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javispedro's Avatar
Posts: 2,355 | Thanked: 5,249 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Barcelona
Well, I just uploaded a initial one to -devel. On N900 the basic game, sound effects, etc. work at an acceptable speed, and the interface is usable at 800x480. Music doesn't work, because:
a ) I find timidity overkill (though I don't see why it won't work If someone packages it!),
b ) The Nokia blessed libsdl-mixer1.2 doesn't have mp3 support and thus the remixed songs don't work... in fact, it seems to only support wav .

I didn't try on the N810 because the diablo toolchain doesn't support pragma "pack" which this software uses extensively, and while it builds I'm pretty sure it'll crash on boot . This should be fixable, though.

Note that CorsixTH is just a "playable demo" for now. You can't win or lose nor save or load. If you still want to try, you'll need to put the Original Theme Hospital "Hosp" folder into your MyDocs folder (the game seems to require case insensitivity) and edit /opt/CorsixTH/config.txt .
(you can see the package is optified, btw).

BTW, many thanks to the liblua and cmake packagers.

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Bundyo's Avatar
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Strange, I couldn't get even wav working in libsdl-mixer..
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
javispedro's Avatar
Posts: 2,355 | Thanked: 5,249 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Barcelona
Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
Strange, I couldn't get even wav working in libsdl-mixer..
The builtin "blocks" game uses wav sound files, so I'm pretty sure they work.


It works, but needs swap
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Well... if you guys manage to make wav work - users with the original discs can just copy the sound files and convert them to wav with a 3rd party software on their computer. I mean it's still legal if it's done by the user with the original copy, right?
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by javispedro View Post
Music probably uses timidity. Since that would take quite a lot of CPU I suggest pre-rendering the music.
Go for timidity. I've used it in S60 OpenTTD port without any significant performance problems.
tso's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dragy View Post
I mean it's still legal if it's done by the user with the original copy, right?
well, bullfrog is no more, tho its copyrights and such are held by electronic arts, and this is a area of serious gray. Id software for instance dont care much what people do with their engine code, but one need a copy of the original game to use the maps and textures. Other companies come down hard on any kind of attempt to future proof their old creations...

i guess as long as EA never considers bringing another theme hospital game out, and this fan variant never takes of in any serious way, its safe. But if they ever brought the issue to court, the judge would probably side with EA.

but i am no lawyer, just a fence-top observer of the mess that is copyright in the digital age.
Be warned, posts are often line of thoughts at highway speeds...
Arctine's Avatar
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Perhaps someone could make dungeon keeper run on the n900 too? That'd be awesome!
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Worked on N900

Last edited by g0dzilla; 2010-01-17 at 15:14.
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Mine just exits to desktop when i load it, any ideas what might be causing this?
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Suffolk, UK
This is simply great! However, would anyone be so kind as to write a very good guide start to finish for getting TH to run fully? If possible!
I'm an incredible noob! I can use df in xterminal and that is about as far as iv got!! thanks

bada rox, theme hospital

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