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Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007
My Sprint 8830 handles DUN from my N810 just fine (BB plans on Sprint include tethering).

I'm still struggling to get my Treo 700p (with no DUN plan), which is still pre-MR (Palm released a firmware update for the 700p last summer), to connect to the N810. I read on, that someone was able to get their N800 to connect to their Treo 700p after updating the device.

EDIT: Just updated USBModem on my Treo 700p to v1.59 and now my Nokia N810 connects flawlessly. This is great as I can now travel on short duration trips across the country with a padfolio carrying my BB, Nokia, and a stowaway keyboard and still be able to watch movies, listen to music, manage email, and work on documents (once I install KDE and Koffice).

Last edited by tnnm; 2008-01-02 at 23:56. Reason: Update
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Glad you got it working. I think I will start out with the 770. What did you do to setup DUN with the 8830? As mentioned, I don't have a tablet yet, but I'd like to know what needs to be done for the Sprint 8830 connection when I receive mine. Thanks.

BTW, What kind of speeds do you get?
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I used the BT Phone option in the control panel to pair the two devices. You have to indicate in that application by the way, which phone you intend on using for each wireless carrier.

Speeds are just good. I can barely detect a difference between DUN and my 5mpbs cable connection and wireless G setup at home when browsing traditional webpages. It is certainly much slower when trying to view flash or download the WSJ as a pdf file. How much slower? I don't know, I don't have the bandwidth (oh my, see what I did there?) to go find out.
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I am having trouble after the modem is connected for a minute or so. I can pull up the initial site requested, but after that it seems the connection does not respond. On the blackberry it still shows modem mode enabled, but the data is not being passed?

Any ideas? There is an update for roaming/etc on verizon *something and I was wondering if there is an option for sprint.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I have verizon and 8830, I have had absolutely no luck getting mine to work. I have tried everything on these threads, called Nokia, called Verizon, but nothing. I am not willing to get another phone from another service just to get it working. Very disappointing. Someone from Verizon emailed me and said he was working on it a few days ago, but havent heard back from him. Mine enables for 2 seconds and just disappears.
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Do you pay for the tethering plan from VZW?

I got mine working (the data dropping) had to change the settings to a data call instead of the GPRS default.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Yes I pay for teather and it works fine with my usb cable and laptop. I tried making it a datacall as well, any other settingS?
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I am simply not getting "modem mode enabled". My bluetooth lights up, the arrow on BB goes red back and forth, but thats all.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I actually just got it too connect but it doesnt render any pages and comes up server not found after a bit
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2008
I had several of these problems tethering my N800 to VZW using the BB 8130. At the end of the day what ended up working was deleting all connections in the N800, both "cell setup" and bluetooth, and starting over again once the VZW rep added tethering to my plan.

Cautionary tale, though: it took her 25 minutes to figure out how to add tethering. So when you call... be warned.

Also, a question for other VZW users on 'berries: there are two base BB service plans, one for $30 and one for $45. Seems as though the only difference is BES access... correct? I can't get a straight answer out of anyone at VZW.

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