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Yes, I like having the N800 separate. I tether it to my BBerry when I need to, but prefer the WiFi when it's available. And the N800 makes it easy for me to choose the connection.

Of it helps that the company I work for pays for the Tmobile data plan -- unlimited data here in the US. It's funny, voice minutes are limited, but data is unlimited (unless I travel outside the US, then it's REALLY expensive for data).
N800 still w/Chinook paired to BlackBerry 8800 on Tmobile
oh, and . . .
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Originally Posted by Jupex View Post
I went and bought an Ipod touch. I really like the device and ever since I got it, my n800 has been totally useless. I have used it ocasionally, when there is flash content I really must see, or I am not in the wifi coverage. But now that I have seen "the light" I really want an Iphone. The video quality is excellent, the mp3 playback is really smooth. Not to mention the excellent mail application included. Also the has brought nice apps to use. Not to mention the possibilities that the SDK will bring.
Its nice to see your enthusiasm and unbridled euphoria - albeit for such a tied down device. I mean this topic has been beat to death - but still once agin, let me show a little bit of my enthusiasm for the Nokia N810 with some reasoning.

To start off with your poinnt - a N810 with a USB cable and a phone for 3G connectivity and you are set with your all in one device to carry around. Yes, its one more deive extra I admit.

The 3G over BT is much better and faster than edge on the iPhone. (lets not bring up iPhone with 3G untill we really see it for now).

N810 has VoIP fucntionality (with Video) which I regularly use over Wifi and over 3G.

The N810 offers as good a media player experience as the iPhone without the lock in of ITunes and iTunes synchronisation.

A built in GPS to compliment your in-car media player.

PIM while weak at the moment does suffice, and with constant internet connectivity, I have all my online PIM apps at hand.

Full featured browser with full Flash support (no Flast lite for Nokia users).

I see that the Nokia N810 offers much more than rather casual usage - I at least use it regularly as well as other users here. Most iPhone users I know have said they manily use it online when they have Wifi coverage and not so much with Edge coverage.

So ultimately its not really a religious war , but what suits whom.
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
1. the nokia also can be charged via a usb cable.
Is that true?
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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
Is that true?

Not through the MicroUSB port, but it's true that Nokia offers the CA-100, which has a USB plug on one end and one of the small-barrel power plugs at the other end. So yes, but not what you're thinking. It cannot be powered and synced/data transfer with the same cord.
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Originally Posted by nilchak View Post
The N810 offers as good a media player experience as the iPhone without the lock in of ITunes and iTunes synchronisation.

So ultimately its not really a religious war , but what suits whom.
It is only not a holy war if you stick to facts. Whereas I don't care if someone uses a IT or an iPhone, if you are going claim it isn't a holy war then try to make sure it isn't.

What is this 'lock in of iTunes and iTunes synchronisation'?
Several applications can put tunes on an iPhone/iPod, and noone has to use iTunes synchronisation if they don't have to. I have an iPod - I have never used iTunes synchronisation (as I put on songs from many computers).
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Oh, what the heck, I'll help beat the topic to death to make my one point, in the hope that it will somehow get to Nokia. If you take a close look at Jupex's post you get to:

"the main reason for this switch is the calendar"

I really think that the failure to develop and include a PIM, just on the level of Palm's, is Nokia's biggest marketing blunder. (That and failure to give the things a memorable, common name, like "Blackberry" or "iPhone".)

That said, I love my N800 but I do envy the quality of Apple's touchscreens (they don't look better -- I prefer the IT's size and pixel-count -- but the Apples' touch-sensitivity is far superior).
. .

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Originally Posted by GeraldKo View Post
I really think that the failure to develop and include a PIM, just on the level of Palm's, is Nokia's biggest marketing blunder.
There are several 3rd party community solutions that are really quite nice (GPE and Pimlico), and people will have to face the reality at some point that A. This really isn't as big of an issue as many people make it out to be and B. Good software is not a fungi.

I say again, as I've said far too many times before, time, personnel and money to develop a good PIM suite are not free, and any of these things invested into PIM take away from other areas of the platform.

The PIM argument is a tired and stupid one. If you want PIM, install one of the excellent PIM packages available or buy yourself a Palm.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
There are several 3rd party community solutions that are really quite nice (GPE and Pimlico), and people will have to face the reality at some point that A. This really isn't as big of an issue as many people make it out to be and B ...

The PIM argument is a tired and stupid one. If you want PIM, install one of the excellent PIM packages available or buy yourself a Palm.
Can't disagree more! I don't mind installing apps, but the fact is that the ITs would, *for many people*, be excellent *right out of the box* if it just had a PIM.

General Antilles, you're an adept at Linux. I'm not, but I've learned plenty on this forum and I've got an extremely capable N800 now, but from doing weeks and weeks of work to make it that way. I have the time, and this stuff is fun for me.

There are plenty of people, however, who do not have the time, the inclination, or the natural facility. Personally, I wish many such people were buying the NITs and were happy with their purchase. For one thing, that would give me confidence that the Tablets had sufficient sales for Nokia to keep making them. Also, if there were more sales, then the time and money expended by Nokia to do the other improvements to which you refer would be amortized over a bigger base,, and Nokia could do more (and faster) of the type of development that you applaud.

A larger base might also mean things like websites that are NIT-optimized just like there are websites now that present formats that are specifically iPhone-friendly.

Yeah, those people could go buy a Palm, as you suggest, but I'd rather see more NIT sales. And if I were one of "those people," I'd be disappointed with a Palm as the Palm can't do a fraction of what the NIT can do, as I say, "right out of the box." Except for Nokia's failure to include a good, simple PIM app, there is no reason that people couldn't have the great things the Tablet can do *and* the PIM that you say they ought to buy in a Palm. They could have their cake and eat it, too.

To me, this is a marketing issue, not a personal one. I don't even have a PIM on my Tablet as I don't have that busy a life, and nothing exists that, for my tastes, can replace my chosen EccoPro PIM (which I run on a PC).

Actually, you unintentionally concede my point when you say, "This really isn't as big of an issue as many people make it out to be." That's the marketing problem: it's something that many people find to be a big issue.

Off-topic part: (Yes, EccoPro, the development of which was abandoned in 1995, or 1997 sort of, has a cult following, too. Linux purists aren't the only software cult, even if their community is the most vibrant and amazing.) (BTW, if you're interested, EccoPro runs under WINE, and it's distributed freely on the 'net. Or I'll post it if anyone wants it and can't find it.)

EDIT: BTW, that's how I got my N800 on eBay. The original purchaser wasn't able to get the PIM functionality he needed (even if you, GA, would have been able to do it for him; or even if he could have done it had he persisted; or ... ) He had tried with Garnet and then gave up. (And the way Garnet uses screen space, I don't blame him on that score.)
. .

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Last edited by GeraldKo; 2008-03-24 at 02:27.

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