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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Munich, Germany
Nice, just what I've been looking for!

Do you plan to extend this project further? A connection save/load function would be a killer-feature ;-)
Further a "sooner"/"later" button for the results would be nice to have!
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 467 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Germany
If you have this GPS feature, do you also have access to the exact geo coordinates of the stations? If yes, would you like to get some help adding a map (maep?), so one can e.g. see the exact location of the next train station?
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
How does it work? Does the DB offer a pseudo-webservice or do you scarp from screen?
I'dlike to have a similar app for our SBB here in Switzerland. Don't SBB and DB both use Hacon/Hafas software? Perhaps that could be something to be explored further.
-Tom (N900, N810, N800)

"the idea of truly having a computer in your pocket just moved a big step closer."
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Just want to say, that i think of an application (app is so iphoneish ) for the ... eh well ... ok from here in german, dont know the word ...
Also für mich sind als Pendler immer die Abfahrtspläne von den verschiedenen Bahnhöfen interessant, um zu gucken ob mein Heimzug, und der Zug in den ich umsteige pünktlich sind.
Dachte da an ne Anwendung, oder evtl. ein Widget, wo ich die Verspätungen meiner Züge sehen kann. Wer nicht weiss was ich meine hier ein Beispiel:

Vielleicht kann man das ja in einer Anwendung bündeln. Mal gucken ob ich es hinbekomme sowas zu schreiben. Werd mir mal Deinen Quellcode angucken.

@twaelti: Ja, die Deutsche Bahn benutzt Hafas, gibt die Daten aber nur als Webseite ohne Schnittstelle raus.
Posts: 153 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Nov 2009

yes i currently working on the result page.
1. earlier/later buttons.
2. detail page (the details per result entry)

No there is no hidden webservice. I parsing the html output of ""

Also on my internal todo is a "depature monitor" like gunni describes.

the idea with the connection save function is new and good. i thought to implement a "history" feature to the station selectbox but this is maybe better than my idea

About the gps function i use the function from to get a list of station based on the given coordinates. i don't get the coordinatios of the stations.
(If you or someone else find a way by parsing the website feel free to tell me)

About the swiss traffic. I first planed to have different backends (for,, but they use very different website code. but the idea still stands and i plan after getting the basics from working, to cleanup the code and try to seperate the result parsing and result displaying functions and then allow the user to select which data backend they want usw.

I try to update and add my current todos to:

but my vacation is over and i have to work now so i try to add the functions but it could take some time.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to smurfy For This Useful Post:
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Munich, Germany
What I like is that it opens and works so incredibly fast, using fahrplan is much faster than open the homepage in the browser... I think there is much potential in this app :-)
Posts: 138 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Great little application, and the future plans sound very promising. Keep up the good work!
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Is this application already optified or does it install itself into root ?

Great application btw.
Posts: 153 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Nov 2009
its not optified yet, but it is very small (116k)

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Posts: 137 | Thanked: 170 times | Joined on Jul 2008
I would change description of that app. Using DB website you can check trains from most of Europe without problems.

What would be interesting to have is kind of offline operations like PalmOS version has. But this can be seen as strange for some people here.
irc: hrw

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