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barry99705's Avatar
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So is it in-vid-e-ah, or neh-vid-e-ah?? I pronounce it the first way, buddy of mine pronounces it the second. Every game that I've played pronounces it the first as well.
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Ah, so is the medium length "o" pronounced: No-kia (as in "open", so the "No" sounds like the opposite of "yes"), or as I would say n-o-kia (as in the o from "odd" - the "n-o" sounding a bit like the start of the French "non", the opposite of "oui").

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From what I've read most Finns (and possibly Europeans, but certainly Brits and Aussies/Kiwis) would go with the pronunciation where "No" is pronounced as in the first three letters of "knock" so you have kno-key-ah while Americans say know-key-ah. All advertising I've seen, both local and internet (thus global?) based conforms with the Finnish/European/Aussie pronunciation. Hell, some Americans think Nokia is a Japanese company so perhaps no great surprise they have their own unique pronunciation!

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-11-18 at 22:30.
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I hear the Finns saying "nahk-ya"
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I hear the Finns saying "nahk-ya"
Not sure which pronunciation that comes closest to - the European or US way of saying it? My guess is the former, probably with a slight Finnish accent/twist to it It's kind of surprising how much this subject has been debated on the internet in the past... if only there were a definitive way of pronouncing Nokia as there is for Linux.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-11-19 at 05:52.
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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
if only there were a definitive way of pronouncing Nokia as there is for Linux.
This sounds like a job for Ari!
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I hear the Finns saying "nahk-ya"

I've heard them say "thahnk-ya"

What does it matter as long as we buy the product?

Nike actually changed the pronunciation of his family name to suit how consumers pronounced it. I guess after the first $1,000,000 it doesn't really matter. I think most folks now call him "Rich".
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
Nike actually changed the pronunciation of his family name to suit how consumers pronounced it.
A greek goddess changed pronounciation of her name because of consumer pressure? Wow.

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Originally Posted by krisse View Post
Can I just get on my soapbox here and let people know that Nokia is pronounced "noh-kia" (with a short "o" as in "golf").
Funny, I read "noh" and think of pronunciation as in "no". Doh!

Anyway, in business calls with Finnish Nokia employees, they always pronounce it "knock'ya" to my ears, with that delicate consonant pronunciation that Swedes and Finns bring to speech.

When I hear them (I've mostly mixed with Swedes) pronounce English with such delicate precision, I can't help but think native English speakers must sound guttural and lazy to their ears.
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Originally Posted by lardman View Post
Ah, so is the medium length "o" pronounced: No-kia (as in "open", so the "No" sounds like the opposite of "yes"), or as I would say n-o-kia (as in the o from "odd" - the "n-o" sounding a bit like the start of the French "non", the opposite of "oui").

I actually gave an example in the original post.

The "o" in Nokia is pronounced exactly like the "o" in Golf (more examples: Box, Mock, Sock etc.)

A lot of people mistakenly seem to stretch the "no" bit of Nokia, but you shouldn't, just like you shouldn't stretch the "go" bit of Golf.

Anyway, in business calls with Finnish Nokia employees, they always pronounce it "knock'ya" to my ears, with that delicate consonant pronunciation that Swedes and Finns bring to speech.
Yes, that's it! A much better way of writing it... thank you.

Nokia is correctly pronounced "knock'ya".

Another important issue dealt with.

What does it matter as long as we buy the product?
Doesn't matter a bit, but this IS the "off-topic" board.

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