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Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
There is also duplicity ported for N900.
It doesn't need root (sudo) permissions on the remote end.
However, ssh-support seem to be broken in duplicity, so I first backup to local repository and then rsync it to the PC.
Posts: 692 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Good point about the optified packages, I may have run into something like that myself, I'll have to check.

Originally Posted by MiCRoPhoBIC View Post
- And one hint: for quicker and more stable (not over wifi) restore procedure you can make one ext3 partition on some spare micro sd card and copy your backup there to do the restore with rsync.
Might be better to use ext2 since it's non-journalling, the card should last longer.
"Impossible is not in the Maemo vocabulary" - Caballero

backup, howto, rsync

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