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Originally Posted by sherifnix View Post
If you're obtaining your movies legally, then you should have no problem having them in the right format for the iPod/iPhone.

Ripping straight from DVD, I always choose h.264 since it plays on my PS3, xbox 360 and my iPhone.

If you happen to download them illegally, you just need a program like visual hub and it can batch convert movies and automatically load them into itunes for syncing.

Everything to do with video and audio is a PITA on the N800. Only linux nerds enjoy their media on these tablet devices.

For everything else, its quite decent... but don't confuse the N800/810 with a capable media player.
How about downloading a song or a movie clip or any other short clip which is about 50 megs from the internet?? what will you do with that after you download that??

i just download it remotely with my n800 directly from the browser and then play it with mplayer. With the touch it has to be converted so you cant watch it unless you get back to your computer and then convert it. It sucks to do that ...... atleast for me.
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
How about downloading a song or a movie clip or any other short clip which is about 50 megs from the internet?? what will you do with that after you download that??

i just download it remotely with my n800 directly from the browser and then play it with mplayer. With the touch it has to be converted so you cant watch it unless you get back to your computer and then convert it. It sucks to do that ...... atleast for me.
You'd be surprised by the amount of content that just plays via the built in quicktime plugin. Since the iPhone/iPod/PSP/PS3/Xbox360 all share the same format now, you can just click videos and they start playing. (MPEG4, h.264, mp3, aac, .wav, aiff)

There is obvious room for improvement, like being able to get podcasts on the iPhone directly, but I'm sure it will just be added to the iTunes client at some point.

You're right though, if its a divx movie... you can download it straight to your N800 and enjoy... assuming its a very low bitrate and low resolution.
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Most of the videos i download... especially highlights of cricket matches, or bollywood songs are mostly xvid. divx or avi. And if i want to download anthing from youtube for offline viewing then i can download flv files. although they are not good quality.
So for me these files can be directly played on the n800.

If you are talking actually about converting videos why not use the media converter and from there i dont understand why the iphone/touch is better than the n800?? Of course the ui is prettier. that is where it ends.

I understand that mplayer does not have a pretty ui.... but it gets the work done. That is what matters...... for me atleast.
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Originally Posted by mjparker75 View Post
I have an N800 and an Iphone. I'm not sure if I'm just not savvy enough, but it always seems to be a hassle for me to get video (video podcasts, youtube, newscasts) to play seamlessly in the N800. There is usually a way to get it to work, but it takes an effort. On my iphone, it either works or it doesn't. I think that a lot more stuff has been shoehorned into an iphone/ipod touch format in the last 6 months because of the popularity of those devices.

It's strange. sitting here I can't decide which device I prefer. I love my N800. The internet is crystal clear, the mapping software is great, the music players are great, it has GAMES. The Iphone though, is just so simple and user-friendly.

I've had my N800 for months, and my wife and my mother picked it up for ten minutes, got frustrated, and never touched it again. I can't get the iphone away from them.
I'm kind of having the same feeling here... Have a N800 since release and a iPhone for about 2 months. Im still stunned by the N800. Amazing what it can do. Awsome device! But the interface or the ease of use of the iPhone, it's just that easy.

What's my opinion:

Nokia N800 is the best internet device! (For me that's mainly at home / work, since i don't get it connected to other wifi's much of the time. But that'll probably be just me. I'm not a Linux expert, i'm a user.) Without Canola not much of a media player.

iPhone is a awsome media player so i guess the iPod touch is the same thing? No? Oke it also does internet. And I use it alot. But not as advanced or open as the N800. Thinking of stuff like uPnP, internet radio, RSS, ...

The devices towards other people: i'm having the same experiences. Nobody knows the N800 and they look at you as if you came from Mars. None of the people i know found intrest in the N800 or actually were able to do anything on it. But for the iPhone people just like to play with it. This is something Nokia and community should focus on. Ease of use for consumer market.
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Who of you guys who have an N800 and an iTouch can comment on battery life of each gadget ?

--assuming a fair comparisson, of course....kind of apples to apples in terms of use----

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I brought an extra battery for about 15$.(original). SO that gives you 2x power. Remember that this is an option just before you decide.
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-- iPod: no Ogg Vorbis support, and never-ever-likely-to-be.

+++ Nokia IT's: can add whatever support I care to install, port, or write.
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iPod? How about iCrap. Do the smart thing, get a Zune.
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Originally Posted by mfresh View Post
The only thing that the Touch is appreciably better than the N800 at is playing videos. As a handy pocket sized movie player it is great - far better than the N800, because there is no decent video playing software on the N800. Having said that, you have to convert everything to the right format for the Touch - you can;t play DivX etc....
Personally this is what I (and many others) dislike about the iPod/Touch products -- they want you to use certain media formats. I don't like how the devices are not open and that you are basically forced to use itunes to get stuff to/from the device. Also frustrating are the limited codecs which the ipod devices support.

If it weren't for the Apple name and the mighty marketing muscle, I don't know how the ipod ever became the smash hit it did. In terms of the devices, I don't even see what's so "cool" or sexy looking about them.

Please.. no offence to any apple folks here, I am just speaking from my own opinions.

Last edited by morrison; 2007-12-31 at 04:34.
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My 2 Cents..

I personally think that the N800 far succeeds the iPod touch for one reason and one reason only. The N800 is a learning tool. It is helping me learn a lot about Linux in general. But I'll tell you what, I took my N800 to a party last night and these people were absolutely drawn to it. They were absolutely blown away by GPS lol. I am the only one out of my group of friends that has not purchased an Apple product, whether it be an Ipod, Touch, Shuffle, Ibook, whatever.

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