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seems fake to me.....!!!
zail's Avatar
Posts: 171 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bristol, uk

Read the blurb - in particular the explanation of how he is getting these devices - my gut feeling is scam - what do others think?
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Originally Posted by zail View Post

Read the blurb - in particular the explanation of how he is getting these devices - my gut feeling is scam - what do others think?
From the description:

I know Nokia said they wouldn't give a Warranty with this phone, but what this means is a Warranty for repairs and services. They will just replace it out straight. So if you do have any problems with the device, Nokia have no time to spend in repairing it, they will issue a replacement immediately.

Good luck to anyone returning one of these for an 'immediate replacement'.
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I wouldn't touch it with the proverbial barge pole, however: a) wow, 13 sold already and b) only 7 sold on his/her N9 listing.
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That's quite the scam. Get it from official retailers or sources only.
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Lucrative! I wanna make thousands a day.
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Originally Posted by lma View Post
I wouldn't touch it with the proverbial barge pole, however: a) wow, 13 sold already and b) only 7 sold on his/her N9 listing.
He hasn't sold any. He's had 13 requests, 12 of which are going to be very disappointed. (That's if he has been accepted for the developer device).

He doesn't even know if he's going to get any. And I'm sure Nokia would have some sort of clause in the developer qualification contract to prevent the re-sale of these devices?
Mick has just punched the cr@p out of the "Unlike" button on the Official Nokia Facebook Page.
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someone should just report this to ebay
frostbyte's Avatar
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Until people calm the fvck down and buy the device from a legit distribution channel,

Mods: Please combine this, with the other gazillion "is this N9/50 eBay sale a scam?", and "don't buy from this eBay seller, it's a scam!" -threads that will be popping up in the next few weeks.
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"The Cake Is A Lie"
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Originally Posted by stickymick View Post
He hasn't sold any. He's had 13 requests
Yeah, my surprise was a) that he had that many (or any) and b) the relative "popularity" of the two devices.

donotbuy, it's a trap!, odalay!, scam!

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