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NvyUs's Avatar
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estimated release date and about it brining QT 4.6 was spoke about in many threads on here even before PR1.1 was released.
Eldar as just gave info what was common knowledge to all who read every part of
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There is no need for insider information. Qt4.6 clearly has a PR1.2 branch/comments, and it has been repeatedly announced for 2010 Q1. In practice this would mean late March, or, if you factor in QA, more likely April.
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icebox's Avatar
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well as a n800 owner I can say that we saw enough - i.e. from chinook to diablo with many minor releases.
Of course we didn't get the E release because it was skipped for YOUR Fremantle so don't ask us (previous tablets owners) about your updates

I guess, since we still have people working on updating and improving the n800 - n810 tablets the - more popular - n900 will get enough attention in the following years.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
There is no need for insider information. Qt4.6 clearly has a PR1.2 branch/comments, and it has been repeatedly announced for 2010 Q1. In practice this would mean late March, or, if you factor in QA, more likely April.
Very much true. Anybody who has been following this place for example will know that, but thought to put his exact words.

Originally Posted by russo_br View Post
Sorry for the noob question, since I didn't know Eldar until now... Does he have inside information due to his status in the mobile community or is just assuming? Would you have a link to post here, pls?
He got website called and he was example the guy who leaked the N900 about week before and made review of it. Thought he has been giving mobile phone leaks for 4-6 years especially in the Nokia, SE and Samsung area. Example twitted couple of days ago that we would see 16GB X6 announced today and yes it did
Flandry's Avatar
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Moving this to Maemo 5/Fremantle forum so it can be merged with the identical thread someone started there.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
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Originally Posted by Flandry View Post
We more or less knew what was going to be in PR1.1 in advance, just as we do for PR1.2. Just look at the updates to bugzilla. Nobody that actually paid attention was disappointed when PR1.1 came out.

As far as when the next release is, Nokia has a policy of not announcing updates in advance of their release, and that means even the Maemo council members.

Eldar makes a living from cell phone rumors, be there anything behind them or not. He's certainly not as in tune with what's going on in Maemo as the community members actually working on it...

Yeah well., just so you know...

My man on the inside Beldar, tells me the next update will come on a Tuesday! He didn't say which Tuesday though as this inside info is hard to come by.

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My predictions

release: late Q1
bug fixes: Numerous but nothing key.
features: very few beyond developing the platform for maemo 6 (i.e. qt 4.6)
Nokia are a business and have chosen a path of using the OSS community phenomenon to reduce their overheads specifically after sales support and development. Unlike Apple who do the opposite and make a killing from their Applications store.
NvyUs's Avatar
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X6 16GB was originally leaked week after they launched X6 back in september.
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The thread "when can we expect a new FW update?" with four posts has been merged into this thread.
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It'd better be in Q1 They announced Flash 10 for Q1 after all ....
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avoid thread, fictional update, firmware, fremantle, future, goodwin's law, it will be on 12.21.2012, maemo, maemo 5, may be it's a myth?, may be next week, maybe april fools, maybe not, patience is a virtue, patience wastes your life, post generator, pr 1.2, pr1.2, product release, repost, rerun, rick roll'd, speculation, update, worst thread ever

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