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Then they should offer that $50 off price before Christmas in order to move more stock than waiting on later. That's not a smart move to think that it'll move only when you've exploited the early adopter money first while trying to become a consumer while not fully there yet.
Simply put, they're right outside of the area of "impulse buy" and the inevitable comparisons to the Apple iPod Touch - I know, I know, different market, item, sector, purpose, et al... but the average consumer won't see that until much, much later and usually it's places run by enthusiasts, like this site for instance, that do a lot of educating for those types if they seek it out - and it's going to sit on the shelves this Winter until Spring.
And by that time, the increased rumors of the N900 will steal possible sales from this machine.
I'm from from typical consumer, but equally distant from early adopter and the price on this item has me on the fence of "wait and see" if the price does drop a bit, or nab a N800 for as cheaply as I did my 770. Or wait for the N900... or see if Apple improves the iPhone (different item/gadget/purpose, I know already) or the iPod Touch.
Either way, the price increase is only being understood by the enthusiasts... not by the people that they need to be targeting... more consumers.
That's just my personal opinion. But one I'm willing to stick to...
, 12:57
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Yeah, 80 bucks more expensive.
Components added: GPS ($30 retail), 2 GB flash (necessary for holding those maps, $20), slider keyboard (price unknown).
The retail price is comprehensible: indeed, it makes perfect sense, but I suspect it's going in the wrong direction for widescale adoption.
, 13:04
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@ Washington DC
, 13:42
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the price difference is too great between the n800 and the n810 though. If retailers hadn't started dropping the price on the n800, then yes, it makes sense that there's that little bit of a gap. But the difference between 240 (buy.com price) and 480 is a big gap. wait, its twice as much!
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As for pricing themselves out of the market, I don't think they're worried. The N810/N800 is still not a consumer device. I think it's still closer to a geek device than a consumer device, but it's moving that direction, just not there yet.
I don't think they've priced themselves out of anything, personally. Hell, a standalone GPS unit with a 4" touchscreen alone is at least $400. Much less everything else included.