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Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
oh btw, just put your m3u files somewhere where kagu looks for (/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds, /media/mmc1 or /media/mmc2 will work) and run kagu-scanner. then go into the Playlists screen and find your playlist, double tap to see the contents. are the songs listed there?
Posts: 450 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Mar 2006
disq: All my m3u (mp3?) files are in either mmc1 or mmc2 in which scans. However, maybe I need to add scanning in of my /home/user/.kagu directory. I will give it a try
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Originally Posted by ascherjim View Post
disq: All my m3u (mp3?) files are in either mmc1 or mmc2 in which scans. However, maybe I need to add scanning in of my /home/user/.kagu directory. I will give it a try
Interesting(!) result of my adding /.kagu to my scanning. On rebooting Kagu, both the titles of my .kagu playlist file and playlist backup file were listed -- but neither contained any songs. They both came up empty in Kagu. However, in xterm, the playlist backup file was still intact, but once again the playlist.m3u file had apparently been emptied out by the Kagu scanning and/or booting up.
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Got to the root of the problem. Looking at the sample playlist file, I saw that your playlists are saved in utf-8 encoding. I'm guessing the m3u-reader part of Kagu doesn't understand that. We'll fix that in the next release. That's the reason for the playlist files not being read correctly.

But how did the playlist files got utf8 encoding in the first place? I'm guessing it's something Python automagically does when needed, as one of the files in the sample playlist had a "ö" in it.

Anyway. I'm attaching a utf8-to-ascii format converter I just hacked up in Python to this message.

1. Save it as in the main filesystem (main filesystem = not in one of the mmc's) of the device, preferably in where you keep your playlist files. I had attach it as "utf2ascii.txt" because of ITT's attachment filename regulations.
2. Run "chmod +x" to make it executable (you'll need to be in the same directory)
3. Run "./ < playlist_filename > playlist_new_filename" for each playlist.

Example would be:
./ < playlist.m3u.pop_songs > playlist.m3u.pop_songs_fixed

The command on the third step will read the file "playlist_filename" file, and write the contents to the file "playlist_new_filename". During this process some playlist entries (the ones with non-latin1 characters like "ö" in it) will be skipped.

If you add those files to the playlist again, the playlist file will be broken once again. Best way to avoid it is to go over your mp3 files and rename all non-latin1 characters in the filenames. Don't forget to run kagu scanner afterwards. We'll fix this issue in the next Kagu release.
Attached Files
File Type: txt utf2ascii.txt (408 Bytes, 188 views)

Last edited by disq; 2007-10-15 at 21:20.
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Aug 2007
disq, trevarthan:
great release, super new functionalities (except I have to redo the screenshots..--))))

dear KAGU users:
I have updated the KAGU WIKI with the newest information:
Posts: 450 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Originally Posted by disq View Post
Got to the root of the problem. Looking at the sample playlist file, I saw that your playlists are saved in utf-8 encoding. I'm guessing the m3u-reader part of Kagu doesn't understand that. We'll fix that in the next release. That's the reason for the playlist files not being read correctly.

But how did the playlist files got utf8 encoding in the first place? I'm guessing it's something Python automagically does when needed, as one of the files in the sample playlist had a "ö" in it.

Anyway. I'm attaching a utf8-to-ascii format converter I just hacked up in Python to this message.

1. Save it as in the main filesystem (main filesystem = not in one of the mmc's) of the device, preferably in where you keep your playlist files. I had attach it as "utf2ascii.txt" because of ITT's attachment filename regulations.
2. Run "chmod +x" to make it executable (you'll need to be in the same directory)
3. Run "./ < playlist_filename > playlist_new_filename" for each playlist.

Example would be:
./ < playlist.m3u.pop_songs > playlist.m3u.pop_songs_fixed

The command on the third step will read the file "playlist_filename" file, and write the contents to the file "playlist_new_filename". During this process some playlist entries (the ones with non-latin1 characters like "ö" in it) will be skipped.

