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Poll: What advanced text entry method(s) would you like to see on Sailfish?
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What advanced text entry method(s) would you like to see on Sailfish?

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shallimus's Avatar
Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
Hi. As a expectant Jolla Phone owner, I'd be interested in swype capability. I happen to come across this post. Would it be useful?
Thanks! Yes, looks like that has potential, but we don't have a plugin right now. Assuming Swype doesn't happen, we'd have to write one (and not infringe any patents either?) Not trivial, I assume.

Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I currently use a Galaxy Note 3 and my ranking of speed in writing is (from greatest to lowest) Voice dictation, Pen, swype, typing.
Any thoughts on voice or writing recognition. Perhaps some linux based software exists for this too.
I'd be interested, for sure. I have no knowledge of this [yet]. For me this would be a complement rather than a replacement for something like Swype: I certainly don't want to be talking to my phone all the time (e.g. on public transit that would be annoying for everyone around me).
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Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)


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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
i dont know what "hunt-and-peck" menas, i'm not native english speaker
but i see it means "swype" tehnology. So, its easy to do. Hardest part is accuracy algorithm and dictionary database
I fully agree. Swyping (or swiping) itself is not big issue to implement. The algorithm is and dictionaries and when those are in place even this "hund-and-peak" - meaning pressing each key individually - technique will be fast. It will require not only text prediction but autocorrection. Best autocorrect algorithms can logically find correct work even when no character typed/swiped/swyped is correct.
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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
While Swype have apparently already said that there's nothing in the pipeline
True, but in the face of continued pressure they have recently announced that they will monitor to see just how high demand is. So I'd suggest you a) contribute to the swipe threads on AND b) badger swipe. About every 10 minutes...

The Following User Says Thank You to strongm For This Useful Post:
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Further to the above, some links:

Thread on

Thread on swype forums

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Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto
Originally Posted by Penguin View Post
I fully agree. Swyping (or swiping) itself is not big issue to implement. The algorithm is and dictionaries and when those are in place even this "hund-and-peak" - meaning pressing each key individually - technique will be fast. It will require not only text prediction but autocorrection. Best autocorrect algorithms can logically find correct work even when no character typed/swiped/swyped is correct.
Well yes, dictionary & algo are critical, but Harmattan Swype is still much faster than Harmattan hunt-and-peck.

As for swiping being not a big issue to implement and the algo being the big deal: yep, that seems likely. I wonder what's possible.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)

shallimus's Avatar
Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto
So this is already even bigger than I thought, in that many people really, really want this, and discussions are ongoing at Swype, Jolla, Twitter and elsewhere.

However, TMO is still a great place to discuss stuff, so I think this thread still has value.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)

Last edited by shallimus; 2014-02-24 at 21:14.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ poor Slovenia
I have to say that When I have to write something on Jolla Is like hard work! Not to mention long emails and passwords.
That was enjoyable with SWYPE

Can't wait we'll get swypelike on our JOLLAs

Last edited by matimilko; 2014-02-25 at 14:00.

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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
TLDR: I miss Swype. Lots of people miss Swype. We need Swype on Sailfish, or something similar which is just as good.
You mean something like this ?
(but it's not as good as the original yet)

The Following 27 Users Say Thank You to eber42 For This Useful Post:
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Sorry for this lame teaser.

I'd like to release this as an open source project, but at the moment i'm not comfortable with the patent issue (i'm interested in any advice on this topic)
I live in a country outside the US (and without software patents), so should i just find a code hosting service with no relation with the US ?

Maybe i am too paranoid

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coderus's Avatar
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everything is okay untill you not using swype name in your product
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bettertxtentry, huntnpeck sucks, okboard, sailfish, swype

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