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Originally Posted by Chainsaw76
Has anyone gotten a copy of wget for the 770? The Maemo Wiki pages suggest to get it from a specific distro, but for the life of me I couldn't find wget.
I don't know Slackware but for other non-GUI command-line tools (or daemons) I've had some success with Debian ARM binaries.

First you need to find your way through the debian binary packages repository, which can be confusing. Here's a hint :

Then download the binary package for the ARM platforms (of which the 770 is one), here :

Although theses packages end in .deb they don't work with the maemo installer which needs a specific repackaging. The maemo python pages explain how you can unpack them though, *if you are "root"* :

dpkg -X some-package.deb /
(note trailing slash...)

This will put all necessary files in the right places but may not do some things that the installer would (like creating users etc.) so there may be additional steps left up to you (--> RTFM :-).

I have done this successfully for Privoxy (also on the Maemo wiki wish list) and am in the process of documenting it in the wiki here.

Good luck,
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Thanks that got me closer. I got it and got it unpacked/installed.. Now I have to hunt down dependencies.. ""

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Firmware release 3.2005-51-13 shut down browser caching. Prior to updating, I I had been quickly browsing sites such as slashdot or BBC News before heading to the bus stop, then using the back arrow during the comute. Since the update, mucking with opera.ini made it sort of work again, though wasn't able to get the slashdot page to cache properly.
I think the ideal would be to have caching normally off, but a browsor icon
to store the current page to rsmmc flash. Should be a configuration menu to indicate how deep into the page to cache. Also a momentary popup indication of how many of the most recently selected pages fit into the space allocated for cache.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Chainsaw76
Thanks that got me closer. I got it and got it unpacked/installed.. Now I have to hunt down dependencies.. ""
In a fit of actualy "thinking" I decided to grab an older version of wget and install that (under the assumption it was linked against an older version of libssl. and *yay* it was. For anyone looking for it its:
wget_1.9.1-12_arm.deb and install it with the instructions above.


__________________ - Google maps sized for the 770 @ 150% - scroll below the map for features - Google UK maps - Pan and Zoom only. - Random Nokia 770 notes.
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@ desktop:

Chainsaw: Did you have a comment or just busting chops?
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Just busting chops.

__________________ - Google maps sized for the 770 @ 150% - scroll below the map for features - Google UK maps - Pan and Zoom only. - Random Nokia 770 notes.
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
@ desktop:

OK, so long as I know.
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Scrapbook looks good. I'll have to try that out.

The save feature built into the 770 is not much use if you have many pages or an entire day of forum posts you would like to read offline.

Another app that looks great so far is I just downloaded and am planning on saving some forums I frequent for offline reading. (including this one)

The nice thing is you can set up saved downloads and run them on your PC when you are ready to go somewhere. It even saves dynamic pages and multiple websites in one go.

You can then copy them wireless or via usb cable to your 770 for offline reading later.

Hopefully someone will eventually create a solution that can be run directly from the 770.


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