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prosper's Avatar
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The one for HTC looks better imho. How about the case? The back plate looks rigid, but not sure for how long. I couldn't find anything for the Intex yet...

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mosen's Avatar
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Maybe some of you here missed that we were "designing" a custom Jolla C Protector with german Bedifol GmbH.
They are ready to order in a variety of material since yesterday
Tempered glass would be "Brotect Airglass".
I ordered some and will report on the matching accuracy.

Last edited by mosen; 2016-08-04 at 07:19.

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epninety's Avatar
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Brotect AirGlass arived in the post this morning. Couldn't resist quickly fitting it over my morning coffee

I need to take it off and refit because it's a little bit skew, but it's a good match to the phone, with all the cutouts in the right places.
For those who've not seen them (I hadn't) it's very thin and flexible, and feels much nicer than the Jolla supplied plastic. It went straight on with no hassle and no bubbles.

It might be just a smidge narrower and shorter than it could be, but there's a tradeoff with making it hard to fit properly without overlap.

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YES! Also got it some minutes ago. Will make photos after i applied it this evening.

Edit: Brotect "AirGlass" it is not Tampered glass or glass at all...
Material is kind of thick and feels very good but they should really change the fake marketing name.

I called with bedifol and they claim it is indeed special glass! I can not believe because it is flexible and thin... well you need to decide for yourself and see it crack in the video i guess:

Last edited by mosen; 2016-08-03 at 14:19.

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epninety's Avatar
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If you touch a soldering iron to it, it melts on both sides, but not through the middle So it seems to be glass with a coating on both sides... not what I expected at all. (tested on the leftover bit after fitting!)

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Application is very easy!
I am happy we did not give the maximum values to bedifol, now there is a little space to all sides.
The small gap is not disturbing at all, it actually fells better than with bigger original protector because there is an effect we did not plan

The Airglass is thicker than the stock protector and completely removes the slight bevel on the phone edges by leveling the screen with the caseing.


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HtheB's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mosen View Post
Application is very easy!
I am happy we did not give the maximum values to bedifol, now there is a little space to all sides.
The small gap is not disturbing at all, it actually fells better than with bigger original protector because there is an effect we did not plan

The Airglass is thicker than the stock protector and completely removes the slight bevel on the phone edges by leveling the screen with the caseing.
Looks great!

Does it get scratched easily? Since the top and bottom aren't from glass (right?)
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Looks great!

Does it get scratched easily? Since the top and bottom aren't from glass (right?)
It is very hard, feels like glass when applied and makes a solid impression.
I guess what epninety discovered was the laminate being easily meltable when touching with the soldering iron from the sides.

Application literally looks as brain soothing as in the video
It applies itself when started correctly. I am very happy with how this turned out.

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epninety's Avatar
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I just recovered the last tiny bits (speaker and camera hole) from the bin to test again.

I was wrong before, it only melts on the adhesive side (as expected) not the outer face.

It seems the outer face can be scratched fairly easily with the point of a scalpel with some pressure, but it still seems pretty robust to me. Should survive light attention from keys and pocket detritus fairly well

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KylliOrvokki's Avatar
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I did not know which to order so I ordered both: (because expensive is always better)
and (because its hard)

Now I received both.

Left one in the pictures is "MySunshadeDisplay" and right one "BROTECT® AirGlass®"

I felt that the "BROTECT® AirGlass®" felt more though and it was not so thick that I was afraid of so I went for that one.

Rest of the pictures are "BROTECT® AirGlass®" attached to Jolla-C. Feels great and it is so much better than original one so I fully recommend it!

And as you can see -> START FROM TOP DOWN so allignment is better.
(Quess who did not think or watch any videos about attachment... Furtunately it is not disturbing anything but just cosmetic.)
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