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Originally Posted by willi6868 View Post
Could someone please provide a rpm-package or a How-To for this?
create a .spec file and use rpmbuild -ba /rpmbuild/SPECS/fuse-exfat.spec

fuse-exfat.spec (example)

Name:          fuse-exfat
Version:       1.0.1
Release:       0
Summary:       Free exFAT file system implementation
Group:         System/Tools
Vendor:        Samsung
Distribution:  SailfisfOS
License:       GPL
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
BuildRequires: libfuse-devel
BuildRequires: scons
BuildRoot:     %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
A full-featured exFAT file system implementation for GNU/Linux other Unix-like systems as a FUSE module.
%setup -q
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
scons install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}/sbin
install -d %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8
install -m 644 fuse/mount.exfat-fuse.8 \
[ "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
* Wed Jan 22 2014 Builder <builder@...> 1.0.1
- To be done

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Originally Posted by nieldk View Post
create a .spec file and use rpmbuild -ba /rpmbuild/SPECS/fuse-exfat.spec
I copy past and correct the second link and save this as fuse-exfat.spec and put it to the phone in Downloads folder.

I start Terminal an write this command:
rpmbuild -ba /home/nemo/Downloads/fuse-exfat.spec

after than i get this:
command not found

do i have install a rpmbulider over terminal?

Last edited by cvp; 2014-01-22 at 11:21.
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Well, I suggest googling building RPMs'
But, short, you need C development tools and libraries etc install.
Then, you need the tool rpmbuild (pkcon install rpm-build)
setup a directory structure like this

mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/RPMS
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS

create .spec files in ~/rpmbuild/SPECS folder (ie. fuse-utils.spec goes here)
download source tarballs to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES folder

run rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/fuse-utils.spec
once, and if, it finish without errors, rpms will be created in rpmbuild/RPMS folder and source rpms in rpmbuild/SRPMS folder

EDIT: and oh, probably, it might not work with my spec file then you will need to investigate the errors outputted by rpmbuild, make changes, and try again
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
Anyone tried to use samsung's driver?
Yes, I got it to compile with a minimal fix. For testing purposes on my Jolla I only used it against a loop device and not a real SD card yet. But it works fine. :-)
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 170 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by aegis View Post
Format it to FAT32. You'll need to use command line tools on Windows as the GUI will insist on exFAT.
A quick trick to fool Windows into enabling FAT32 in the GUI is to enable caching on the USB-memory:
  1. Right-click the USB-drive and select "Properties"
  2. Select the "Hardware"-tab
  3. Find and select your USB-memory in the list
  4. Click the "Properties"-button below
  5. Select the "Policies"-tab on the new requester
  6. Choose "Optimize for performance"
  7. Click "OK" on the requesters
This should allow you to use FAT32-formatting on your USB-drive, but don't forget to repeat the process and set it back to "Optimize for quick removal" once you are done formatting!

But remember, FAT32 only allows files up to 4GB in size and can't handle soft-links or permissions. Trasferring files over network and formatting as ext3/4 makes the microSD much more useful.

Last edited by stefanmohl; 2014-01-22 at 14:43.
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Aug 2013 @ Finland
Anyone know how to make music & pictures in a btrfs-formatted microsd to show in Jolla's gallery and media player app? Manually mounting it (/dev/mmcblk1p1) to run/user/100000/media/sdcard doesn't work, so the apps must fetch their data from somewhere else, or there's another problem somewhere. The card doesn't automatically mount to anything.

My microsd has a ms-dos partition table and has no file-permission restrictions in it currently (chmod 777). Any help will be appreciated, as I really don't have that much linux command-line knowledge, it just started accumulating recently
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Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
Anyone know how to make music & pictures in a btrfs-formatted microsd to show in Jolla's gallery and media player app? Manually mounting it (/dev/mmcblk1p1) to run/user/100000/media/sdcard doesn't work, so the apps must fetch their data from somewhere else, or there's another problem somewhere. The card doesn't automatically mount to anything.

My microsd has a ms-dos partition table and has no file-permission restrictions in it currently (chmod 777). Any help will be appreciated, as I really don't have that much linux command-line knowledge, it just started accumulating recently

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Posts: 37 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Aug 2013 @ Finland
Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
Anyone know how to make music & pictures in a btrfs-formatted microsd to show in Jolla's gallery and media player app? Manually mounting it (/dev/mmcblk1p1) to run/user/100000/media/sdcard doesn't work, so the apps must fetch their data from somewhere else, or there's another problem somewhere.
I have made three symlinks:
- one from /run/user/100000/media/sdcard to /home/nemo to be able to access the sdcard with PC connection
- for music I have a symlink from my music folder in sdcard to /home/nemo/Music
- and a symlink to /home/nemo/Pictures to handle images

Works just fine. No problems.
Card is 64 Gb btrfs-formatted...

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To add media on sdcard to libraries, i manually created a folder "sdcard" in /home/nemo and then mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 to it.
Then add the command into fstab to make it permanent.

Now you can even copy files from windows on it! (if you are successfull on installing the phone on the computer, of course)

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