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Originally Posted by ivir View Post
Due I forgot device lock number I figured how you can ask on correct device lock or reset it.

For this purpose is there app /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/devicelock/encpartition

--is-set lockcode
--check-code <oldcode>
--clear-code <oldcode>
--is-clear-device-set ???
--unset-clear-device ???
--imei <something>
--clear-code <oldcode>
--set-code <oldcode> <newcode>
--set-config-key ???
--developermode ????
--clear-device <oldcode>
True/False are returned via exit code where 0 - success, 1 - fail
else as standard output.

Configuration is stored at directory /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/ and encrypted/hash key is stored at /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/.devicelock.enc, quite interesting are stored texts at binary file encpartition:
41414141, 42424241, 123456789012345 and /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/QOTP . More on

Unfortunately still don't know how reset device lock without sending to repair facility or brute-force.

Test all numbers with length 5 takes less than 3 hours on the phone with utilizing 20% of CPU.
Could you please explain how I use the posted app (zip file)?

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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
You report theft to your local police, and they will report imei to operators imei db, and they will use blocklist depending what country you are in.
The phone would not come back to you anyway, so maybe t makes harder for theft to sell it, but eventually he will, but in cost of making it harder for users, by locking themselves out.

Let's compare it with gmail locking you out forever till you contact them for 5 mistakes. It sounds great, but it's not that practical, so it makes only pain for users.

There are other options that can be used i think.
IRC nick on freenode — ZogG

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At the risk of digging out an insanely old thread:
Simply removing /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/.devicelock.enc and then running

/usr/lib/qt5/plugins/devicelock/encpartition --set-code
will reset the code (or probably just using the settings-app will work too).

You can remove the file using any "As Root" file explorer from openrepos.

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Originally Posted by jakibaki View Post
At the risk of digging out an insanely old thread: [...]
Thank you so much, I never found this information, which enabled me to "upgrade" my testing phone to a fully capable backup phone, again.
For more than two years I lived with the awkward situation to have full control over the device (as root), but being unable to set the lock-code (fortunately "automatic locking" was unset, so the device became my testing phone).


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Originally Posted by olf View Post
Thank you so much, I never found this information, which enabled me to "upgrade" my testing phone to a fully capable backup phone, again.
For more than two years I lived with the awkward situation to have full control over the device (as root), but being unable to set the lock-code (fortunately "automatic locking" was unset, so the device became my testing phone).

I was once in pretty much the same situation, but didn't dare to do what @jakibaki has done (in the end I remembered that I had indeed changed the code, and I could remember the new one

Thanks for confirming that this works

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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
Its queried for anti-theft, so if your phone is stolen then they cannot just wipe it clean and start using it. So remembering your lockcode is quite important.
sigh. there is no hope with jolla.

So i have a jolla1 bricked by last OTA update. The thing had no screen lock. Now recovery asks for devicelock code. What the hell am i supposed to do?

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to paoletto For This Useful Post:
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Ok i contacted support, this is the answer(s) i got:


Thank you for your message!

After 7 years and 34 OS updates, we have decided to discontinue the support for Jolla Phone (a.k.a. "Jolla 1") in November 2020. OS version remains the last one available for Jolla Phone.

This decision implies that we will also stop providing customer support for this product. We recommend seeking help from our community."



Thank you for your message!

Unfortunately we cannot help you with the security code. Our service partner went bankrupt last spring due to Covid and we don't have any other partner to help with this. "

Just for the records and for anybody who will most likely end up in the same boat.
I ask here again (with very little hope): is there anything i can do?
My bootloader is also locked :-/

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You need a windows application called Ultimate Multi Tool - QcFire 1.2 And you need to upload new-old firmware with it.

The Following User Says Thank You to Trzyzet For This Useful Post:
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Hei mate, thanks for the tip!
I've been searching for this tool in this particular version, no success
Would you by any chance know where to find it?

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Can you find it from here? Not sure if some of these is what you are looking for.
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