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Since I never purchased the N800, the price drop is making me seriously consider getting THAT.

My main complaints about the N800 was the adding of the second speaker, which I think was pure marketing BS. Unfortunately, so the marketing dept could say "stereo speakers", it make the unit too big.

The 810 is back down to a nice, svelte size but I have a BT keyboard and while GPS is nice, I'm not sure it is worth $200 to me.

The test will come when I head on down to Fry's Electronics and hold the two units in my hand. I want to feel the heft and compare the sizes before I make a final decision.
Greyghost's Avatar
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I probably will not get the N810 because I love my N800 so much and don't see any improvement in the new tablet that makes it worth the purchase price right now. I don't use GPS, and if I did, I'd like get one of the BT receivers and use the new MeamoMapper 2.0 that is soon to be released

The keyboard is not something I'd use. I thought the N800 was quite innovative for not bothering with a tiny useless bit o breakable hardware, and still think so. For the last 8 momths, I didn't even need the keyboard! I just bought the Apple BT and now I have the perfect combo.

No, what I really want is the 2008 OS, and here's the great part: since I already own the N800 I don't have to buy anything to get a 'new' device! Ok so it's not really going to be new, but the improvements in user interface customization look very promising to me. I love to mess around with that s**t!

I may not be the 'typical' user, but the group here is so diverse, I think there isn't such a beast, and that Nokia's got it right by offering both. I'm even thinking of getting another N800 now that the price is down! Then I could at least have a video chat w/myself
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Ocean City
I feel as though the N800 is not complete yet; can not log into my SIRIUS account online.
Many web sites are inaccessible to the N800.

They will not fool me again with a product that truly can not "surf" the Internet.
As a media player it fails also.
mrlanrat's Avatar
Posts: 292 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Ill probably get one. or mabey a N800 since they went down in price....
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I don't think so. Although they appear to have added some useful features, placing the D-pad on the pullout drawer is a major misfire, IMO, along with the loss of an expansion port (regardless of expanded internal memory) and still no return of the hard cover.

Plus, unless I've missed it (quite possible since I've been ill today), I don't see any mention of the 770 in the OS upgrade plans. If it's the case that Nokia will leave that installed base in the dust (with an OS that frequently crashes and locks, at least for me), then it doesn't speak well for their customer relations and I'm not interested in sharing any more of my money with them.

Oh yeah, and I think that silly stand looks like something that will get in the way more often than it gets used.

Last edited by boblinds; 2007-10-18 at 05:44.
benny1967's Avatar
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Certainly not. The keyboard is a waste of space - it could have been so much smaller and lighter without it; there could have been full-size SD-slots and mini-USB...

The most annoying thing, however, is that again there is no hard cover, so this is not a mobile internet device. I'm doing fine with my 770. Thank you very much.

(I really wonder if my next mobile device will be a Nokia IT, they're getting worse from model to model; it seems other companies are getting ready to bring similar GNU/Linux-based products to the market. Maybe one of them will do better.)
Posts: 220 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Nov 2005
I'll be buying one. I love having a physical keyboard, GPS is a nice bonus and something I wouldn't normally buy separately. The lack of the extra memory card slot is an issue but a 4 gig miniSD card would give me more storage than I have at the moment anyway.

Plus I don't have to get rid of my N800 either. I think I'll start hacking it. Maybe install KDE.
lavo's Avatar
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Perth, Australia
Interestingly, the N800 in Australia is $579AUS. Doing an exchange rate calc, the N810 from the US will cost around $540AUS plus shipping.

Which would be a better way to go? Or get a N800 direct from the US?
ysss's Avatar
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I love hardware keyboards and onboard gpses. N810 is definitely a must buy for me, if not for the 'missing' SD slot because I bought a couple of 8GB cards along with my N800 order from Amazon a few months ago.

If it shows tangible improvement in processing speed and response time, I'd definitely order one though.
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Finland
not yet this one. I have a 770. Next internettablet I shall buy has to include internal HSDPA for mobile internet connection
N900 as day to day phone
N770 for childrens music

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