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i was checking n950 and n9 specs and what make them different are the screen size, camera module, keypad and battery module.
is it possible to make n9 board somehow work in n950? it is obvious that we have to forget about keypad and what else i don't know. even if it works it is half dead.
but i have to say, a dead n950 is a great loss.
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Not really, the board layout and components are so different you'd need to rework it pretty much.
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, 17:03
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I pulled my N950 out of the drawer it's been sitting in for the past 6 or so years, in order to see if it can be made to work once again.
Tried to reflash it, but the flasher fails on both rootfs and emmc:
After trying some suggestions, I ended up flashing an old "rescue image" which lets me telnet into the device. Sadly, it looks like the eMMC and/or the NAND are dead. I'm getting a lot of ECC errors from the NAND, and a lot of I/O errors from the eMMC.Code:[Timur@timur-zen N950]$ sudo ./flasher -f -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_RM680-OEM1-916_ARM.bin -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.13-7.RM680_EMMC_RM680.bin űflasher 3.12.1 (Oct 5 2011) Harmattan Nokia internal r&d tool, not for distribution. Suitable USB interface (bootloader/phonet) not found, waiting... USB device found at bus 003, device address 031. Device identifier: 357881040013502 (SN: N/A) Found device RM-680, hardware revision 1124 NOLO version 2.3.6 Version of 'sw-release': DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_RM680 Sending ape-algo image (7096 kB)... 100% (7096 of 7096 kB, avg. 41991 kB/s) Suitable USB interface (phonet) not found, waiting... USB device found at bus 003, device address 032. Device identifier: 357881040013502 (SN: N/A) Raw data transfer EP found at EP2. Ping attempt 1 (250 ms) Server application: 1.7.2 Found product RM-680 rev. 1124 Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8 Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_RM680 Image moslo not present Image tar skipped Image config skipped image [state progress transfer flash speed] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [x] cert-sw [finished 100 % 1 / 1 kB NA ] [x] cmt-2nd [finished 100 % 95 / 95 kB NA ] [x] cmt-algo [finished 100 % 789 / 789 kB NA ] [_] cmt-mcusw [finishing 25 % 6008 / 6008 kB 3214 kB/s] [x] xloader [finished 100 % 23 / 23 kB NA ] [x] secondary [finished 100 % 90 / 90 kB NA ] [x] kernel [finished 100 % 2714 / 2714 kB 1889 kB/s] [_] rootfs [finishing 100 % 32768 / 762871 kB NA ] [ ] mmc [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] ERROR: SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 1: Unknown error image [state progress transfer flash speed] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [x] cert-sw [finished 100 % 1 / 1 kB NA ] [x] cmt-2nd [finished 100 % 95 / 95 kB NA ] [x] cmt-algo [finished 100 % 789 / 789 kB NA ] [x] cmt-mcusw [finished 100 % 6008 / 6008 kB 3214 kB/s] [x] xloader [finished 100 % 23 / 23 kB NA ] [x] secondary [finished 100 % 90 / 90 kB NA ] [x] kernel [finished 100 % 2714 / 2714 kB 1889 kB/s] [f] rootfs [finishing 0 % 32768 / 762871 kB NA ] [-] mmc [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] Fetching error list: ======================================== bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed mmc: sfdisk returned status 1 mmc: Could not exec 'tune2fs -L rootfs /tmp/sudmmcJMwGYl/internal0p2' mmc: Could not remove mount directory /tmp/sudmmcJMwGYl/mnt: No such file or directory [Pipe 4] Finishing in error state with status 1 ======================================== ERROR: Failed to flash images
Here is the full dmesg log:
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A member from the forum has this site.
Check it. There is a link to some files.
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, 15:48
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, 16:24
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error, flashing, n950-n9 |
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