If you add those files to the playlist again, the playlist file will be broken once again. Best way to avoid it is to go over your mp3 files and rename all non-latin1 characters in the filenames. Don't forget to run kagu scanner afterwards. We'll fix this issue in the next Kagu release.
Disq: In following your instructions, here are the results of my efforts. I had to extrapolate a bit (I hope without doing too much harm).

1. Running your converter the first time served to identify for me only one title that had a non-latin1 character (an Andrews Sisters number). I then corrected that everywhere (MMC and playlist.m3u -- both original and fixed) with my text editor. I ran the Kagu scanner, but no m3u playlist was picked up and displayed. (When I left /home/user/.kagu in my scanning line, the titles of the /.kagu/mu3 files were identified, but their contents not listed.)

2. I then copied "playlist.m3u.fixed" to "playlist.m3u" and re-edited to only scan (as formerly) my mmc cards. This time, the scan failed to pick up even the m3u titles. When in Kagu I sought to load playlists, no titles appeared on the screen.

The only thing I can now think of is either (1) your solution doesn't work (which I hope is not really the case), or (2) I need to re-edit to include more in its scan.

I really appreciate all the time you've spent with me on this.
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on May 2007 @ BKNYC
Wonderful the option to turn on/off scroll bar...
Doing hell of a job on kagu.
job well done to the whole team.

looks very Professional.
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
ascherjim, correcting that everywhere manually doesn't work, it's still in UTF8 encoding unless you run it through or convert it to ascii by other means. if you did that please state so, i have trouble understanding what you did and what you didn't as some of the statements conflict with each other.

editing was/is unnecessary as you should not be storing custom stuff in the ~/.kagu dir anyways. use the mmc cards or ~/MyDocs/.sounds dir for your playlists and keep the .m3u extension so that the scanner can recognize them and you can access them easily via the Playlists screen.
Posts: 450 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Disq: I will try to simplify the present status.

My /home/user/.kagu directory presently contains three .m3u files:

-- "pop.m3u" which is my intact backup playlist file;

-- "playlist.m3u.fixed" file which is the one resulting from running your converter (./ < playlist.m3u > playlist.m3u.fixed) and whose content matches the titles in"pop.m3u;" and

-- "playlist.m3u" which, no matter what content is in it at the start of a scan, always seems to end up emptied after the scan.

I have run scans both immediately after running your conversion, and then after copying "playlist.m3u.fixed" into "playlist.m3u." Nothing after my various scans gives me any saved playlists which turn up in Kagu, and, as I noted, "playlist.m3u" always turns up empty after a scan.

I am confused as to what a scan's action is supposed to be relevant to the "playlist.m3u" file, and what it is doing to that file to empty it out. And also, what effect the so-called "fixed" playlist.m3u file has, or is intended to have, on the whole process.

If I were to boot up Kagu and construct a new playlist (of all 92 titles), would Kagu now save the playlist, and retrieve it again when needed? And would this problem finally be behind us? (Incidentally, I don't fully understand what the instruction to "hold thumb on the Now Playing button" means that I should do in order to save a playlist. I know -- I'm dense!)

Again, many thanks -- for your efforts and probably now-dwindling patience. Jim

Last edited by ascherjim; 2007-10-16 at 03:17.
Posts: 450 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Disq: Further to my last message, to save us all a lot of further trouble in this matter, I have created a new playlist of all (or most of all) my songs in the new version and figured out how to save it (thumb on lower-right thumbnail album picture and pressing center of dpad). However, before doing that I experimented by creating and saving two smaller playlists, which I then was unable to figure out how to delete. (The wiki instructions in this regard didn't seem to work for me.) I got rid of one by over-writing it with my new (hopefully permanent) playlist by giving it the same name as one of the experimental ones. The other experimental one is still there, and that I can't get rid of (except possibly by also over-writing it with a new playlist with the same name). There must be an easier way. Thanks again.

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