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Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
@MartinK, thank you for the update, looking forward to test it. ESpeak already amused everyone this morning

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Its great that you integrated POI support. Other map clients do have the same in TODOs, as far as I remember.
I think it's pretty important to be able to save any points of interest you encounter on your travels and to look them up later.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Regarding POIs, I do wonder if we can keep it in some backend that would be used by all if the same notation is followed.
The funny thing is that the sqlite database schema is actually not an original modRana creation - IIRC it comes from Mappero, which is a long defunct navigation app for the N900. ModRana might still even support sharing the POI database when you run it on the N900.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
For example, as a part of our address books with all phone numbers and such. All devices do have address books and they could be easily shared between devices.
If I understand this correctly this would depend on Jolla, which unfortunatelly just means it will most likely get never implemented due to them being too busy. IIRC (can't find the specific question now) they have not even imeplemented a way to set an alternative mapping application to handle location links.

If we can get them to cooperate or the affected area is one where community can effectively contribute (eq. not being blocked by closed components & actually having a maintainer that can review and merge PRs) - that would be less hopeless.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Just an idea that maybe worth of thinking about when we get to the stage where all other issues are resolved ...
Yeah, I'm personally glad I finally got to implement this and it's even still unfinished (you actually can't yet delete points once you add them ).

As for sharing the database, there are a couple issues worth considering:
- who else would be interested in sharing the POI database ? (eq. so unnecessary work is not done if no one will use it)
- the easiest way might be using the same SQL schema and a common location for the database, it might even work with concurrent access
- but that effectively locks the schema in stone - it's really simple at the moment (basically just name, description, coordinates, category) and might use some extending (phone numbers, elevation, address, opening hours, email address, website, twitter handle, etc.)
- it's actually a question if it needs to be an sqlite database at all - it just seems like a pretty big overkill for the few points people are likely to store & enforces IMHO unnecessary rigid schemas

I've had quite a good experience with BlitzDB in my experimental Twitter client - it's basically a pure-Python JSON document database. I've been feeding it with thousands of tweets and it works just fine, so it should be also able to handle a few POI as well. Of course unlike sqlite it kinda expects the app using it is also Python or can talk to Python in some capacity.

I guess alternative solution could be if modRana could work with multiple POI database formats, including one shared with other apps. The user might need to specify where new POIs should be stored (local/shared), but it should be possible to agregate the multiple POI databases to a single view.

Or OSM Scout Server could provide a REST API for storing & retrieving POI that that arbitrary apps could easily use. Now with socket activation it would be more useful than ever. ;-)

I guess we will see, but certainly something to think about.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
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@MartinK, posting at 03:52? That's what I call dedication! (Or insomnia )
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
@MartinK, posting at 03:52? That's what I call dedication! (Or insomnia )
That's what I call an early morning post, I usually get up little past that time

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It is now possible to translate more or less everything visible in modRana and the strings can be translated via Transifex:

There are already very active translation effeorts for Swedish, Spanish, French and Czech (thanks a lot to everyone involved! ) and more translators are definitely welcome!

I've added some languages based on download statistics from OpenRepos (Jolla Store unfortunately doesn't provide any such information :P) and if the language is not yet listed just request it and I'll promptly add it. Same thing for adding translators.

For anyone wanting to experience modRana in their native language (well, as long as your native language is Czech, Swedish, French or Spanish ;-) ), there are testing packages available from OBS:

Translations will of course also start to be a part of the "official" builds going to OpenRepos and Jolla Store in the near future.

Decomissioning the old Qt 4/QtQuick 1.1 GUI
The old Qt 4 based QML GUI was originally written for the Nokia N9/N950 and was the first non-GTK modRana GUI. Later on I've also got it running on the N900 with a horrible series of hacks.

Unfortunately the Qt 4 GML GUI never really reached feature parity with the original GTK2 GUI and I have basically not touched the code in ages, as I've focused on bringing the Qt 5 based QML GUI to feature parity and beyond.

So I want to ask - is someone still using the Qt 4 QML GUI on the N900 ? That's at the moment basically the only platform where the Qt 4 QML GUI might be able to run, as the desktop version of the hacked together Harmattan QML components and Qt 4 version of Pyside have long ago bit-rotted away on the desktop.

If it turns out no one is using the old Qt 4 based GUI, I'd like to scrap it, making it possible to remove a sizeable ammount of old unmaintained code from modRana. Related benefits would also be general release-related code simplification and removal of all the Qt 4 related dependencies the modRana package on the N900 drags in & smaller N900 package overall.

Looking forward to your feedback!
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
For anyone wanting to experience modRana in their native language there are testing packages available
Thanks! Tested and found that IconGridPage do not translate. At least not into Swedish.
I also think you should remove the sv_SE files as they are obsolete. If I got it right, it's the sv files from transifex that are being used?

When I removed all the sv_SE, .ts and .po stuff, also the IconGridPage translated nicely.

Strings missing in TracksCategoryListPage...
  • logs
  • misc
  • examples
  • online

String missing in InfoAboutPage...
  • email

Last edited by eson; 2017-12-07 at 05:47.

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
So I want to ask - is someone still using the Qt 4 QML GUI on the N900 ? That's at the moment basically the only platform where the Qt 4 QML GUI might be able to run, as the desktop version of the hacked together Harmattan QML components and Qt 4 version of Pyside have long ago bit-rotted away on the desktop.

I can say that I only use the GTK gui on n900 as I'm not so satisfied with the QML (sorry )

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I suggest to setup a separate thread for this with a poll so to keep information well organized. On my side, I'm using N900 with ModRana on a daily basis with the GTK interface

Thanks for ModRana and your ongoing support for it!

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Originally Posted by eson View Post
Thanks! Tested and found that IconGridPage do not translate. At least not into Swedish.
I also think you should remove the sv_SE files as they are obsolete. If I got it right, it's the sv files from transifex that are being used?
Yeah, seems to be that way! I guess I'll just remove them (worst case we still can restore them from the Git history) and that should be it.

Originally Posted by eson View Post
When I removed all the sv_SE, .ts and .po stuff, also the IconGridPage translated nicely.

Strings missing in TracksCategoryListPage...
  • logs
  • misc
  • examples
  • online
Those are default folder names where tracklogs are stored, so not easily translatable.

Originally Posted by eson View Post
String missing in InfoAboutPage...
  • email
Hmm, I kinda expected this to be an "universal word" but thinking about it this does not exactly hold for languages like Chinese that even have they own characters, so I'll mark it for translation as well.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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Is there a chance for an updated version for Harmattan in the future?

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Originally Posted by Shadowdog View Post
Is there a chance for an updated version for Harmattan in the future?
Not really - Harmattan is in an unfortunate technological middle ground between Freemantle and Sailfish OS. Is no longer has GTK2 and python-location which the (still supported) GTK2 GUI uses and while it has Qt, it's only Qt 4 while the Qt 5 GUI used on Sailfish OS requires Qt 5 & Python 3 (also not available on Harmattan IIRC). I'm also no longer setup for the rather esoteric way of creating Harmattan packages (hello Aegis!) - I think I used the MeeGo OBS for that and that's long gone. And I'm going to soon remove the long unmaintained Qt 4 baed GUI as it seems that even on the N900 it's no longer being used.

So at this point Harmattan support would effectively require maitaining a modRana fork and I'am afraid I don't have the capacity for this. So unless someone else picks this up - it's certainly doable if you can code Python & QML, have the Harmattan SDK for package building and enough time - it's unlikely there will be aby updates for the modRana Harmattan package.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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