nokia proprietary OS. You are right in saying that they should have used WP7 as an experiment and check reception in regard to MeeGo. But a full focus on WP7 is seriously inexplicable and must have a background which we, the public, wil never know.
Posts: 184 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
.... mate you need your head examined if you even think you will gain any popularity from this Nokia based forum !.
ROTFLMAO....heed this information from the master of gaining popularity on this forum...hahahhaa

Last edited by jnack95; 2011-09-14 at 09:41.
Posts: 241 | Thanked: 324 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by patlak View Post
They are ahead in the sense that they have 2 devices ready for launch. They have only been sabotaged in order to make space for the new supposed "bulletproof" WP7 plan. MeeGo, even if it did lack in some areas, by releasing the N9 and N950, Nokia could have invested resources completely on MeeGo instead of WP7. By now it would have received updates, would gather third party developers and Nokia could be releasing a third device Q1 2012. This is how it is ahead. WP7 is just an imagination now, nothing has been shown ready and it is not Nokia proprietary OS. You are right in saying that they should have used WP7 as an experiment and check reception in regard to MeeGo. But a full focus on WP7 is seriously inexplicable and must have a background which we, the public, wil never know.
Ah I get you now and I agree.
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Originally Posted by jto View Post
This is the meamo forum. Hmmmmmm, or did I forget where I am, again?
Where do you want to go today?
You'll go where we tell you to go,
because we're Microsoft.
Go ahead.
Tell your boss you want to use something else.
Good luck.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

bada rox, bigbadtroll!, ceo firing, fooled again, pissing contest

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